Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.)
Authors: Venook AP
Authors: Sechi LA, Ceriello A, Griffin CA, Catena C, Amstad P, Schambelan M, Bartoli E
Authors: Griffin CA, Giacchetti G, Schambelan M, Sechi LA
Rehabilitation R&D Progress Reports
Authors: Means KM, Rodell DE, O'Sullivan PS
Clinical Gerontologist
Authors: Wiseman EJ, Souder E, O'Sullivan P
Aging & mental health
Authors: Beck C, Heithoff K, Baldwin B, Cuffel B, O'Sullivan P, Chumbler NR
Cytogenetics and cell genetics
Authors: Vogt PH, Affara N, Davey P, Hammer M, Jobling MA, Lau YF, Mitchell M, Schempp W, Tyler-Smith C, Williams G, Yen P, Rappold GA
Bacillary angiomatosis and other unusual infections in HIV infected individuals
Authors: Koehler, J.E.
Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases
Authors: Abbott RC, Chomel BB, Kasten RW, Floyd-Hawkins KA, Kikuchi Y, Koehler JE, Pedersen NC
Behavioral sciences & the law
Authors: Satterfield JM, Monahan J, Seligman ME