Teresa De Marco, MD
CLINICAL INTERESTS: Advanced heart failure, cardiomyopathies, heart transplantation, mechanical circulatory support, and pulmonary hypertension
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Translational research in the diagnosis, prognosis, medical and surgical treatment for the above disease states
Honors and Awards
- Top Doctors, Castle Connolly, 2011
- Teresa De Marco, MD, Conference Room, UCSF Cardiovascular Research Institute, 2010
- R.H. and Jane G. Logan Endowed Chair in Cardiology, University of California, San Francisco, 2009
- Honoree, 500th Thoracic Transplant Celebration, University of California, San Francisco, 2008
- Best Cardiologists in the Bay Area, San Francisco Magazine, 2005
- Exceptional Physician Award, University of California, San Francisco, 2004
- Best Cardiologists in Bay Area, San Francisco Magazine, 2003
- Best Doctors in America, 2001-2011
- Celebrated Faculty Women, University of California, San Francisco, 2001
Fiedler AG, Klein L, DeMarco T, Kouretas P, Smith JW. Comment on: Detection and Management of HLA Sensitization in Candidates for Adult Heart Transplantation. The Journal of heart and lung transplantation : the official publication of the International Society for Heart Transplantation 2023. PMID: 37088342
Shrestha UM, Sciammarella M, Pampaloni MH, Botvinick EH, Gullberg GT, DeMarco T, Seo Y. Assessment of late-term progression of cardiac allograft vasculopathy in patients with orthotopic heart transplantation using quantitative cardiac 82Rb PET. The international journal of cardiovascular imaging 2020. PMID: 33123937
Brondfield MN, Reid MJ, Rutishauser RL, Cope JR, Tang J, Ritter JM, Matanock A, Ali I, Doernberg SB, Hilts-Horeczko A, DeMarco T, Klein L, Babik JM. Disseminated Acanthamoeba infection in a heart transplant recipient treated successfully with a miltefosine-containing regimen: Case report and review of the literature. Volume 19 of Issue 2. Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society 2017. PMID: 28067969
Benza RL, Gomberg-Maitland M, Demarco T, Frost AE, Torbicki A, Langleben D, Pulido T, Correa-Jaque P, Passineau MJ, Wiener HW, Tamari M, Hirota T, Kubo M, Tiwari HK. Endothelin-1 Pathway Polymorphisms and Outcomes in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2015. PMID: 26252367
Abraham WT, Anand I, Aranda JM, Boehmer J, Costanzo MR, DeMarco T, Holcomb R, Ivanhoe R, Kolber M, Rayburn B. Randomized controlled trial of ventricular elastic support therapy in the treatment of symptomatic heart failure: rationale and design. American heart journal 2012. PMID: 23137493
Fang JC, DeMarco T, Givertz MM, Borlaug BA, Lewis GD, Rame JE, Gomberg-Maitland M, Murali S, Frantz RP, McGlothlin D, Horn EM, Benza RL. World Health Organization Pulmonary Hypertension group 2: pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease in the adult--a summary statement from the Pulmonary Hypertension Council of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. The Journal of heart and lung transplantation : the official publication of the International Society for Heart Transplantation 2012. PMID: 22884380
Costanzo MR, Ivanhoe RJ, Kao A, Anand IS, Bank A, Boehmer J, Demarco T, Hergert CM, Holcomb RG, Maybaum S, Sun B, Vassiliades TA, Rayburn BK, Abraham WT. Prospective evaluation of elastic restraint to lessen the effects of heart failure (PEERLESS-HF) trial. Journal of cardiac failure 2012. PMID: 22633302
Can pulmonary arterial hypertension be diagnosed by an elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressure outside of the guideline criteria?
Barnett CF, De Marco T.
Chest. 2011 Sep;140(3):828-9;. Chest Can pulmonary arterial hypertension be diagnosed by an elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressure outside of the guideline criteria? 2011. PMID:Jensen BC, Swigart PM, Laden ME, DeMarco T, Hoopes C, Simpson PC. The alpha-1D Is the predominant alpha-1-adrenergic receptor subtype in human epicardial coronary arteries. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2009. PMID: 19761933
McManus D, De Marco T. Pulmonary Hypertension. In Crawford M (ed): Current Diagnosis and Therapy: Cardiology, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill/Lange. Untitled Publication 2009. PMID:
Ghali JK, Boehmer J, Feldman AM, Saxon LA, Demarco T, Carson P, Yong P, Galle EG, Leigh J, Ecklund FL, Bristow MR. Influence of diabetes on cardiac resynchronization therapy with or without defibrillator in patients with advanced heart failure. Journal of cardiac failure 2007. PMID: 17996827
Gheorghiade M, Rossi JS, Cotts W, Shin DD, Hellkamp AS, Pina IL, Fonarow GC, De Marco T, Pauly DF, Rogers J, DiSalvo TG, Butler J, Hare JM, Francis GS, Stough WG, O'Connor CM.. Characterization and prognostic value of persistent hyponatreia in patients with severe heart failure in the ESCAPE trial. Arch Intern Med Characterization and prognostic value of persistent hyponatreia in patients with severe heart failure in the ESCAPE trial. Arch Intern Med 2007. PMID:
Lindenfeld J, Fledman AM, Saxon L, Boehmer J, Carson P, Ghali JK, Anand I, Singh S, Steinberg JS, Jaski B, De Marco T, Mann D, Yong P, Galle E, Ecklund F, Bristow M. Effects of cardiac resynchronization therapy with or without defibrillator on survival and hospitalization in patients with NYHA class IV heart failure. Circulation Effects of cardiac resynchronization therapy with or without defibrillator on survival and hospitalization in patients with NYHA class IV heart failure. Circulation 2007. PMID:
Ghali JK, Boehmer J, Feldman AM, Saxon LS, De Marco T, Carson P, Yong P, Galle EG, Leigh J, Ecklund FL, Bristow MR. J Card Fail Influence of diabetes on cardiac resynchronizaiton therapy with or without defibrillator in patients with advanced heart failure 2007. PMID:
McGlothlin D, De Marco T. Perioperative Risk Assessment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Patients Undergoing General Surgery. Advances in Pulmonary Hypertension 2007; 6(2):66-73. Untitled Publication 2007. PMID:
Elkayam U, Tasissa G, Binanay C, Stevenson LW, Gheorghiade M, Warnica JW, Young JB, Rayburn BK, Rogers JG, DeMarco T, Leier CV. Use and impact of inotropes and vasodilator therapy in hospitalized patients with severe heart failure. American heart journal 2007. PMID: 17174645
Elkayam U, Tasissa G, Binanay C, Wagoner L, Gheorghiade M, Warnica JW, Young J, Raybum BK, Rogers J, De Marco T, Leier CV. Use and impact of inotropes and vasodilator therapy in hospitalized patients with severe heart failure. Am Heart Journal Use and impact of inotropes and vasodilator therapy in hospitalized patients with severe heart failure. Am Heart Journal 2007. PMID:
Lindenfeld J, Feldman AM, Saxon L, Boehmer J, Carson P, Ghali JK, Anand I, Singh S, Steinberg JS, Jaski B, DeMarco T, Mann D, Yong P, Galle E, Ecklund F, Bristow M. Effects of cardiac resynchronization therapy with or without a defibrillator on survival and hospitalizations in patients with New York Heart Association class IV heart failure. Circulation 2006. PMID: 17190867
Galvao M, Kalman J, De Marco T, Fonarow GC, Galvin C, Ghali JK, Moskowitz RM and the ADHERE Scientific Advisory Committee, Investigators, Coordinators and Study Group. Gender Differences in In-Hospital Management and Outcomes in Patients with Decompensated Heart Failure: Analysis From the Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry (ADHERE). J Cardiac Fail Gender Differences in In-Hospital Management and Outcomes in Patients with Decompensated Heart Failure: Analysis From the Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry (ADHERE). J Cardiac Fail 2006. PMID:
De Marco T. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Women. Cardiology Reviews. Untitled Publication 2006. PMID:
Oka RK, DeMarco T, Haskell WL. Effect of treadmill testing and exercise training on self-efficacy in patients with heart failure. European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology 2005. PMID: 15908277
Nath J, Demarco T, Hourigan L, Heidenreich PA, Foster E. Correlation between right ventricular indices and clinical improvement in epoprostenol treated pulmonary hypertension patients. Echocardiography (Mount Kisco, N.Y.) 2005. PMID: 15901287
Mann MJ, Tseng E, Ratcliffe M, Strattman G, De Silva A, Demarco T, Achorn N, Moskalik W, Hoopes C. Use of bivalirudin, a direct thrombin inhibitor, and its reversal with modified ultrafiltration during heart transplantation in a patient with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. The Journal of heart and lung transplantation : the official publication of the International Society for Heart Transplantation 2005. PMID: 15701441
O’Connell JW, Schreck C, Moles M, Badhwar N, De Marco T, Olgin J, Lee B, Tseng Z, Kumar U, Botvinick EH. A unique method by which to quantitate synchrony with equilibrium radionuclide angiography. J Nucl Cardiol A unique method by which to quantitate synchrony with equilibrium radionuclide angiography. J Nucl Cardiol 2005. PMID:
Nath J, De Marco T, Hourigan L, Heidenreich PA, Foster E.. Correlation between right ventricular indices and clinical improvement in epoprostenol treated pulmonary hypertension patients. Echocardiography Correlation between right ventricular indices and clinical improvement in epoprostenol treated pulmonary hypertension patients. Echocardiography 2005. PMID:
Frost AE, Langleben D, Oudiz R, Hill N, Horn E, McLaughlin V, Robbins IM, Shapiro S, Tapson VF, Zwicke D, De Marco T, Schilz R, Rubenfire M, Barst RJ. The 6-min walk test (6MW) as an efficacy endpoint in pulmonary arterial hypertension clinical trials: demonstration of a ceiling effect. Vascul Pharmacol The 6-min walk test (6MW) as an efficacy endpoint in pulmonary arterial hypertension clinical trials: demonstration of a ceiling effect. Vascul Pharmacol 2005. PMID:
8. De Marco T, Rapaport E. Cor pulmonale. In Mason RJ, Broaddus VC, Murray JF, Nadel JA (eds): Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine, 4th edition. Philadelphia: Saunders. Untitled Publication 2005. PMID:
De Marco T, McGlothlin D. Managing Right Ventricular Failure in PAH. Advances in Pulmonary Hypertension. Untitled Publication 2005. PMID:
Mann MJ, Tseng E, Ratcliffe M, Strattman G, De Silva A, De Marco T, Achorn N, Moskalik W, Hoopes C. Use of bivalirudin, a direct thrombin inhibitor, and its reversal with modified ultrafiltration during heart transplantation in a patient with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. J Heart Lung Transplant. Untitled Publication 2005. PMID:
Oka RK, De Marco T, Haskell WL. Effect of treadmill testing and exercise training on self-efficacy in patients with heart failure. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. Untitled Publication 2005. PMID:
Choo DC, Huiskes B, Jones J, Fabbri S, Hawkins LA, Chatterjee K, De Marco T, Heywood JT. Amiodarone rescue therapy for severe decompensated heart failure initially unsuitable for beta-blockers. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther 2003 Sep;8(3):187-92.. Untitled Publication 2003. PMID:
Soran O, Fleishman B, De Marco T, Grossman W, Schneider VM, Manzo K, de Lame PA, Feldman AM. Enhanced External Counterpulsation in Patients With Heart Failure: A Multicenter Feasibility Study. Congest Heart Fail. Untitled Publication 2002. PMID:
Kerwin WF, Botvinick EH, O’Connell JW, Merrick SH, De Marco T, Chatterjee K, Scheibly K, Saxon LA. Ventricular contraction abnormalities in dilated cardiomyopathy: Effect of biventricular pacing to correct interventricular dyssynchrony. J Am Coll Cardiol. Untitled Publication 2000. PMID:
Missov E, De Marco T. Cor pulmonale. Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine. Untitled Publication 2000. PMID:
Missov E, De Marco T. Cor pulmonale. Cur Treat Options Cardiovasc Med. Untitled Publication 2000. PMID:
Nanevicz T, Piette J, Zipkin D, Serlin M, Ennis S, De Marco T, Modin G. The feasibility of a telecommunication service in support of outpatient congestive heart failure care in a diverse patient population. Congest Heart Fail. Untitled Publication 2000. PMID:
Oka RK, De Marco T, Haskel WB, Botvinick E, Dae MW, Bolen K, Chatterjee K. Impact of a home-based walking and resistance training program on quality of life in patients with heart failure. Am J Cardiol. Untitled Publication 2000. PMID:
Schwitter J, De Marco T, Kneifel S, Von Schulthess M, Jorg C, Arheden H, Ruhm S, Stumpf K, Buck A, Parmley WW, Luscher TF, Higgins C. Magnetic resonance-based assessment of global coronary flow and flow reserve and its relation to left ventricular functional parameters: a comparison with positron emission tomography. Circulation. Untitled Publication 2000. PMID:
Missov E, De Marco T. Clinical Insights on the use of highly sensitive cardiac troponin assays. Clin Chim Acta. Untitled Publication 1999. PMID:
Oka RK, De Marco T, Haskell WL. Perceptions of physical fitness in patients with heart failure. Progress in Cardiovasc Nursing. Untitled Publication 1999. PMID:
Schwitter J, De Marco T, Globits T, Sakuma H, Klinski C, Chatterjee K, Parmley WWP, Higgins CB. Influence of fenoldipine on left ventricular hypertrophy and systolic function in orthotopic heart transplant recipients: Possible interaction with cyclosporine medication. J Heart Lung Transplant.. Untitled Publication 1999. PMID:
Zellner C, Protter AA, Ko E, Pothireddy R, De Marco T, Hutchison SJ, Chou TM, Chatterjee K, Sudhir K. Coronary vasodilator effects of BNP: Mechanisms of action in coronary conductance and resistance arteries. Am J Physiol. Untitled Publication 1999. PMID:
De Marco T, Chatterjee K. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors in refractory heart failure: Bridge to ß-blockade? J Am Coll Cardiol.. Untitled Publication 1998. PMID:
De Marco T, Parmley WW. ß-adrenergic blockers in the management of heart failure. Western J Med. Untitled Publication 1998. PMID:
Chatterjee K, De Marco T. Management of Refractory Heart Failure. In Poole-Wilson PA, Colucci WS, Massie BM, Chatterjee K, Coats AJS (eds): Heart Failure Scientific Principles and Clinical Practice. New York, NY, Churchill Livingstone Inc. Untitled Publication 1997. PMID:
De Marco T, Goldman L. Predicting outcomes in severe heart failure. Editorial. Circulation. Untitled Publication 1997. PMID:
Shinbane JS, Chu E, De Marco T, Sobol Y, Fitzpatrick AP, Lau DM, Klinski C, Schiller J, Griffin JC, Chatterjee KC. Evaluation of acute dual-chamber pacing with a range of atrioventricular delays on cardiac performance in refractory heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol. Untitled Publication 1997. PMID:
Chou T, Sudhir K, Amidon T, Klinski C, De Marco T, Chatterjee K, Botvinick EH. Adenosine produces greater coronary hyperemic response in heart transplant recipients in comparison to dipyridamole. Am J Cardiol. Untitled Publication 1996. PMID:
De Marco T, Chatterjee, K. Refractory heart failure: A therapeutic approach. J Intensive Care Med. Untitled Publication 1996. PMID:
Barbant SD, Redberg RF, Tucker KJ, Chatterjee K, De Marco T, Foster E, Schiller NB. Abnormal pulmonary artery pressure profile after cardiac transplantation: An exercise Doppler echocardiographic study. Am Heart J. Untitled Publication 1995. PMID:
Chatterjee K, De Marco T. Treatment of Symptomatic Heart Failure In Dhalla NS, Beamish RE, Takeda N, Nagano M (eds): The Failing Heart. New York, NY, Raven Press, Ltd.. Untitled Publication 1995. PMID:
Sudhir K, De Marco T, Kumar S, Maganti K, Amidon TM, de Groot CJ, Klinski C, Lau D, Keith F, Taylor RN, et al. Transcoronary and pulmonary vascular dynamics of endothelin-1 in cardiac transplant recipients. J Heart Lung Transplant. Untitled Publication 1995. PMID:
Cavero PG, Sudhir K, Galli F, De Marco T, Keith F, Chatterjee K. Effect of orthotopic cardiac transplantation on peripheral vascular function in congestive heart failure: Influence of cyclosporine therapy. Am Heart J. Untitled Publication 1994. PMID:
Chatterjee K, Wolfe CL, De Marco T. Non-glycoside inotropes in congestive heart failure. Are they beneficial or harmful? Clinics of North America. Untitled Publication 1994. PMID:
De Marco T, Keith F. Bridge to Cardiac Transplantation In Parmley WW, Chatterjee K, (eds): Cardiology. Philadelphia JB Lippincott Publishing Co.,. Untitled Publication 1994. PMID:
Sudhir K, MacGregor JS, De Marco T, De Groot CJM, Taylor RN, Chou TM, Yock PG, Chatterjee K. Cyclosporin impairs release of endothelin derived relaxing factor in epicardial and resistance coronary arteries. Circulation. Untitled Publication 1994. PMID:
Bersin RM, Kwasman M, Lau D, Klinski C, Tanaka K, Khorrami P, De Marco T, Wolfe CL, Chatterjee K. Importance of oxygen-hemoglobin binding to oxygen transport in congestive heart failure. British Heart J. Untitled Publication 1993. PMID:
Galli FC, Damon LE, Tomlanovich SJ, Keith F, Chatterjee K, De Marco T. Cyclosporine induced hemolytic uremic syndrome in a heart transplant recipient. J Heart Lung Transplant. Untitled Publication 1993. PMID:
Tucker K, Redberg R, Ploss D, De Marco T, Foster E, Schiller N. Noninvasive assessment of the pulmonary artery pressure response to exercise after uncomplicated heart transplantation. J Heart Lung Transplant 1993. Untitled Publication 1993. PMID:
Hosenpud JD, De Marco T, Frazier OH, Griffith BP, Menkins AH, O'Connell JB, Olivari MT, Valentine HA. Progression of systemic disease and reduced long-term survival in patients with cardiac amyloidosis undergoing heart transplantation. Circulation. Untitled Publication 1991. PMID:
Sudhir K, Fitzgerald P, MacGregor JA, De Marco T, Chatterjee K, Yock P. Transvenous coronary ultrasound imaging: A novel approach to visualization of the coronary arteries. Circulation. Untitled Publication 1991. PMID:
Truit LC, Denaro CP, Lake JR, De Marco T. MR imaging of reversible cyclosporine-A neurotoxicity. AJNR. Untitled Publication 1991. PMID:
White M, Rouleau J-L, Ruddy TD, De Marco T, Moher D, Chatterjee K. Decreased coronary sinus oxygen content: A predictor of adverse prognosis in patients with severe heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol. Untitled Publication 1991. PMID:
Chatterjee K, De Marco T. Systemic and coronary hemodynamics and pharmacodynamics of enalapril and enalaprilat in congestive heart failure. Drugs. Untitled Publication 1990. PMID:
Chatterjee K, De Marco T, Rouleau J-L. Vasodilator therapy in chronic congestive heart failure. Am J Cardiol 1988; 62:46A-54A.. Untitled Publication 1988. PMID:
Stein MG, De Marco T, Gamsu G, Finkbeiner W, Golden JA. Computed tomography: Pathologic correlation in lung disease due to tocainide. Am Rev Respr Dis 1988; 137:458-60. Untitled Publication 1988. PMID:
Axelrod RD, De Marco T, Dae M, Botvinick EH, Chatterjee K. Hemodynamic and clinical evaluation of piroximone, a new inotrope-vasodilator agent, in severe congestive heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 1987; 9:1124-30. Untitled Publication 1987. PMID:
De Marco T, Chatterjee K. A patient with fatigue and jugular venous distention. The Complicated Cardiovascular Patient. Untitled Publication 1987. PMID:
De Marco T, Chatterjee K. A patient with refractory congestive heart failure. The Complicated Cardivascular Patient. 1987; 1(2):20-31. Untitled Publication 1987. PMID:
De Marco T, Daly PA, Liu M, Kayser S, Parmley WW, Chatterjee K. Enalaprilat: A new parental angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor: Rapid changes in systemic and coronary hemodynamics and humoral profile in chronic heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 1987; 9:1131-38. Untitled Publication 1987. PMID:
Hansen RM, Viquerat C, Wiener-Kronish JP, De Marco T, Bahtia S, Marks JD, Botvinick EH, Chatterjee K, Matthay. Poor correlation between pulmonary arterial wedge pressure and left ventricular end-diastolic volume after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Anesthesiology 1986; 64(6):764-70. Untitled Publication 1986. PMID: