
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

Osteoarthritis Imaging


Authors: Michael T. Kuczynski, Justin J. Tse, Gurpreet Dhaliwal, Christina Hiscox, Martina Vergouwen, Neil J. White, Sarah L. Manske

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)


Authors: Hernandez AL, Hilton JF, Weatherly CS, Berry-Lawhorn JM, Jay N, Brickman C, Wang CJ, Kauffman J, Calderon J, Farhat S, Da Costa M, Akha AS, Darragh T, Palefsky JM

Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology


Authors: Blakely CM, Urisman A, Gubens MA, Mulvey CK, Allen GM, Shiboski SC, Rotow JK, Chakrabarti T, Kerr DL, Aredo JV, Bacaltos B, Gee M, Tan L, Jones KD, Devine WP, Doebele RC, Aisner DL, Patil T, Schenk EL, Bivona TG, Riess JW, Coleman M, Kratz JR, Jablons DM

The American journal of gastroenterology


Authors: Tapper EB, Goldberg D, Parikh ND, Terrault NA, Welch N, Sharpton S, Hameed B, Khalili M, Stolz A, Verna EC, Brown RS, Sanyal AJ, VanWagner L, Ladner DP, Moylan CA, Diehl AM, Jones PD, Loomba RC, Dasarathy S, Simonetto DA, Shah VH, Bajaj JS, LCN Study Group

The Journal of heart and lung transplantation : the official publication of the International Society for Heart Transplantation


Authors: Koyama T, Zhao Z, Balmes JR, Calfee CS, Matthay MA, Reilly JP, Porteous MK, Diamond JM, Christie JD, Cantu E, Ware LB, Lung Transplant Outcomes Group

Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus


Authors: Njie C, Richman C, Rebhun J, Achalu S, Kamal AN, Otaki F, Leiman DA, Kathpalia P

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society


Authors: Rambachan A, Neilands TB, Karliner L, Covinsky K, Fang M, Nguyen T

Cancer research


Authors: Shrestha R, Chesner LN, Zhang M, Zhou S, Foye A, Lundberg A, Weinstein AS, Sjöström M, Zhu X, Moreno-Rodriguez T, Li H, West Coast Prostate Cancer Dream Team SC, Alumkal JJ, Aggarwal R, Small EJ, Lupien M, Quigley DA, Feng FY

Lupus science & medicine


Authors: Gupta A, Johnson S, Barraclough M, Su J, Bingham K, Knight AM, Diaz Martinez JP, Kakvan M, Tartaglia MC, Ruttan L, Marzouk S, Wither J, Choi M, Bonilla D, Appenzeller S, Beaton D, Katz P, Green R, Touma Z



Authors: Fadadu RP, Solomon G, Balmes JR