DOM In the News

Read about how the Department of Medicine is responding to the outbreak of the coronavirus respiratory illness COVID-19. See related COVID-19 publications.

bob wachter on the mehdi hasan show

Should the U.S. Delay 2nd Dose to Prioritize 1st Dose for More Americans

The Medhi Hasan Show |

Bob Wachter was interviewed on The Medhi Hasan Show advocating for the delay of the second dose of vaccine so that more people can receive a first dose.

AstraZeneca vaccine

Are some Covid-19 vaccines more effective than others?

SF Gate |

Monica Gandhi was quoted in the SF Gate explaining how vaccines protect individuals from severe disease and prevent hospitalization and death. 


Governor Gavin Newsom wearing a mask

Do Californians really need to wear masks after June 15?

SF Gate |

Monica Gandhi and George Rutherford were quoted in the SF Gate discussing when the mask-mandate should be lifted.  

receptionist receiving 2nd dose of vaccine

These are the metrics that will tell us when we can safely lift restrictions

Washington Post |

Monica Gandhi co-wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post about how cases per day, hospitalizations per 100,000, and seven-day average of deaths are three key metrics to help us know when to begin to lift restrictions.

covid vaccine being prepared

For the unvaccinated, this might be the most dangerous time in the pandemic, Bay Area experts say

San Francisco Chronicle |

Bob Wachter was quoted in the SF Chronicle describing how this might be the most dangerous time in the pandemic for unvaccinated people because the virus is more infectious now than when it was circulating in 2020. 

sf gate logo

These are the metrics that will tell us when we can safely lift restrictions

SF Gate |

Monica Gandhi co-wrote an article in the SF Gate describing when restrictions might be lifted without sparking new surges. 

drive through vaccination site

Like scoring Elvis tickets: Joe Biden has vowed vaccine eligibility for all as of April 19. Can you snag a spot when the floodgates open?

USA Today |

Bob Wachter was quoted in a USA Today article about the inefficiencies in the U.S. vaccination program, believing vaccine supply will outstrip demand by May.

making sure tables are socially distanced

California Could Fully Reopen June 15 If Vaccine Supply Remains Steady

Capradio |

Bob Wachter and George Rutherford were quoted in a Capradio article about their optimism for California’s reopening if the vaccine supplies remain steady. 

travelers head for hawaii

Yes, you can travel, but please don't: What's going on with the CDC's mixed messaging

San Francisco Chronicle |

Bob Wachter and Monica Gandhi were quoted in the SF Chronicle about CDC’s mixed messaging on air travel and recommending a need for a new framework during this transitional time. 

Chase Center with fans in attendance before the pandemic

With virus rates low, Californians eager to return to events

SF Gate |

Bob Wachter was quoted in the SF Gate describing the challenges over the use of vaccine passports. 

scientist processing samples from people suspected of having Covid-19

What to know about new virus detected in India that's in SF Bay Area

SF Gate |

Peter Chin-Hong was quoted in the SF Gate expressing optimism that current vaccines are effective against the Indian variants. 

diagram of states to remove masking mandates

When will California lift its mask mandate? History says now is not the time

San Francisco Chronicle |

Monica Gandhi and George Rutherford were quoted in the SF Chronicle describing how the mask mandate may be lifted in a couple of months after everyone is eligible for vaccines, but masks-wearing may remain in regular use. 

SF Giants' mascot Lou Seal in the stand with cardboard cutouts

Is the San Francisco Giants' fan attendance Covid policy overly cautious? We asked some experts.

SF Gate |

Monica Gandhi and George Rutherford were quoted in the SF Gate discussing the San Francisco Giants’ Covid-19 policies for fans in attendance. 

firefighters ride a socially distanced roller coaster

Experts rate the risk of activities reopening in the Bay Area

San Francisco Chronicle |

Peter Chin-Hong and Nathan Lo were quoted in the SF Chronicle weighing in on the risk and benefits of activities as the Bay Area becomes less restrictive on what residents and businesses can do. 

patient receiving 2nd dose of Pfizer

How long will your coronavirus vaccination last? Here's what we know about immunity so far

San Francisco Chronicle |

Monica GandhiJay Levy, and Melanie Ott were quoted in the SF Chronicle hypothesizing that the vaccines could give a year of good immunity, possibly multiple years, but that won’t be known until more lab research is conducted.