Rosemarie De La Rosa, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar

Dr. de la Rosa is an Environmental Health Scientist with expertise in environmental toxicology and molecular epidemiology, who is passionate about social determinants of health and environmental justice. Her long-term research goal is to understand how the social environment and context during early and middle childhood "gets under the skin” and influences susceptibility to the toxic effects of chemical exposures in low-income communities of color over the life course. As a UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellow, she is working with Dr. Neeta Thakur to examine how the early-life social environment influences biomarkers of stress in the Pediatric ACEs Screening and Resiliency Study using an allostatic load framework.

PhD, 2019 - Environmental Health Science, University of California, Berkeley
MPH, 2014 - Environmental Health Science, University of California, Berkeley
BS, 2010 - Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Honors and Awards
  • University of California President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, 2019-2021