John Davis, PhD, MD
Associate Dean, Curriculum
My professional interests are both clinical and educational in nature.
Clinically, I am primarily focused on infectious diseases of the immunocompromised host. This includes those who are treated with immunosuppression (e.g., transplant recipients), and those who have other immunosuppressive conditions, especially persons living with HIV. I also have an interest in sexual and gender minority (SGM/LGBTQ+) health and healthcare disparities.
Educationally, I serve as the Associate Dean for Curriculum in the School of Medicine, and am interested in curriculum development in general. I am also specifically interested in the intersection of LGBTQ+ and LHS+ (Latino/a/e/x, Hispanic, Spanish origin) issues and academic medicine. This includes both the educational approaches to identity-related content across learner levels and the experiences of learners who hold those identities, particularly those holding intersectional identities, as they navigate their paths in academic medicine.
Streed CG, Michals A, Quinn E, Davis JA, Blume K, Dalke KB, Fetterman D, Garcia G, Goldsmith E, Greene RE, Halem J, Hedian HF, Moring I, Navarra M, Potter J, Siegel J, White W, Lunn MR, Obedin-Maliver J. Sexual and gender minority content in undergraduate medical education in the United States and Canada: current state and changes since 2011. BMC medical education 2024. PMID: 38693525
Zussman JW, Ma JY, Bindman JG, Cornes S, Davis JA, Brondfield S. Identifying Strategies for the Use of Gender and Sex Language in Clinical One-Liners. LGBT health 2024. PMID: 38301142
Mayer KH, Peretti M, McBurnie MA, King D, Smith NX, Crawford P, Loo S, Sigal M, Gillespie S, Davis JA, Cahill S, Grasso C, Keuroghlian AS. Training Health Center Staff in the Provision of Culturally Responsive Care for Sexual and Gender Minority Patients: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. LGBT health 2023. PMID: 38052073
Ard KL, Bruno J, Uzoeghelu U, Lambert C, Khan T, Davis JA, Mayer KH, Keuroghlian AS. PrEP Echo: A National Interdisciplinary Telementoring Program for HIV Prevention Through Practice Transformation. AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education 2023. PMID: 37410373
Zussman JW, Ma JY, Bindman JG, Cornes S, Davis JA, Brondfield S. Maximally Affirming Gender/Sex in Clinical Communications (MAGICC) Study. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2022. PMID: 37460525
Chang A, Pierluissi E, Cornes S, Ishizaki A, Teherani A, Davis J, Hauer KE, Lucey CR. The Clinical Microsystems Clerkship at University of California, San Francisco: Integrating Clinical Skills and Health Systems Improvement for Early Medical Students. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2022. PMID: 36222538
Lucey CR, Davis JA, Green MM. We Have No Choice but to Transform: The Future of Medical Education After the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2021. PMID: 34789658
Hoops K, Fahimi J, Khoeur L, Studenmund C, Barber C, Barnhorst A, Betz ME, Crifasi CK, Davis JA, Dewispelaere W, Fisher L, Howard PK, Ketterer A, Marcolini E, Nestadt PS, Rozel J, Simonetti JA, Spitzer S, Victoroff M, Williams BH, Howley L, Ranney ML. Consensus-Driven Priorities for Firearm Injury Education Among Medical Professionals. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2021. PMID: 34232149
Kraakevik JA, Beck Dallaghan GL, Byerley JS, Monrad SU, Davis JA, Hammoud MM, Grum CM, Carney P. Managing expansions in medical students' clinical placements caused by curricular transformation: perspectives from four medical schools. Medical education online 2021. PMID: 33327877
Ard KL, Uzoeghelu U, Bruno J, Lambert C, Mayer KH, Davis JA, Keuroghlian AS. Readiness of US Federally Qualified Health Centers to Provide HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis. 2021. PMID: 34738023
Lee CM, Juarez M, Rae G, Jones L, Rodriguez RM, Davis JA, Boysen-Osborn M, Kashima KJ, Krane NK, Kman N, Langsfeld JM, Harries AJ. Anxiety, PTSD, and stressors in medical students during the initial peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. PloS one 2021. PMID: 34324555
Cavalcanti M, Fernandes AK, McCallister JW, Heacock A, Schaffernocker T, Davis JA, Kman NE. Post-Clerkship Curricular Reform: Specialty-Specific Tracks and Entrustable Professional Activities to Guide the Transition to Residency. Medical Science Educator 2021. PMID: 33686361
Harries AJ, Lee C, Jones L, Rodriguez RM, Davis JA, Boysen-Osborn M, Kashima KJ, Krane NK, Rae G, Kman N, Langsfeld JM, Juarez M. Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical students: a multicenter quantitative study. BMC medical education 2021. PMID: 33407422
Altneu E, Grieco CA, Verbeck N, Davis JA, Clinchot DM. LGBTQ+ Health-a Novel Course for Undergraduate Students. Medical Science Educator 2020. PMID: 34457755
