Medical Students Program

The UCSF Department of Medicine Student Programs office runs a wide variety of core and elective courses, as well as clerkships for UCSF and visiting students at all four major participating hospital sites.

Additionally, the office provides career counseling, mentoring, and advising services for students interested in an internal medicine career.

Medical Student Program Courses

Third- and fourth-year courses

  • Medicine 110 — Eight-week inpatient medicine offered at Moffitt/Long, SFGH and SFVAMC. Students also participate in the Standardized Patient Program on End of Life Care issues. The goals for Medicine 110 are:
    • Perform a complete admission history and physical examination
    • Select and interpret appropriate diagnostic tests
    • Develop an assessment/differential diagnosis, based on H & P, lab data
    • Write up each admission
    • Give a complete new admission oral presentation in seven minutes max
    • Follow the patient daily throughout the hospital stay
      • Perform focused daily H and P, interpret relevant tests
      • Present the patient in SOAP format on daily rounds, with updated problem list
      • Participate in discharge planning
      • Communicate with patients and families about the hospital experience and their perspective on their care
  • Medicine 110 Course Objectives
  • Med 140.01: The medicine acting internship is offered at Moffitt-Long, ZSFG, SFVAMC, Kaiser East Bay and UCSF Fresno. All medical students are required to complete the four-week medicine acting internship rotation in order to graduate. The goals for the acting intern are:
    • Assume primary responsibility for patient, including new emphasis on communication, coordination of care, and information management
    • Develop comfort in being first-call for ward patients, including learning how to assess and manage common on-call
    • Develop efficiency and effectiveness in prioritizing tasks on multiple patients

Senior electives: 42 medicine electives are offered to fourth-year medical students which include Cardiology, Pulmonary Medicine, Infectious Disease, GI, and one for students interested in quality improvement and patient safety.


Career Advising

UCSF students match very well in internal medicine at the top programs in the country. Medicine career advisors and residency directors meet with students and help in their planning and application process. Names of career advisors can be found on i-rocket under Clinical Core, Beyond Medicine 110.

Visiting Student Program: 27 fourth-year block electives offered for visiting students at nine hospital sites throughout the Bay Area.

For more information and application, click on the link below.

Visiting Students