
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

Prostate international


Authors: Uemura H, Satoh T, Tsumura H, Arai G, Imanaka K, Shibayama K, Fujii K, Rooney B, Lopez-Gitlitz A, Espina B, Perez-Ruixo C, Small EJ, Smith M

Lancet (London, England)


Authors: Kuderer NM, Choueiri TK, Shah DP, Shyr Y, Rubinstein SM, Rivera DR, Shete S, Hsu CY, Desai A, de Lima Lopes G, Grivas P, Painter CA, Peters S, Thompson MA, Bakouny Z, Batist G, Bekaii-Saab T, Bilen MA, Bouganim N, Larroya MB, Castellano D, Del Prete SA, Doroshow DB, Egan PC, Elkrief A, Farmakiotis D, Flora D, Galsky MD, Glover MJ, Griffiths EA, Gulati AP, Gupta S, Hafez N, Halfdanarson TR, Hawley JE, Hsu E, Kasi A, Khaki AR, Lemmon CA, Lewis C, Logan B, Masters T, McKay RR, Mesa RA, Morgans AK, Mulcahy MF, Panagiotou OA, Peddi P, Pennell NA, Reynolds K, Rosen LR, Rosovsky R, Salazar M, Schmidt A, Shah SA, Shaya JA, Steinharter J, Stockerl-Goldstein KE, Subbiah S, Vinh DC, Wehbe FH, Weissmann LB, Wu JT, Wulff-Burchfield E, Xie Z, Yeh A, Yu PP, Zhou AY, Zubiri L, Mishra S, Lyman GH, Rini BI, Warner JL, COVID-19 and Cancer Consortium

Preventive medicine reports


Authors: Ponce J, Yuan H, Schillinger D, Mahmood H, Lee M, Falbe J, Daniels R, Madsen KA

International journal of pediatric endocrinology


Authors: Walch AM, Cobb CE, Tsaih SW, Cabrera SM

The American journal of medicine


Authors: Kennedy VE, Leavitt A, Cornett P

AIDS (London, England)


Authors: Kabami J, Balzer LB, Saddiki H, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Atukunda M, Charlebois ED, Clark TD, Koss CA, Ruel T, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Musoke P, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Chamie G

Annals of the American Thoracic Society


Authors: Berger CA, Alipanah N, Kheir F, Ruminjo JK, Nahid P, Thomson C

JCO precision oncology


Authors: Batalini F, Moulder SL, Winer EP, Rugo HS, Lin NU, Wulf GM

Volume 16 | MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources


Authors: Insetta ER, Christmas C