Pei Chen, MD

Associate Prof Clin Med-HCOMP

Dr. Pei Chen is an Associate Professor in the Division of Geriatrics and the Program Director for Geriatric Medicine Fellowship at UCSF.

Dr. Chen completed her residency in Internal Medicine, Primary Care Track, at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a Harvard Medical School teaching hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. She also completed a two-year geriatrics fellowship in the Clinician Educator Track, at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, New York, where she also served as the Chief Fellow. She has been on the faculty of the Division of Geriatrics at UCSF since 2015 and concurrently in the Division of General Internal Medicine in the San Francisco VA since 2021.

She is dedicated to promote successful aging and to provide person-centered care for community-dwelling older adults with complex medical conditions and geriatric syndromes, such as fall, frailty, delirium, dementia, etc. She cares for a diverse patient population and has expertise in coordination of care for her patients, including caring for patients who seek geriatric expertise from other states and abroad. Currently, she provides primary care to the veterans population in the San Francisco VA.

Education and Educational Research:
Dr. Chen is the program director for the Geriatric Medicine Fellowship. She has special interests in finding ways to improve the care to older adults through medical and interprofessional education, quality improvement initiatives, and community education.

Her commitment to undergraduate medical education included direct teaching (e.g. coach in the School of Medical) of the fundamentals of clinical care, mentoring and coaching longitudinally, curriculum development of small group sessions as well as medical student course (e.g. Life Stages, a block that covers the lifespan)

Beyond medical school education, she has built an interprofessional learning community in UCSF Center for Geriatric Care where geriatrics fellows, pharmacy residents and students, social work interns, and law students work together to provide comprehensive care for community dwelling older adults. She is also an skilled preceptors supporting the clinical training of internal medicine residents and nurse practitioner students and residents.

Her passion in education also extends to teaching geriatric concepts to community service providers (e.g. case managers, social workers), direct caregivers, and volunteers to improve the experiences of older adults as people age in place through her work in the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program and the Optimizing Aging Collaborative.

Dr. Chen is part of the Dementia and Music Lab exploring the intersection of music and wellbeing of those living with dementia and their care partners.

2020 - Teaching Scholars Program, University of California
2017 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training, University of California
Fellowship, 2015 - Brookdale Department of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital, Icahn School of Medicine
Internship/Residency, 2013 - Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School
M.D., 2010 - College of Medicine, University of Vermont
Honors and Awards
  • Outstanding Junior Clinician Educator of the Year Award, American Geriatrics Society, 2021
  • Academy of Medical Eduactors, UCSF, 2021
  • Excellence in Interprofessional Teaching Award, UCSF, 2020
  • Teacher of the Year Award, UCSF Division of Geriatrics, 2020
  • Geriatric Education Best Paper Award, American Geriatrics Society, 2018
  • Excellence in Teaching Award, UCSF Academy of Medical Educators, 2017
  1. Gulati A, Lalchandani P, Auchus I, Grandi J, Clelland E, Chen P. A student-led telephone-based clinical learning program for outreach to older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2022. PMID: 36527413

  2. Sideman AB, Chalmer R, Ayers E, Gershon R, Verghese J, Wolf M, Ansari A, Arvanitis M, Bui N, Chen P, Chodos A, Corriveau R, Curtis L, Ehrlich AR, Farias SET, Goode C, Hill-Sakurai L, Nowinski CJ, Premkumar M, Rankin KP, Ritchie CS, Tsoy E, Weiss E, Possin KL. Lessons from Detecting Cognitive Impairment Including Dementia (DetectCID) in Primary Care. 2022. PMID: 35124639

  3. Chen, P., Clark, M., Sharma, M., Troya, Y., Cenzer, I., Rivera, J.. A longitudinal workplace-based interprofessional curriculum for graduate learners in a geriatrics patient-centered medical home Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice. 2021. PMID:

  4. Chen P, Covinsky K. Difficulty Taking Medications: a Corollary to Dementia Risk. 2021. PMID: 33532953

  5. Nouri S, Ritchie C, Chen P, Volow A, Li B, Tellez I, Sudore RL. Supporting In-Home Caregivers in Symptom Assessment of Frail Older Adults with Serious Illness: A Pilot Study. Journal of palliative medicine 2020. PMID: 32456540

  6. . Home Time in Administrative Claims American College of Cardiology 2019. PMID:

  7. . Home Time as a Patient-Centered Outcome American College of Cardiology 2019. PMID:

  8. Chen P, Steinman MA. Perception of primary care physicians on the impact of comprehensive geriatric assessment: what is the next step? Israel journal of health policy research 2016. PMID: 27733902

  9. Chen P, Hung WW. Geriatric orthopedic co-management of older adults with hip fracture: an emerging standard. Annals of translational medicine 2015. PMID: 26539441

  10. Chen P, Dowal S, Schmitt E, Habtemariam D, Hshieh TT, Victor R, Boockvar KS, Inouye SK. Hospital Elder Life Program in the real world: the many uses of the Hospital Elder Life Program website. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2015. PMID: 25877747