Journal of chromatography. B, Biomedical sciences and applications
Authors: Jayewardene AL, Zhu F, Aweeka FT, Gambertoglio JG
The Journal of experimental medicine
Authors: Weber JR, Orstavik S, Torgersen KM, Danbolt NC, Berg SF, Ryan JC, Taskén K, Imboden JB, Vaage JT
Academic radiology
Authors: Brasch RC, Daldrup H, Shames D, Wendland M, Okuhata Y, Rosenau W
Authors: Fatenejad S, Bennett M, Moslehi J, Craft J
Authors: C. Garcia-Ruiz, T. Sempere, A. Saurí, A. Martinez, C. Peralta, A. Oliver
Pediatric research
Authors: Jonathan M Ellen, Nancy E Adler, Miranda B V Dunlop, Jill E Gurvey, Susan G Millstein, Jeanne M Tschann
Journal of Correctional Health Care
Authors: Abe M. Macher, Eric P. Goosby
Journal of general internal medicine
Authors: Covinsky KE, Rosenthal GE, Chren MM, Justice AC, Fortinsky RH, Palmer RM, Landefeld CS