Authors: Davis J, Scheinman MM, Ruder MA, Griffin JC, Herre JM, Finkebeiner WE, Chin MC, Eldar M
The American journal of physiology
Authors: Teitelbaum AP, Nissenson RA, Zitzner LA, Simon K
The Yale journal of biology and medicine
Authors: Biondi JW, Hines RL, Barash PG, Baker CC, Matthay MA, Matthay RA
The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology
Authors: Becker AB, Chung KF, McDonald DM, Lazarus SC, Frick OL, Gold WM
Critical care medicine
Authors: Rosenberg J, Pentel P, Pond S, Benowitz N, Olson K
The American review of respiratory disease
Authors: Slutkin G, Perez-Stable EJ, Hopewell PC
The American journal of medicine
Authors: Engel JN, Mellul VG, Goodman DB
Obstetrics and gynecology
Authors: Ernster VL, Cummings SR
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Authors: McKay RG, Miller MJ, Ferguson JJ, Momomura S, Sahagian P, Grossman W, Pasternak RC
The American journal of cardiology
Authors: Pratt CM, Gibson R, Boden W, Theroux P, Strauss H, Gheorghiade M, Capone R, Crawford M, Schlant R, Arensberg D