DOM In the News
Read about how the Department of Medicine is responding to the outbreak of the coronavirus respiratory illness COVID-19. See related COVID-19 publications.

American Kids Can Wait
The Atlantic |
Monica Gandhi and Vinay Prasad co-wrote an op-ed in The Atlantic urging the U.S. to delay shots for children until global vaccine-manufacturing capacity significantly expands and the crisis in India subsides.

Is it safe to travel to destinations with Covid-19 surges?
SF Gate |
Peter Chin-Hong, Monica Gandhi, and George Rutherford were quoted in SF Gate explaining the risks in traveling to destinations where cases are surging.

US Teens Can Get Their Covid Shot. What’s Next for Schools?
Wired |
Monica Gandhi was quoted in a Wired article commending the timely opportunity to vaccinate teens, which could make it easier for schools to reopen in the fall.

Bay Area is close to herd immunity. But we may never get there
San Francisco Chronicle |
Jay Levy, George Rutherford, and Kirsten Bibbing-Domingo were featured in the SF Chronicle describing the challenges of reaching herd immunity, despite the Bay Area’s high vaccination rates.

Can I switch to a different COVID vaccine brand if booster shots are needed?
San Francisco Chronicle |
Monica Gandhi was quoted in the SF Chronicle responding to a reader’s question about the efficacy of the Moderna vaccine, stating that the efficacy of the vaccine in the real world is likely even higher than in the clinical trials.

Should I wear my mask outdoor dining? The new, post-vaccine etiquette for eating in restaurants
SF Gate |
Monica Gandhi was quoted in SF Gate describing post-vaccine etiquette and common courtesy for people dining at restaurants.

How to Narrow the Digital Divide in U.S. Health Care
Harvard Business Review |
Sarah Lisker, Courtney Lyles, and Urmimala Sarkar wrote an op-ed in Harvard Business Review about how the Covid-19 pandemic revealed disparities in healthcare access, which disproportionately affected patients from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

Will you stop wearing a mask outdoors? Here's what 4 COVID experts say they're doing
San Francisco Chronicle |
Peter Chin-Hong and Monica Gandhi were quoted in the SF Chronicle with other infectious diseases experts about where it does or doesn’t make sense to them to wear a mask.

CDC report says California variant may cause more serious illness
SF Gate |
Peter Chin-Hong was quoted in SF Gate explaining how there are no immediate concerns for the California variant, but unvaccinated individuals may be at a higher risk.

The Liberals Who Can’t Quit Lockdown
The Atlantic |
Monica Gandhi was featured in The Atlantic describing how when policymakers try to dictate the public’s behavior without any scientific justification, it erodes trust in public health.

Can California reach herd immunity before the rest of the country?
SF Gate |
Peter Chin-Hong, Monica Gandhi, and George Rutherford were quoted in the SF Gate explaining how the Bay Area may reach herd immunity before the rest of California and the U.S.

An S.F. scientist working on Covid just lost his mother in India to the virus. He's not alone
San Francisco Chronicle |
Monica Gandhi was quoted in the SF Chronicle on how bad the coronavirus is ravaging India.

Vaccinated and ready to hit the gym? Here's how to assess the risks.
SF Gate |
Monica Gandhi was quoted in the SF Gate explaining how she felt safe returning to the gym after receiving her vaccine shots but recommends people follow safety protocols until more of the population is vaccinated.

Vaccinated and ready to hit the gym? Here’s how to assess the risks.
Washington Post |
Monica Gandhi was quoted in the Washington Post encouraging vaccinated people to resume exercise routines and get back into the gym.

A boy with Covid died on a family trip to Hawaii. Should parents be worried?
San Francisco Chronicle |
Peter Chin-Hong was mentioned in the SF Chronicle describing a Covid-19 case, in which the child who died was likely under 5 years old since individuals over the age of 5 are tested upon arrival in Hawaii, per travel protocol.