John Metcalfe, MD, PhD, MPH
My research focuses on fundamental questions in the tracking and early identification of drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) to better target and evaluate control interventions. I have specialized training in clinical research methods, statistical prediction, repeated measures, and causal inference through doctoral work in the Division of Epidemiology, UC Berkeley. I have served as a consultant to the WHO, USAID, and PAHO for the development of regional and national TB management guidelines. Because of my commitment to work with critically underserved populations, I have been attracted to global health projects with strong programmatic relevance throughout my career. I have experience conducting prospective studies in challenging environments, including a one-year field assignment in eastern D.R. Congo, and in Zimbabwe, where we oversaw treatment of the first cohort of drug-resistant TB patients (2011), undertook the first modern characterization of DR-TB in the country (2014), carried out a pragmatic diagnostic RCT of GeneXpert MTB/RIF (2014), and consulted on national TB (2014) and DR-TB (2016) prevalence surveys.
Within the NIH Division of AIDS Clinical Trials Group, I lead an ACTG phase IIc trial (protocol A5362) examining the sterilizing activity of the repurposed agent clofazimine and the new rifamycin rifapentine; this trial will enroll TB patients at nine sites in seven countries. I am Industry Contact and Protocol Design Lead for molecular drug susceptibility testing for the Rapid Research for Diagnostics Development in TB Network (R2D2 TB Network). My work also focuses on determining mechanisms of M. tuberculosis clonal evolution under treatment, the longitudinal clinical significance of micro-heteroresistance, and on developing assays for non-invasive therapeutic drug monitoring. Collectively, these experiences provide distinct perspectives on keystone problems with high clinical impact, bench-to-bedside translation barriers, and scientific conduct in a variety of international settings.
Honors and Awards
- Clinical Scientist Development Award, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, 2015
- Harold Amos Scholar, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2010
- Chancellor's Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, 2008
Jaumdally S, Tomasicchio M, Pooran A, Esmail A, Kotze A, Meier S, Wilson L, Oelofse S, van der Merwe C, Roomaney A, Davids M, Suliman T, Joseph R, Perumal T, Scott A, Shaw M, Preiser W, Williamson C, Goga A, Mayne E, Gray G, Moore P, Sigal A, Limberis J, Metcalfe J, Dheda K. Frequency, kinetics and determinants of viable SARS-CoV-2 in bioaerosols from ambulatory COVID-19 patients infected with the Beta, Delta or Omicron variants. Nature communications 2024. PMID: 38443359
Katoto PDMC, Bihehe D, Brand A, Mushi R, Kusinza A, Alwood BW, van Zyl-Smit RN, Tamuzi JL, Sam-Agudu NA, Yotebieng M, Metcalfe J, Theron G, Godri Pollitt KJ, Lesosky M, Vanoirbeek J, Mortimer K, Nawrot T, Nemery B, Nachega JB. Household air pollution and risk of pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-Infected adults. Environmental health : a global access science source 2024. PMID: 38233832
Limberis JD, Metcalfe JZ. primerJinn: a tool for rationally designing multiplex PCR primer sets for amplicon sequencing and performing in silico PCR. BMC bioinformatics 2023. PMID: 38082220
Derendinger B, Dippenaar A, de Vos M, Huo S, Alberts R, Tadokera R, Limberis J, Sirgel F, Dolby T, Spies C, Reuter A, Folkerts M, Allender C, Lemmer D, Van Rie A, Gagneux S, Rigouts L, Te Riele J, Dheda K, Engelthaler DM, Warren R, Metcalfe J, Cox H, Theron G. Bedaquiline resistance in patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis in Cape Town, South Africa: a retrospective longitudinal cohort study. The Lancet. Microbe 2023. PMID: 37931638
Burns GD, Phillips JS, Kallet RH, Glidden DV, Hendrickson CM, Metcalfe JZ. Time to Extubation among ARDS Subjects with and without COVID-19 Pneumonia. Respiratory care 2023. PMID: 37280079
Limberis JD, Nalyvayko A, Ernst JD, Metcalfe JZ. Circularization of rv0678 for Genotypic Bedaquiline Resistance Testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Microbiology spectrum 2023. PMID: 36877083
Rao PS, Modi N, Nguyen NT, Vu DH, Xie YL, Gandhi M, Gerona R, Metcalfe J, Heysell SK, Alffenaar JC. Alternative Methods for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Dose Adjustment of Tuberculosis Treatment in Clinical Settings: A Systematic Review. Clinical pharmacokinetics 2023. PMID: 36869170
Walker TM, Miotto P, K?ser CU, Fowler PW, Knaggs J, Iqbal Z, Hunt M, Chindelevitch L, Farhat M, Cirillo DM, Comas I, Posey J, Omar SV, Peto TE, Suresh A, Uplekar S, Laurent S, Colman RE, Nathanson CM, Zignol M, Walker AS, CRyPTIC Consortium, Seq&Treat Consortium, Crook DW, Ismail N, Rodwell TC. The 2021 WHO catalogue of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex mutations associated with drug resistance: A genotypic analysis. The Lancet. Microbe 2022. PMID: 35373160
Derendinger B, de Vos M, Pillay S, Venter R, Metcalfe J, Ghebrekristos Y, Minnies S, Dolby T, Beylis N, Warren R, Theron G. Frequent suboptimal thermocycler ramp rate usage negatively impacts GenoType MTBDRsl VER 2.0 performance for second-line drug resistant tuberculosis diagnosis. 2022. PMID: 35108607
Chipinduro M, Timire C, Chirenda J, Matambo R, Munemo E, Makamure B, Nhidza AF, Tinago W, Chikwasha V, Ngwenya M, Mutsvangwa J, Metcalfe JZ, Sandy C. TB prevalence in Zimbabwe: a national cross-sectional survey, 2014. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2022. PMID: 34969430
Whitfield MG, Engelthaler DM, Allender C, Folkerts M, Heupink TH, Limberis J, Warren RM, Van Rie A, Metcalfe JZ. Comparative Performance of Genomic Methods for the Detection of Pyrazinamide Resistance and Heteroresistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 2021. PMID: 34757831
Ismail N, Rivière E, Limberis J, Huo S, Metcalfe JZ, Warren RM, Van Rie A. Genetic variants and their association with phenotypic resistance to bedaquiline in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a systematic review and individual isolate data analysis. 2021. PMID: 34796339
Timire C, Ngwenya M, Chirenda J, Metcalfe JZ, Kranzer K, Pedrazzoli D, Takarinda KC, Nguhiu P, Madzingaidzo G, Ndlovu K, Mapuranga T, Cornell M, Sandy C. Catastrophic costs among tuberculosis-affected households in Zimbabwe: A national health facility-based survey. 2021. PMID: 34192392
Tadokera R, Huo S, Theron G, Timire C, Manyau-Makumbirofa S, Metcalfe JZ. Health care seeking patterns of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis patients in Harare, Zimbabwe: A prospective cohort study. 2021. PMID: 34270593
Bisimwa BC, Nachega JB, Warren RM, Theron G, Metcalfe JZ, Shah M, Diacon AH, Sam-Agudu NA, Yotebieng M, Bulabula ANH, Katoto PDMC, Chirambiza JP, Nyota R, Birembano FM, Musafiri EM, Byadunia S, Bahizire E, Kaswa MK, Callens S, Kashongwe ZM. Xpert MTB/RIF-detected Rifampicin Resistance is a Sub-Optimal Surrogate for Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo: Diagnostic and Clinical Implications. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2020. PMID: 32590841
Metcalfe J, Bacchetti P, Esmail A, Reckers A, Aguilar D, Wen A, Huo S, Muyindike WR, Hahn JA, Dheda K, Gandhi M, Gerona R. Diagnostic accuracy of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry assay in small hair samples for rifampin-resistant tuberculosis drug concentrations in a routine care setting. BMC infectious diseases 2021. PMID: 33482745
Reckers A, Huo S, Esmail A, Dheda K, Bacchetti P, Gandhi M, Metcalfe J, Gerona R. Development and validation of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for quantifying delamanid and its metabolite in small hair samples. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 2020. PMID: 33713954
Tadyanemhandu C, Chirenda J, Garvey C, Metcalfe J. Treatment success, but living with the consequences of post-tuberculosis sequelae. 2020. PMID: 32718395
Reckers A, Wen A, Aguilar D, Bacchetti P, Gandhi M, Metcalfe J, Gerona R. Validated LC-MS/MS Panel for Quantifying 11 Drug-Resistant TB Medications in Small Hair Samples. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 2020. PMID: 32510502
Chaka W, Berger C, Huo S, Robertson V, Tachiona C, Magwenzi M, Magombei T, Mpamhanga C, Katzenstein D, Metcalfe J. Presentation and outcome of suspected sepsis in a high-HIV burden, high antiretroviral coverage setting. International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases 2020. PMID: 32289564
Wasserman S, Huo S, Ky K, Malig YN, Esmail A, Dheda K, Bacchetti P, Gerona R, Maartens G, Gandhi M, Metcalfe J. CORRELATION OF LINEZOLID HAIR CONCENTRATIONS WITH PLASMA EXPOSURE IN PATIENTS WITH DRUG-RESISTANT TB. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 2020. PMID: 31932382
Engelthaler DM, Streicher EM, Kelley EJ, Allender CJ, Wiggins K, Jimenez D, Lemmer D, Vittinghoff E, Theron G, Sirgel FA, Warren RM, Metcalfe JZ. Minority Mycobacterium tuberculosis Genotypic Populations as an Indicator of Subsequent Phenotypic Resistance. American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 2019. PMID: 31774334
Tadyanemhandu C, Garvey C, Chin A, Metcalfe J. More should be done now for patients with TB-associated chronic lung disease. 2019. PMID: 31627778
Timire C, Metcalfe JZ, Chirenda J, Scholten JN, Manyame-Murwira B, Ngwenya M, Matambo R, Charambira K, Mutunzi H, Kalisvaart N, Sandy C. Prevalence of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Zimbabwe: a health facility-based cross-sectional survey. International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases 2019. PMID: 31357057
Gerona R, Wen A, Aguilar D, Shum J, Reckers A, Bacchetti P, Gandhi M, Metcalfe J. Simultaneous analysis of 11 medications for drug resistant TB in small hair samples to quantify adherence and exposure using a validated LC-MS/MS panel. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 2019. PMID: 31369929
Pooran A, Theron G, Zijenah L, Chanda D, Clowes P, Mwenge L, Mutenherwa F, Lecesse P, Metcalfe J, Sohn H, Hoelscher M, Pym A, Peter J, Dowdy D, Dheda K. Point of care Xpert MTB/RIF versus smear microscopy for tuberculosis diagnosis in southern African primary care clinics: a multicentre economic evaluation. The Lancet. Global health 2019. PMID: 31097281
de Vos M, Ley SD, Wiggins KB, Derendinger B, Dippenaar A, Grobbelaar M, Reuter A, Dolby T, Burns S, Schito M, Engelthaler DM, Metcalfe J, Theron G, van Rie A, Posey J, Warren R, Cox H. Bedaquiline Microheteroresistance after Cessation of Tuberculosis Treatment. The New England journal of medicine 2019. PMID: 31141643
Metcalfe J, Bacchetti P, Gerona R, Esmail A, Dheda K, Gandhi M. Association of anti-tuberculosis drug concentrations in hair and treatment outcomes in MDR- and XDR-TB. ERJ open research 2019. PMID: 31041318
Chin AT, Rylance J, Makumbirofa S, Meffert S, Vu T, Clayton J, Mason P, Woodruff P, Metcalfe J. Chronic lung disease in adult recurrent tuberculosis survivors in Zimbabwe: a cohort study. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2019. PMID: 30808453
Di Tanna GL, Raza Khaki A, Theron G, McCarthy K, Cox H, Mupfumi L, Trajman A, Sodai Zijenah L, Mason P, Bandason T, Durovni B, Bara W, Hoelscher M, Clowes P, Mangu C, Chanda D, Pym A, Mwaba P, Cobelens F, Nicol MP, Dheda K, Churchyard G, Fielding K, Metcalfe JZ. Effect of Xpert MTB/RIF on clinical outcomes in routine care settings: individual patient data meta-analysis. The Lancet. Global health 2019. PMID: 30683238
Kühnert D, Coscolla M, Brites D, Stucki D, Metcalfe J, Fenner L, Gagneux S, Stadler T. Tuberculosis outbreak investigation using phylodynamic analysis. Epidemics 2018. PMID: 29880306
Metcalfe JZ, Streicher E, Theron G, Colman RE, Allender C, Lemmer D, Warren R, Engelthaler DM. Cryptic Microheteroresistance Explains Mycobacterium tuberculosis Phenotypic Resistance. Volume 196 of Issue 9. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2017. PMID: 28614668
Metcalfe JZ, Streicher E, Theron G, Colman RE, Penaloza R, Allender C, Lemmer D, Warren RM, Engelthaler DM. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Subculture Results in Loss of Potentially Clinically Relevant Heteroresistance. Volume 61 of Issue 11. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 2017. PMID: 28893776
Metcalfe J, Gerona R, Wen A, Bacchetti P, Gandhi M. An LC-MS/MS-based method to analyze the anti-tuberculosis drug bedaquiline in hair. Volume 21 of Issue 9. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2017. PMID: 28826458
O'Donnell MR, Padayatchi N, Metcalfe JZ. Elucidating the role of clofazimine for the treatment of tuberculosis. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2016. PMID: 28240574
Rylance J, Mchugh G, Metcalfe J, Mujuru H, Nathoo K, Wilmore S, Rowland-Jones S, Majonga E, Kranzer K, Ferrand RA. Chronic lung disease in HIV-infected children established on antiretroviral therapy. Volume 30 of Issue 18. AIDS (London, England) 2016. PMID: 27662546
Blount RJ, Tran MC, Everett CK, Cattamanchi A, Metcalfe JZ, Connor D, Miller CR, Grinsdale J, Higashi J, Nahid P. Tuberculosis progression rates in U.S. Immigrants following screening with interferon-gamma release assays. Volume 16 of Issue 1. BMC public health 2016. PMID: 27558397
Moses MW, Zwerling A, Cattamanchi A, Denkinger CM, Banaei N, Kik SV, Metcalfe J, Pai M, Dowdy D. Serial testing for latent tuberculosis using QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube: A Markov model. Volume 6. Scientific Reports 2016. PMID: 27469388
Gerona R, Wen A, Koss C, Bacchetti P, Gandhi M, Metcalfe J. A multi-analyte panel for non-invasive pharmacokinetic monitoring of second-line anti-tuberculosis drugs. Volume 20 of Issue 7. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2016. PMID: 27287660
Metcalfe JZ, Makumbirofa S, Makamure B, Sandy C, Bara W, Mason P, Hopewell PC. Xpert(®) MTB/RIF detection of rifampin resistance and time to treatment initiation in Harare, Zimbabwe. Volume 20 of Issue 7. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2016. PMID: 27287639
Gerona R, Wen A, Chin AT, Koss CA, Bacchetti P, Metcalfe J, Gandhi M. Quantifying Isoniazid Levels in Small Hair Samples: A Novel Method for Assessing Adherence during the Treatment of Latent and Active Tuberculosis. Volume 11 of Issue 5. PloS one 2016. PMID: 27191185
O'Donnell MR, Daftary A, Frick M, Hirsch-Moverman Y, Amico KR, Senthilingam M, Wolf A, Metcalfe JZ, Isaakidis P, Davis JL, Zelnick JR, Brust JC, Naidu N, Garretson M, Bangsberg DR, Padayatchi N, Friedland G. Re-inventing adherence: toward a patient-centered model of care for drug-resistant tuberculosis and HIV. Volume 20 of Issue 4. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2016. PMID: 26970149
Metcalfe JZ, O'Donnell MR, Bangsberg DR. Moving Beyond Directly Observed Therapy for Tuberculosis. Volume 12 of Issue 9. PLoS medicine 2015. PMID: 26372602
Metcalfe JZ, Makumbirofa S, Makamure B, Mutetwa R, Peñaloza RA, Sandy C, Bara W, Mungofa S, Hopewell PC, Mason P. Suboptimal specificity of Xpert MTB/RIF among treatment-experienced patients. Volume 45 of Issue 5. The European respiratory journal 2015. PMID: 25792637
Coscolla M, Barry PM, Oeltmann JE, Koshinsky H, Shaw T, Cilnis M, Posey J, Rose J, Weber T, Fofanov VY, Gagneux S, Kato-Maeda M, Metcalfe JZ. Genomic epidemiology of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis during transcontinental spread. Volume 212 of Issue 2. The Journal of infectious diseases 2015. PMID: 25601940
Metcalfe JZ, Vittinghoff E, Hopewell PC. Analysis of Green Light Committee implementation and acquisition of second-line drug resistance. Volume 60 of Issue 6. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2014. PMID: 25527651
Kelly JD, Grace Lin SY, Barry PM, Keh C, Higashi J, Metcalfe JZ. Xpert MTB/RIF false detection of rifampin-resistant tuberculosis from prior infection. Volume 190 of Issue 11. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2014. PMID: 25436783
Tagmouti S, Slater M, Benedetti A, Kik SV, Banaei N, Cattamanchi A, Metcalfe J, Dowdy D, van Zyl Smit R, Dendukuri N, Pai M, Denkinger C. Reproducibility of interferon gamma (IFN-?) release Assays. A systematic review. Volume 11 of Issue 8. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2014. PMID: 25188809
Metcalfe JZ, Mason P, Mungofa S, Sandy C, Hopewell PC. Empiric tuberculosis treatment in retreatment patients in high HIV/tuberculosis-burden settings. Volume 14 of Issue 9. The Lancet. Infectious diseases 2014. PMID: 25164190
Mupfumi L, Makamure B, Chirehwa M, Sagonda T, Zinyowera S, Mason P, Metcalfe JZ, Mutetwa R. Impact of Xpert MTB/RIF on Antiretroviral Therapy-Associated Tuberculosis and Mortality: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. Volume 1 of Issue 1. Open forum infectious diseases 2014. PMID: 25734106
Davis JL, Kawamura LM, Chaisson LH, Grinsdale J, Benhammou J, Ho C, Babst A, Banouvong H, Metcalfe JZ, Pandori M, Hopewell PC, Cattamanchi A. Impact of GeneXpert MTB/RIF on patients and tuberculosis programs in a low-burden setting. a hypothetical trial. Volume 189 of Issue 12. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2014. PMID: 24869625
Metcalfe JZ, Makumbirofa S, Makamure B, Sandy C, Bara W, Mungofa S, Hopewell PC, Mason P. Drug-resistant tuberculosis in high-risk groups, Zimbabwe. Volume 20 of Issue 1. Emerging infectious diseases 2014. PMID: 24377879
Pai M, Denkinger CM, Kik SV, Rangaka MX, Zwerling A, Oxlade O, Metcalfe JZ, Cattamanchi A, Dowdy DW, Dheda K, Banaei N. Gamma interferon release assays for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Volume 27 of Issue 1. Clinical microbiology reviews 2014. PMID: 24396134
Millman AJ, Dowdy DW, Miller CR, Brownell R, Metcalfe JZ, Cattamanchi A, Davis JL. Rapid molecular testing for TB to guide respiratory isolation in the U.S.: a cost-benefit analysis. Volume 8 of Issue 11. PloS one 2013. PMID: 24278155
Prach LM, Pascopella L, Barry PM, Flood J, Porco TC, Hopewell PC, Metcalfe JZ. Rifampin monoresistant tuberculosis and HIV comorbidity in California, 1993-2008: a retrospective cohort study. Volume 27 of Issue 16. AIDS (London, England) 2013. PMID: 23842135
Cattamanchi A, Walter ND, Metcalfe JZ, Davis JL. A transcriptional signature for active TB: have we found the needle in the haystack? Volume 10 of Issue 10. PLoS medicine 2013. PMID: 24167454
Gopal M, Padayatchi N, Metcalfe JZ, O'Donnell MR. Systematic review of clofazimine for the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis. Volume 17 of Issue 8. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2013. PMID: 23541151
Metcalfe JZ, Porco TC, Westenhouse J, Damesyn M, Facer M, Hill J, Xia Q, Watt JP, Hopewell PC, Flood J. Tuberculosis and HIV co-infection, California, USA, 1993–2008. Volume 19 of Issue 3. Emerging infectious diseases 2013. PMID: 23745218
Makamure B, Mhaka J, Makumbirofa S, Mutetwa R, Mupfumi L, Mason P, Metcalfe JZ. Microscopic-observation drug-susceptibility assay for the diagnosis of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Harare, Zimbabwe. Volume 8 of Issue 2. PloS one 2013. PMID: 23409072
Metcalfe JZ, Cattamanchi A, McCulloch CE, Lew JD, Ha NP, Graviss EA. Test variability of the QuantiFERON-TB gold in-tube assay in clinical practice. Volume 187 of Issue 2. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2012. PMID: 23103734
Dantes R, Metcalfe J, Kim E, Kato-Maeda M, Hopewell PC, Kawamura M, Nahid P, Cattamanchi A. Impact of isoniazid resistance-conferring mutations on the clinical presentation of isoniazid monoresistant tuberculosis. Volume 7 of Issue 5. PloS one 2012. PMID: 22649569
Geng EH, Glidden DV, Bangsberg DR, Bwana MB, Musinguzi N, Nash D, Metcalfe JZ, Yiannoutsos CT, Martin JN, Petersen ML. A causal framework for understanding the effect of losses to follow-up on epidemiologic analyses in clinic-based cohorts: the case of HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy in Africa. Volume 175 of Issue 10. American journal of epidemiology 2012. PMID: 22306557
Metcalfe JZ, Everett CK, Steingart KR, Cattamanchi A, Huang L, Hopewell PC, Pai M. Interferon-? release assays for active pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis in adults in low- and middle-income countries: systematic review and meta-analysis. Volume 204 Suppl 4. The Journal of infectious diseases 2011. PMID: 21996694
Brust JC, O'Donnell MR, Metcalfe JZ. TB/HIV: an orphan disease? Volume 183 of Issue 11. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2011. PMID: 21642250
Cattamanchi A, Smith R, Steingart KR, Metcalfe JZ, Date A, Coleman C, Marston BJ, Huang L, Hopewell PC, Pai M. Interferon-gamma release assays for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection in HIV-infected individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Volume 56 of Issue 3. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2011. PMID: 21239993
Kato-Maeda M, Metcalfe JZ, Flores L. Genotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: application in epidemiologic studies. Volume 6 of Issue 2. Future microbiology 2011. PMID: 21366420
Metcalfe JZ, Kim EY, Lin SY, Cattamanchi A, Oh P, Flood J, Hopewell PC, Kato-Maeda M. Determinants of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis clusters, California, USA, 2004-2007. Volume 16 of Issue 9. Emerging infectious diseases 2010. PMID: 20735924
Davis JL, Worodria W, Kisembo H, Metcalfe JZ, Cattamanchi A, Kawooya M, Kyeyune R, den Boon S, Powell K, Okello R, Yoo S, Huang L. Clinical and radiographic factors do not accurately diagnose smear-negative tuberculosis in HIV-infected inpatients in Uganda: a cross-sectional study. Volume 5 of Issue 3. PloS one 2010. PMID: 20361038
Metcalfe JZ, Cattamanchi A, Vittinghoff E, Ho C, Grinsdale J, Hopewell PC, Kawamura LM, Nahid P. Evaluation of quantitative IFN-gamma response for risk stratification of active tuberculosis suspects. Volume 181 of Issue 1. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2009. PMID: 19797760
Cattamanchi A, Dantes RB, Metcalfe JZ, Jarlsberg LG, Grinsdale J, Kawamura LM, Osmond D, Hopewell PC, Nahid P. Clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes of patients with isoniazid-monoresistant tuberculosis. Volume 48 of Issue 2. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2009. PMID: 19086909
Gouveia EL, Metcalfe J, de Carvalho AL, Aires TS, Villasboas-Bisneto JC, Queirroz A, Santos AC, Salgado K, Reis MG, Ko AI. Leptospirosis-associated severe pulmonary hemorrhagic syndrome, Salvador, Brazil. Volume 14 of Issue 3. Emerging infectious diseases 2008. PMID: 18325275
Roshanravan B, Kari E, Gilman RH, Cabrera L, Lee E, Metcalfe J, Calderon M, Lescano AG, Montenegro SH, Calampa C, Vinetz JM. Endemic malaria in the Peruvian Amazon region of Iquitos. Volume 69 of Issue 1. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2003. PMID: 12932096
Stephanie Margaret Selike Wilmore, MRCP, MSc; Katharina Kranzer; Alan Williams; Beauty Makamure; Agness Nhdiza; Justin Mayini; Tsitsi Bandason; John Metcalfe; Mark Nicol; Indran Balakrishnan; Matthew Ellington; Neil Woodford; Susan Hopkins; Tim D McHugh; Rashida Ferrand.. Carriage of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in HIV-infected children in Zimbabwe Accepted, Journal of Medical Microbiology. . PMID: