Authors: Hausen B, Ikonen T, Briffa N, Berry GJ, Christians U, Robbins RC, Hook L, Serkova N, Benet LZ, Schuler W, Morris RE
The Journal of biological chemistry
Authors: Wissink S, Meijer O, Pearce D, van Der Burg B, van Der Saag PT
The Journal of biological chemistry
Authors: Oda Y, Tu CL, Chang W, Crumrine D, Kömüves L, Mauro T, Elias PM, Bikle DD
The New England journal of medicine
Authors: Yeghiazarians Y, Braunstein JB, Askari A, Stone PH
Authors: Havlir DV, Hellmann NS, Petropoulos CJ, Whitcomb JM, Collier AC, Hirsch MS, Tebas P, Sommadossi JP, Richman DD
Archives of internal medicine
Authors: Nevitt MC, Thompson DE, Black DM, Rubin SR, Ensrud K, Yates AJ, Cummings SR
AIDS (London, England)
Authors: Precious HM, Günthard HF, Wong JK, D'Aquila RT, Johnson VA, Kuritzkes DR, Richman DD, Leigh Brown AJ
Authors: Shojania KG, Wachter RM
Volume 101 of Issue 1 | Circulation
Authors: Smith SC, Amsterdam E, Balady GJ, Bonow RO, Fletcher GF, Froelicher V, Heath G, Limacher MC, Maddahi J, Pryor D, Redberg RF, Roccella E, Ryan T, Smaha L, Wenger NK
AIDS & public policy journal
Authors: Morin SF, Charlebois ED