
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

The American journal of physiology


Authors: Hall JL, Stanley WC, Lopaschuk GD, Wisneski JA, Pizzurro RD, Hamilton CD, McCormack JG

Health services research


Authors: Osmond DH, Vranizan K, Schillinger D, Stewart AL, Bindman AB

Journal of cardiac failure


Authors: Gutstein DE, Flemmal K, Bruce E, Travers KE, Gwathmey JK, Ransil BJ, Markis JE, Grossman W, Morgan JP

Journal of the American College of Cardiology


Authors: Viskin S, Heller K, Barron HV, Kitzis I, Hamdan M, Olgin JE, Wong MJ, Grant SE, Lesh MD

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism


Authors: Grunfeld C, Pang M, Shigenaga JK, Jensen P, Lallone R, Friedman J, Feingold KR

Annals of internal medicine


Authors: Schambelan M, Mulligan K, Grunfeld C, Daar ES, LaMarca A, Kotler DP, Wang J, Bozzette SA, Breitmeyer JB

Tubercle and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease


Authors: Sweet-Cordero EA, Chambers HF, Cicero-Sabido R, Santos-Preciado JI

Volume 44 of Issue 6 | Gastrointestinal endoscopy


Authors: Vandervoort J, Weiss EJ, Somnay K, Tham TC, Wong RC, Carr-Locke DL

Volume 70 of Issue 12 | Journal of virology


Authors: Tie F, Adya N, Greene WC, Giam CZ