Chair's Corner

John Murray

In Memoriam: Announcing the Death of John F. Murray, MD, Emeritus Professor of Medicine

Dear Colleagues:  John F. Murray, UCSF Emeritus Professor of Medicine, died in Paris on March 24 at the age of 92. The cause of death was, sadly and ironically, respiratory failure due to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS, a condition he helped define) – in this case caused by COVID-19. 
Maria Dall'Era

Announcing the appointment of Maria Dall’Era as Chief of the UCSF Health Division of Rheumatology

Dear Colleagues: Thank you all for your remarkable efforts during this difficult time. It’s nice to share some good news…
Meshell Johnson

Announcing the Appointment of Dr. Meshell Johnson as Chief of Pulmonary, Critical Care Medicine, and Sleep for the San Francisco VA

Dear Colleagues: We are thrilled to announce that Meshell Johnson, MD has accepted the position of Chief of Pulmonary, Critical Care Medicine, and Sleep for the San Francisco VA Health Care System. Dr. Johnson is Professor of Clinical Medicine at UCSF and a member of the SFVAHCS Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine/Sleep section.
January banner

The UCSF Department of Medicine in 2020: The Importance of Collaboration and Teamwork

UCSF, and our Department of Medicine, are storied organizations, and both have much to be proud of. Our role in the founding of the biotech industry, or in addressing the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and in areas ranging from medical education to patient safety to health disparities… I could go on and on. We are in an enviable position, unquestioned world leaders in the field of academic medicine.