
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

The journal of education in perioperative medicine : JEPM


Authors: Chen RP, Tang J, Hill Weller LN, Boscardin CK, Ehie OA

PloS one


Authors: Tumwegamire A, Fatch R, Emenyonu NI, Lodi S, Muyindike WR, Kekibiina A, Adong J, Ngabirano C, Beesiga B, Marson K, Golabi N, Kamya M, Chamie G, Hahn JA

Digestive diseases and sciences


Authors: Wang CW, Lees CR, Ko MS, Sewell JL, Kathpalia P

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine


Authors: Calfee CS, Harhay MO, Schenck EJ, Ferguson ND, Heunks L, White D, Brochard LJ

Annals of internal medicine


Authors: Smith CC, Barton T, Berman R, Chida N, Steinberg KP, Yialamas M, Zaas A, DeMelo N, Katz JT

Journal of medical Internet research


Authors: Ganeshan S, Liu AW, Kroeger A, Anand P, Seefeldt R, Regner A, Vaughn D, Odisho AY, Mourad M

Surgical endoscopy


Authors: Pathak SJ, Avila P, Dai SC, Arain MA, Perito ER, Kouanda A

Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany)


Authors: Bicki AC, Seth D, McCulloch CE, Lin F, Ku E

Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology


Authors: Gordan JD, Kennedy EB, Abou-Alfa GK, Beal E, Finn RS, Gade TP, Goff L, Gupta S, Guy J, Hoang HT, Iyer R, Jaiyesimi I, Jhawer M, Karippot A, Kaseb AO, Kelley RK, Kortmansky J, Leaf A, Remak WM, Sohal DPS, Taddei TH, Wilson Woods A, Yarchoan M, Rose MG

Blood advances


Authors: Levis MJ, Perl AE, Schiller GJ, Fathi AT, Roboz GJ, Wang ES, Altman JK, Rajkhowa T, Ando M, Suzuki T, Subach RA, Maier G, Madden T, Johansen M, Cheung K, Kurman M, Smith CC