Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.
This study evaluates the efficacy of two interventions designed to reduce loss-to-follow-up among women with abnormal Pap smears.
The two interventions were evaluated in two large public hospitals using a randomized 2 x 2 factorial design. One intervention involved an intensive follow-up protocol that relied on multiple attempts (mail and telephone) to contact the patient. The second intervention provided patients with economic vouchers to offset out-of-pocket expenses associated with the follow-up visits. Loss-to-follow-up was addressed by medical chart reviews and telephone interviews.
The study population (n = 1453) was primarily Hispanic, married or otherwise living with a significant other, relatively young in age, and with no source of payment for health care. Overall, 30% of the total sample was loss-to-follow-up (i.e., no return visits). Among patients assigned to the control condition, loss-to-follow-up was 36.1% compared with 27.8% for the intensive follow-up condition, 28.8% for the voucher condition, and 29.0% for the intensive follow-up plus voucher condition. Both intervention conditions significantly improved follow-up rates. The odds ratio for intensive follow-up was 1.56 compared with 1.50 for the voucher intervention. The combined intervention condition (intensive follow-up x voucher program) did not have a significant effect after taking into account the main effects of the two interventions. Correlates of loss-to-follow-up included age (younger women had lower return rates), race/ethnicity (African American women had lower return rates), live-in relationship (women who were not married or living as married had lower return rates), and severity of the abnormal Pap smear (less severe abnormalities were associated with lower return rates).
Both interventions were associated with moderate reductions in loss-to-follow-up in this underserved population. The implications of these findings are discussed relative to implementing cervical cancer control programs within state and local health departments.
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To examine the relationship between home life risk factors and suicide attempts among homeless and runaway street youth recruited from both shelters and street locations in Denver, CO; New York City; and San Francisco, CA.
Street youth 12-19 years old (N = 775) were recruited by street outreach staff in Denver, New York City and San Francisco in 1992 and 1993 and interviewed. Cross-sectional, retrospective data were analyzed to examine the relationship between suicide attempts and antecedent home life variables. Logistic regression was used to identify factors predicting suicide attempts.
Forty-eight percent of the females and 27% of the males had attempted suicide. The mean number of suicide attempts was 6.2 (SD = 12.9) for females and 5.1 for males (SD = 7.6). Among females, 70% reported sexual abuse and 35% reported physical abuse. Among males, 24% reported sexual abuse and 35% reported physical abuse. Sexual and physical abuse before leaving home were independent predictors of suicide attempts for females and males. Other home life factors hypothesized to be risk factors for suicide attempts were not significant. Interaction terms were not significant. Among street youth who were sexually or physically abused in this sample, the odds of attempting suicide were 1.9 to 4.3 times the odds of attempting suicide among those not sexually or physically abused.
Interventions attempting to reduce risky behaviors in this population must include assessments of suicidal behaviors as well as components for assisting youth in dealing with the behavioral and emotional sequelae of physical and sexual abuse.
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Prebeta-1 HDL is a molecular species of plasma HDL of approximately 67 kDa mass that contains apolipoprotein A-I, phospholipids, and unesterified cholesterol. It participates in a cyclic process involved in the retrieval of cholesterol from peripheral tissues. In this cycle, unesterified cholesterol from cells is incorporated into prebeta-1 HDL, providing a substrate for esterification of cholesterol by lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase. Prebeta-1 HDL then becomes incorporated into larger HDL species of alpha mobility as esterification proceeds and is regenerated during the transfer of cholesteryl esters from alpha HDL particles to acceptor lipoproteins. Thus the steady state level of prebeta-1 HDL in plasma reflects the relative efficiencies of the major metabolic processes involved in its generation and removal. We have used an isotope dilution technique to measure prebeta-1 HDL levels in the plasmas of 136 normolipidemic individuals (46 M, 90 F). The mean absolute concentration of prebeta-1 HDL as apolipoprotein A-I was 68 +/- 40 microg/ml for women, and 84 +/- 49 m/ml for men. Prebeta-1 HDL represented 5.5 +/- 3.3% of total apolipoprotein A-I in women, and 7.2 +/- 4.0% in men. The distributions of both absolute and percent prebeta-1 HDL are highly asymmetric, with skew toward higher values. However, the skew appears not to be attributable to either plasma cholesterol or triglyceride levels which are also skewed in population samples. The percent prebeta-1 HDL was negatively correlated with HDL cholesterol levels (P < 0.0001), whereas absolute levels of prebeta-1 HDL were positively correlated with apolipoprotein A-I and negatively correlated with HDL cholesterol (P, for both, < 0.0001). Multiple linear regression analysis revealed effects of age and gender, but no association with lipoprotein fractions other than HDL. Lower levels of prebeta-1 HDL were associated with female gender in all models.
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We sought to develop an index of flow dependence of valve area in aortic valve (AoV) stenosis and to determine whether this index is related to structural characteristics of the diseased valve.
Many studies of AoV stenosis using Gorlin or continuity equation methods have demonstrated flow dependence (an increase in valve area with increased flow). Variation in flow dependence between patients despite similar flow rates remains unexplained.
Dobutamine Doppler echocardiography was used to calculate flow rate and valve area by the continuity equation in 27 patients with aortic stenosis. For each patient the slope of the regression line of valve area to flow rate was determined (slope of flow dependence). Transesophageal echocardiography was used to evaluate features of valve morphology potentially related to the etiology of AoV stenosis and the mechanism of flow dependence.
Mean slope of flow dependence was 0.28 cm2/100 ml per s (range -0.06 to 0.53); flow dependence was significantly >0 in 21 patients and was lower for bicuspid valves (slope 0.21 cm2/100 ml per s) than for tricuspid valves with <10% commissural fusion (slope 0.35, p < 0.01). Off-center/ovoid orifices demonstrated the least flow dependence (slope 0.19), whereas star-shaped orifices showed the most (slope 0.36, p < 0.01). Greater flow dependence was related to a lower percentage of commissural fusion (r = -0.46, p = 0.02) as well as diffuse sclerosis, primarily involving the cusp bodies, rather than localized sclerosis, with involvement of cusp margins.
The slope of flow dependence of valve area in AoV stenosis differs markedly between patients. More flow dependence was associated with tricuspid valves and the morphologic features characteristic of calcific AoV stenosis, whereas less flow dependence was associated with bicuspid valves and the features of rheumatic disease.
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