Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology
Authors: Small EJ, Meyer M, Marshall ME, Reyno LM, Meyers FJ, Natale RB, Lenehan PF, Chen L, Slichenmyer WJ, Eisenberger M
Digestive diseases and sciences
Authors: Frank L, Kleinman L, Ganoczy D, McQuaid K, Sloan S, Eggleston A, Tougas G, Farup C
British journal of haematology
Authors: MacMillan ML, Auerbach AD, Davies SM, Defor TE, Gillio A, Giller R, Harris R, Cairo M, Dusenbery K, Hirsch B, Ramsay NK, Weisdorf DJ, Wagner JE
Molecular and cellular biology
Authors: Lin X, O'Mahony A, Mu Y, Geleziunas R, Greene WC
Authors: Robinson BW, Erle DJ, Jones DA, Shapiro S, Metzger WJ, Albelda SM, Parks WC, Boylan A
American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology
Authors: Erle DJ, Pabst R
The American journal of pathology
Authors: Lashkari K, Hirose T, Yazdany J, McMeel JW, Kazlauskas A, Rahimi N
Cardiovascular research
Authors: Kacimi R, Chentoufi J, Honbo N, Long CS, Karliner JS
Medical care
Authors: Daumit GL, Hermann JA, Powe NR
The American journal of managed care
Authors: Meyer CM, Ladenson PW, Scharfstein JA, Danese MD, Powe NR