Terndrup C, Streed CG, Tiberio P, Black M, Davis J, Apfel A, Blackstock OJ, Edelman EJ, Berkenblit G. A Cross-sectional Survey of Internal Medicine Resident Knowledge, Attitudes, Behaviors, and Experiences Regarding Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Infection. Journal of general internal medicine 2019. PMID: 31020604
Goldhammer H, Maston ED, Kissock LA, Davis JA, Keuroghlian AS. National Findings from an LGBT Healthcare Organizational Needs Assessment. LGBT health 2018. PMID: 30383473
Streed CG
Davis JA. Improving Clinical Education and Training on Sexual and Gender Minority Health Current Sexual Health Reports 2018. PMID:Prior DE, Nurre E, Roller SL, Kline D, Panara R, Stino AM, Davis JA, Freimer ML, Arnold WD. Infections and the relationship to treatment in neuromuscular autoimmunity. Muscle & nerve 2017. PMID: 29211921
Rice CE, Vasilenko SA, Lanza ST, Davis JA, Fields KS, Ervin M, Norris Turner A. Time Since First Acting on Same-Sex Attraction and Recreational Drug Use among Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM): Is There an Effect of "Gay Age"? Substance use & misuse 2017. PMID: 29131695
Holthouser A
Sawning S
Leslie K
Jones VF
Steinbock S
Noonan EJ
Martin L
Weingartner L
Potter J
Davis J
Eckstrand K
Shaw MA. eQuality: A Process Model to Develop an Integrated, Comprehensive Medical Education Curriculum for LGBT, Gender Nonconforming, and DSD Health Medical Science Educator 2017. PMID:Campbell SJ, Kynyk JA, Davis JA. Disseminated adenovirus infection causing severe ARDS. BMJ case reports 2017. PMID: 28096226
Thompson LR, Leung CG, Green B, Lipps J, Schaffernocker T, Ledford C, Davis J, Way DP, Kman NE. Development of an Assessment for Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) 10: Emergent Patient Management. The western journal of emergency medicine 2016. PMID: 28116006
Rice CE, Norris AH, Davis JA, Lynch CD, Fields KS, Ervin M, Turner AN. Body image and sexually transmissible infection prevalence among men who have sex with men. Sexual health 2015. PMID: 26188681
Rice CE, Lynch CD, Norris AH, Davis JA, Fields KS, Ervin M, Turner AN. Group Sex and Prevalent Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Men Who Have Sex with Men. Archives of sexual behavior 2015. PMID: 26392187
Bazan JA, Carr Reese P, Esber A, Lahey S, Ervin M, Davis JA, Fields K, Turner AN. High prevalence of rectal gonorrhea and Chlamydia infection in women attending a sexually transmitted disease clinic. Journal of women's health (2002) 2015. PMID: 25692800
Vaughn JL, Rickborn LR, Davis JA. Patients' Attitudes Toward Medical Student Participation Across Specialties: A Systematic Review. Teaching and learning in medicine 2015. PMID: 26158326
Turner AN, Carr Reese P, Fields KS, Anderson J, Ervin M, Davis JA, Fichorova RN, Roberts MW, Klebanoff MA, Jackson RD. A blinded, randomized controlled trial of high-dose vitamin D supplementation to reduce recurrence of bacterial vaginosis. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 2014. PMID: 24949544
Rice CE, Gallo MF, Hobbs MM, Lynch CD, Norris AH, Davis JA, Fields KS, Ervin M, Turner AN. Prostate-specific antigen is unlikely to be a suitable biomarker of semen exposure from recent unprotected receptive anal intercourse in men who have sex with men. Sexually transmitted diseases 2014. PMID: 24825334
Martin SI, Way DP, Verbeck N, Nagel R, Davis JA, Vandre DD. The impact of lecture attendance and other variables on how medical students evaluate faculty in a preclinical program. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2013. PMID: 23702517
Turner AN, Reese PC, Ervin M, Davis JA, Fields KS, Bazan JA. HIV, rectal chlamydia, and rectal gonorrhea in men who have sex with men attending a sexually transmitted disease clinic in a midwestern US city. Sexually transmitted diseases 2013. PMID: 23677015
Davis JA, Yawetz S. Management of HIV in the pregnant woman. Clinical obstetrics and gynecology 2012. PMID: 22510636
Singh N, Pizanis C, Davis J. A difficult diagnosis: acute histoplasmosis. Clinical kidney journal 2012. PMID: 26069776
Abandeh FI, Bazan JA, Davis JA, Zaidi AN, Daniels CJ, Firstenberg MS. Bartonella henselae prosthetic valve endocarditis in an adult patient with congenital heart disease: favorable outcome after combined medical and surgical management. Journal of cardiac surgery 2012. PMID: 22381119
Taylor LE, Holubar M, Wu K, Bosch RJ, Wyles DL, Davis JA, Mayer KH, Sherman KE, Tashima KT. Incident hepatitis C virus infection among US HIV-infected men enrolled in clinical trials. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2011. PMID: 21282184
Davis JA, Horn DL, Marr KA, Fishman JA. Central nervous system involvement in cryptococcal infection in individuals after solid organ transplantation or with AIDS. Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society 2009. PMID: 19638005