
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes and human retrovirology : official publication of the International Retrovirology Association


Authors: Hoff CC, Stall R, Paul J, Acree M, Daigle D, Phillips K, Kegeles S, Jinich S, Ekstrand M, Coates TJ

Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirrology


Authors: Hoff C, Stall R, Acree M, Daigle D, Paul J, Kegeles SM, Ekstrand M, Coates TJ

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine


Authors: Stansell JD, Osmond DH, Charlebois E, LaVange L, Wallace JM, Alexander BV, Glassroth J, Kvale PA, Rosen MJ, Reichman LB, Turner JR, Hopewell PC

Journal of clinical immunology


Authors: Blanco I, Kawatsu R, Harrison K, Leichner P, Augustine S, Baranowska-Kortylewicz J, Tempero M, Colcher D

Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology


Authors: Small EJ, Vogelzang NJ

Health affairs (Project Hope)


Authors: Grumback K, Vranizan K, Bindman AB

American heart journal


Authors: Kalman JM, Fitzpatrick AP, Olgin JE, Chin MC, Lee RJ, Scheinman MM, Lesh MD

Advances in internal medicine


Authors: Malloy MJ, Kane JP

Kidney international


Authors: Sabolic I, Brown D, Gluck SL, Alper SL