Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.
Parasites have established numerous strategies for evading host immunity. Such tactics promote persistence and chronicity-factors that favour completion of the life cycle and transmission to vectors or the environment. This volume explores many facets of the interaction between host and parasite that will be critical to the development of meaningful vaccines capable of interrupting what has been accomplished over centuries of co-evolution.
View on PubMed1997
A large proportion of heavy drinkers develop serious alcoholic liver disease. Susceptibility to alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis appears to be influenced by heredity, gender, diet, and co-occurring liver illness. Most alcoholic liver damage is attributed to alcohol metabolism. Liver injury may be caused by direct toxicity of metabolic by-products of alcohol as well as by inflammation induced by these by-products. Exposure of liver cells to bacterial toxins may contribute to liver disease. Escalating liver injury can lead to fibrosis and, ultimately, to cirrhosis. Increased understanding of the mechanisms of liver injury has led to innovative treatments for alcoholic liver disease, including the use of corticosteroids, antioxidants, antibiotics, and certain polyunsaturated fats.
View on PubMed1997
The objective was to determine if a cluster of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)-like illness had occurred among employees in two large state office buildings in northern California, and to identify risk factors for and features of fatiguing illness in this population.
case-control study.
Over 3300 current employees in two state office buildings and employees in a comparable "control" building. Information was collected on demographic and occupational variables, the occurrence of fatiguing illness for at least one month in the previous year, and the presence of 36 symptoms. A total of 3312 (82%) of 4035 employees returned questionnaires. Overall, 618 (18.7%) persons reported fatigue lasting at least one month; including 382 (11.5%) with fatigue of at least six months' duration and 75 (2.3%) with symptoms compatible with a CFS-like illness. Independent risk factors for fatigue lasting one month or longer were found to be Native American ethnicity (OR 2.4, CI 1.1,5.3), Hispanic ethnicity (OR 1.7, CI 1.3,2.3), female sex (OR 1.5, CI 1.2,1.9), gross household incomes of less than $50,000 (OR 1.3, CI 1.1,1.6), and less than a college education (OR 1.3, CI 1.1,1.6). Similar risks were observed for persons who reported fatigue lasting six months or longer. Female sex (OR 3.2, CI 1.7, 6.4) was the only independent risk factor found for those persons classified as having a CFS-like illness. Case prevalence rates for all three categories of fatigue, as determined by multivariate analysis, were not significantly different among buildings. Despite finding a substantial number of employees with fatiguing illness in the two state office buildings, the prevalence was not significantly different than that for a comparable control building. Previously unidentified risk factors for fatigue of at least one month and at least six months identified in this population included Hispanic ethnicity, not having completed college, and income below $50,000.
View on PubMed1997