Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Authors: Wisneski JA, Gertz EW, Neese RA, Gruenke LD, Craig JC
Authors: Aroesty JM, McKay RG, Heller GV, Royal HD, Als AV, Grossman W
Authors: Monrad ES, Baim DS, Smith HS, Lanoue A, Brauwald E, Grossman W
The American journal of physiology
Authors: Paulus WJ, Grossman W, Serizawa T, Bourdillon PD, Pasipoularides A, Mirsky I
Current problems in cardiology
Authors: Park RC, Crawford MH
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy
Authors: Sullam PM, Täuber MG, Hackbarth CJ, Chambers HF, Scott KG, Sande MA
Volume 142 of Issue 5 | The Western journal of medicine
Authors: Sheppard D
Biochemical and biophysical research communications
Authors: Karliner JS, Simpson PC, Taylor JE, Honbo N, Woloszyn W
The American journal of cardiology
Authors: Higgins CB, Byrd BF, Stark D, McNamara M, Lanzer P, Lipton MJ, Schiller NB, Botvinick E, Chatterjee K
The American journal of cardiology
Authors: Borow KM, Come PC, Neumann A, Baim DS, Braunwald E, Grossman W