Joe Derisi, PhD
Our lab exploits whole genome approaches to tackle problems in yeast molecular biology and human infectious disease. These projects can be classified into three separate areas:
Functional genomics of Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of human malaria.
Malaria is one of the most deadly and profound human health problems in existence and results in approximately 1.5 to 2.7 million deaths annually. The most fatal and prevalent form of malaria is caused by the blood-borne pathogen Plasmodium falciparum. Beyond the lives this parasite claims every year, hundreds of millions of people will become clinically ill. The socioeconomic impact of this disease to developing countries, especially those on the African continent, is beyond measure. There exist no vaccines with an operational impact and resistance of the parasite to current anti-malarial drugs has spread worldwide. Because the vast majority of malaria occurs in poor nations, there is little profit incentive for large western and European drug companies to pursue new anti-malarial therapies, yet novel approaches are in desperate need
The paucity of new anti-malarial medications is partly attributable to the lack of validated drug targets. Indeed, all currently approved drugs and those in development are directed against only a handful of gene products and processes. Unlike many bacterial pathogens, both genetic and molecular biological approaches have been difficult in Plasmodia. Fortunately, the completion of the Plasmodium falciparum sequencing project will inherently broaden the range of potential drug targets by identifying all possible open reading frames. Although a great deal of functional annotation may be accomplished by sequence based homology comparisons, this information will not be sufficient to determine whether a gene product actually participates in a function or process at any given time during the development of the parasite. In addition, the majority of gene products discovered through the sequencing of the genome will not reveal significant sequence homology and therefore will remain hypothetical and uncharacterized. We are utilizing the full potential of the completed sequence by implementing a functional genomics approach to the elucidation of metabolic and stage specific gene expression. This is being accomplished by systematic perturbation of P. falciparum cultures in conjunction with genome wide gene expression profiling, exhaustive homology based sequence comparison, pathway analysis, and functional characterization.
Whole genome approaches to the molecular biology of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
We are using DNA microarrays to investigate several different aspects of yeast biology. These include chromatin immunoprecipitation techniques to reconstruct the protein-DNA topology of the genome, gene expression profiles to investigate the action of small molecule drugs, and immunoprecipitation of RNA binding proteins to screen for novel regulatory mechanisms. Other yeast-based projects in the lab seek to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for the various steps of meiotic recombination through genetics and biochemistry.
Searching for a link between asthma and viral infection.
The notion that acute asthma attacks are frequently precipitated by respiratory infection is part of the training of every physician and is well supported in general terms by numerous clinical investigations. However, the prevalence of respiratory infection in acute asthma and the identities of the responsible pathogen(s) have been more controversial. Studies based upon culture and/or viral antigen detection in respiratory secretions of asthmatics have generally recorded rates of infection between 20-40%; these studies typically identify rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, adenoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza viruses. This is likely to be an underestimate and likely define a minimal estimate of the contribution of viral infection to acute asthma attacks.
We are constructing and using a viral DNA microarray based system customized for the goal of detecting and differentiating between pathogens commonly found in the respiratory tract. This technology will allow us to investigate whether there is a positive correlation between viral infection and asthma attacks, if so, which viral types are so associated. To accomplish this goal, we are actively collaborating with an on-going clinical research study of asthma here at UCSF.
Lydon E, Osborne CM, Wagner BD, Ambroggio L, Harris JK, Reeder R, Carpenter TC, Maddux AB, Leroue MK, Yehya N, DeRisi JL, Hall MW, Zuppa AF, Carcillo J, Meert K, Sapru A, Pollack MM, McQuillen P, Notterman DA, Langelier CR, Mourani PM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediat. Proteomic profiling of the local and systemic immune response to pediatric respiratory viral infections. mSystems 2024. PMID: 39611811
Lebel PM, Jeyakumar I, Khoo MWL, Charlton C, Saxena A, Jacobsen A, James E, Huynh E, Wu W, Courville G, Fu PC, Raghavan M, Puccinelli R, Peter O, Dorsey G, Rosenthal P, DeRisi J, Gomez-Sjoberg R. Remoscope: a label-free imaging cytometer for malaria diagnostics. medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 2024. PMID: 39606416
Fei F, Lun S, Saxena A, Raghavan M, DeRisi JL, Bishai WR, Sello JK. Total Syntheses of Cyclomarin and Metamarin Natural Products. Organic letters 2024. PMID: 39486397
Spottiswoode N, Tsitsiklis A, Chu VT, Phan HV, DeVoe C, Love C, Ghale R, Bloomstein J, Zha BS, Maguire CP, Glascock A, Sarma A, Mourani PM, Kalantar KL, Detweiler A, Neff N, Haller SC, COMET Consortium, DeRisi JL, Erle DJ, Hendrickson CM, Kangelaris KN, Krummel MF, Matthay MA, Woodruff PG, Calfee CS, Langelier CR. Microbial dynamics and pulmonary immune responses in COVID-19 secondary bacterial pneumonia. Nature communications 2024. PMID: 39472555
Klepper A, Kung A, Vazquez SE, Mitchell A, Mann S, Zorn K, Avila-Vargas I, Kari S, Tekeste M, Castro J, Lee B, Duarte M, Khalili M, Yang M, Wolters P, Price J, Perito E, Feng S, Maher JJ, Lai J, Weiler-Normann C, Lohse AW, DeRisi J, Tana M. Novel autoantibody targets identified in patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) by PhIP-Seq reveals pathogenic insights. medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 2023. PMID: 37398174
Lydon E, Osborne CM, Wagner BD, Ambroggio L, Harris JK, Reeder R, Carpenter TC, Maddux AB, Leroue MK, Yehya N, DeRisi JL, Hall MW, Zuppa AF, Carcillo J, Meert K, Sapru A, Pollack MM, McQuillen P, Notterman DA, Langelier CR, Mourani PM, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediat. Proteomic profiling of the local and systemic immune response to pediatric respiratory viral infections. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2024. PMID: 39416167
Peter E, Ciano-Petersen NL, Do LD, Perrot J, Ngo T, Pluvinage J, Bartley CM, Zorn KC, Miske R, Scharf M, Villagrán-García M, Farina A, Rogemond V, Antoine JC, Tranchant C, Dubois V, DeRisi JL, Pleasure SJ, Wilson MR, Gelfand JM, Traverse-Glehen A, Honnorat J, Desestret V. Anti-RGS8 paraneoplastic cerebellar ataxia is preferentially associated with a particular subtype of Hodgkin's lymphoma. Journal of neurology 2024. PMID: 39207522
Brook CE, Rozins C, Bohl JA, Ahyong V, Chea S, Fahsbender L, Huy R, Lay S, Leang R, Li Y, Lon C, Man S, Oum M, Northrup GR, Oliveira F, Pacheco AR, Parker DM, Young K, Boots M, Tato CM, DeRisi JL, Yek C, Manning JE. Climate, demography, immunology, and virology combine to drive two decades of dengue virus dynamics in Cambodia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2024. PMID: 39190356
Bodansky A, Mettelman RC, Sabatino JJ, Vazquez SE, Chou J, Novak T, Moffitt KL, Miller HS, Kung AF, Rackaityte E, Zamecnik CR, Rajan JV, Kortbawi H, Mandel-Brehm C, Mitchell A, Wang CY, Saxena A, Zorn K, Yu DJL, Pogorelyy MV, Awad W, Kirk AM, Asaki J, Pluvinage JV, Wilson MR, Zambrano LD, Campbell AP, Overcoming COVID-19 Network Investigators, Thomas PG, Randolph AG, Anderson MS, DeRisi JL. Molecular mimicry in multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. Nature 2024. PMID: 39112696
Upadhyay V, Yoon YM, Vazquez SE, Velez TE, Jones KD, Lee CT, Law CS, Wolters PJ, Lee S, Yang MM, Farrand E, Noth I, Strek ME, Anderson MS, DeRisi JL, Sperling AI, Shum AK. Phage Immunoprecipitation-Sequencing Reveals CDHR5 Autoantibodies in Select Patients With Interstitial Lung Disease. ACR Open Rheumatology 2024. PMID: 38952015
Pluvinage JV, Ngo T, Fouassier C, McDonagh M, Holmes BB, Bartley CM, Kondapavulur S, Hurabielle C, Bodansky A, Pai V, Hinman S, Aslanpour A, Alvarenga BD, Zorn KC, Zamecnik C, McCann A, Asencor AI, Huynh T, Browne W, Tubati A, Haney MS, Douglas VC, Louine M, Cree BAC, Hauser SL, Seeley W, Baranzini SE, Wells JA, Spudich S, Farhadian S, Ramachandran PS, Gillum L, Hales CM, Zikherman J, Anderson MS, Yazdany J, Smith B, Nath A, Suh G, Flanagan EP, Green AJ, Green R, Gelfand JM, DeRisi JL, Pleasure SJ, Wilson MR. Transcobalamin receptor antibodies in autoimmune vitamin B12 central deficiency. Science translational medicine 2024. PMID: 38924428
Van Horn KS, Zhao Y, Parvatkar PT, Maier J, Mutka T, Lacrue A, Brockmeier F, Ebert D, Wu W, Casandra DR, Namelikonda N, Yacoub J, Sigal M, Knapp S, Floyd D, Waterson D, Burrows JN, Duffy J, DeRisi JL, Kyle DE, Guy RK, Manetsch R. Optimization of diastereomeric dihydropyridines as antimalarials. European journal of medicinal chemistry 2024. PMID: 38909569
Zinter MS, Dvorak CC, Mayday MY, Reyes G, Simon MR, Pearce EM, Kim H, Shaw PJ, Rowan CM, Auletta JJ, Martin PL, Godder K, Duncan CN, Lalefar NR, Kreml EM, Hume JR, Abdel-Azim H, Hurley C, Cuvelier GDE, Keating AK, Qayed M, Killinger JS, Fitzgerald JC, Hanna R, Mahadeo KM, Quigg TC, Satwani P, Castillo P, Gertz SJ, Moore TB, Hanisch B, Abdel-Mageed A, Phelan R, Davis DB, Hudspeth MP, Yanik GA, Pulsipher MA, Sulaiman I, Segal LN, Versluys BA, Lindemans CA, Boelens JJ, DeRisi JL, Pediatric Transplantation and Cell Therapy Consortium. Pathobiological signatures of dysbiotic lung injury in pediatric patients undergoing stem cell transplantation. Nature medicine 2024. PMID: 38783139
Bodansky A, Yu DJ, Rallistan AN, Kalaycioglu M, Boonyaratanakornkit J, Green DJ, Gauthier J, Turtle CJ, Zorn KC, O'Donovan B, Mandel-Brehm C, Asaki J, Kortbawi H, Kung AF, Rackaityte E, Wang CY, Saxena A, de Dios K, Masi G, Nowak RJ, O'Connor KC, Li H, Diaz VE, Saloner R, Casaletto KB, Gontrum EQ, Chan BJ, Kramer JH, Wilson MR, Utz PJ, Hill JA, Jackson SW, Anderson MS, DeRisi JL. Unveiling the proteome-wide autoreactome enables enhanced evaluation of emerging CAR-T therapies in autoimmunity. The Journal of clinical investigation 2024. PMID: 38753445
Zamecnik CR, Sowa GM, Abdelhak A, Dandekar R, Bair RD, Wade KJ, Bartley CM, Kizer K, Augusto DG, Tubati A, Gomez R, Fouassier C, Gerungan C, Caspar CM, Alexander J, Wapniarski AE, Loudermilk RP, Eggers EL, Zorn KC, Ananth K, Jabassini N, Mann SA, Ragan NR, Santaniello A, Henry RG, Baranzini SE, Zamvil SS, Sabatino JJ, Bove RM, Guo CY, Gelfand JM, Cuneo R, von Büdingen HC, Oksenberg JR, Cree BAC, Hollenbach JA, Green AJ, Hauser SL, Wallin MT, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR. An autoantibody signature predictive for multiple sclerosis. Nature medicine 2024. PMID: 38641750
Spottiswoode N, Haston JC, Hanners NW, Gruenberg K, Kim A, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR. Challenges and advances in the medical treatment of granulomatous amebic encephalitis. Therapeutic advances in infectious disease 2024. PMID: 38312848
Chu VT, Tsitsiklis A, Mick E, Ambroggio L, Kalantar KL, Glascock A, Osborne CM, Wagner BD, Matthay MA, DeRisi JL, Calfee CS, Mourani PM, Langelier CR. The antibiotic resistance reservoir of the lung microbiome expands with age in a population of critically ill patients. Nature communications 2024. PMID: 38168095
Bastard P, Vazquez S, Liu J, Laurie MT, Wang CY, Gervais A, Le Voyer T, Bizien L, Zamecnik C, Philippot Q, Rosain J, Catherinot E, Willmore A, Mitchell AM, Bair R, Garçon P, Kenney H, Fekkar A, Salagianni M, Poulakou G, Siouti E, Sahanic S, Tancevski I, Weiss G, Nagl L, Manry J, Duvlis S, Arroyo-Sánchez D, Paz Artal E, Rubio L, Perani C, Bezzi M, Sottini A, Quaresima V, Roussel L, Vinh DC, Reyes LF, Garzaro M, Hatipoglu N, Boutboul D, Tandjaoui-Lambiotte Y, Borghesi A, Aliberti A, Cassaniti I, Venet F, Monneret G, Halwani R, Sharif-Askari NS, Danielson J, Burrel S, Morbieu C, Stepanovskyy Y, Bondarenko A, Volokha A, Boyarchuk O, Gagro A, Neuville M, Neven B, Keles S, Hernu R, Bal A, Novelli A, Novelli G, Saker K, Ailioaie O, Antolí A, Jeziorski E, Rocamora-Blanch G, Teixeira C, Delaunay C, Lhuillier M, Le Turnier P, Zhang Y, Mahevas M, Pan-Hammarström Q, Abolhassani H, Bompoil T, Dorgham K, COVID HGE consortium † , French COVID study group † , COMET consortium † , Gorochov G, Laouenan C, Rodríguez-Gallego C, Ng LFP, Renia L, Pujol A, Belot A, Raffi F, Allende LM, Martinez-Picado J, Ozcelik T, Keles S, Imberti L, Notarangelo LD, Troya J, Solanich X, Zhang SY, Puel A, Wilson MR, Trouillet-Assant S, Abel L, Jouanguy E, Ye CJ, Cobat A, Thompson LM, Andreakos E, Zhang Q, Anderson MS, Casanova JL, DeRisi JL. Vaccine breakthrough hypoxemic COVID-19 pneumonia in patients with auto-Abs neutralizing type I IFNs. Science immunology 2022. PMID: 35857576
Bodansky A, Yu DJ, Rallistan A, Kalaycioglu M, Boonyaratanakornkit J, Green DJ, Gauthier J, Turtle CJ, Zorn K, O'Donovan B, Mandel-Brehm C, Asaki J, Kortbawi H, Kung AF, Rackaityte E, Wang CY, Saxena A, de Dios K, Masi G, Nowak RJ, O'Connor KC, Li H, Diaz VE, Casaletto KB, Gontrum EQ, Chan B, Kramer JH, Wilson MR, Utz PJ, Hill JA, Jackson SW, Anderson MS, DeRisi JL. Unveiling the autoreactome: Proteome-wide immunological fingerprints reveal the promise of plasma cell depleting therapy. medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 2023. PMID: 38196603
Rackaityte E, Proekt I, Miller HS, Ramesh A, Brooks JF, Kung AF, Mandel-Brehm C, Yu DJ, Zamecnik CR, Bair R, Vazquez SE, Sunshine S, Abram CL, Lowell CA, Rizzuto G, Wilson MR, Zikherman J, Anderson MS, DeRisi JL. Validation of a murine proteome-wide phage display library for identification of autoantibody specificities. JCI insight 2023. PMID: 37934865
Zinter MS, Dvorak CC, Mayday MY, Reyes G, Simon MR, Pearce EM, Kim H, Shaw PJ, Rowan CM, Auletta JJ, Martin PL, Godder K, Duncan CN, Lalefar NR, Kreml EM, Hume JR, Abdel-Azim H, Hurley C, Cuvelier GDE, Keating AK, Qayed M, Killinger JS, Fitzgerald JC, Hanna R, Mahadeo KM, Quigg TC, Satwani P, Castillo P, Gertz SJ, Moore TB, Hanisch B, Abdel-Mageed A, Phelan R, Davis DB, Hudspeth MP, Yanik GA, Pulsipher MA, Sulaiman I, Segal LN, Versluys BA, Lindemans CA, Boelens JJ, DeRisi JL, Pediatric Transplantation and Cell Therapy Consortium. Pulmonary microbiome and transcriptome signatures reveal distinct pathobiologic states associated with mortality in two cohorts of pediatric stem cell transplant patients. medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 2023. PMID: 38077035
Le Voyer T, Parent AV, Liu X, Cederholm A, Gervais A, Rosain J, Nguyen T, Perez Lorenzo M, Rackaityte E, Rinchai D, Zhang P, Bizien L, Hancioglu G, Ghillani-Dalbin P, Charuel JL, Philippot Q, Gueye MS, Maglorius Renkilaraj MRL, Ogishi M, Soudée C, Migaud M, Rozenberg F, Momenilandi M, Riller Q, Imberti L, Delmonte OM, Müller G, Keller B, Orrego J, Franco Gallego WA, Rubin T, Emiroglu M, Parvaneh N, Eriksson D, Aranda-Guillen M, Berrios DI, Vong L, Katelaris CH, Mustillo P, Raedler J, Bohlen J, Bengi Celik J, Astudillo C, Winter S, NF-?B Consortium, COVID Human Genetic Effort, McLean C, Guffroy A, DeRisi JL, Yu D, Miller C, Feng Y, Guichard A, Béziat V, Bustamante J, Pan-Hammarström Q, Zhang Y, Rosen LB, Holland SM, Bosticardo M, Kenney H, Castagnoli R, Slade CA, Boztug K, Mahlaoui N, Latour S, Abraham RS, Lougaris V, Hauck F, Sediva A, Atschekzei F, Sogkas G, Poli MC, Slatter MA, Palterer B, Keller MD, Pinzon-Charry A, Sullivan A, Droney L, Suan D, Wong M, Kane A, Hu H, Ma C, Grombiríková H, Ciznar P, Dalal I, Aladjidi N, Hie M, Lazaro E, Franco J, Keles S, Malphettes M, Pasquet M, Maccari ME, Meinhardt A, Ikinciogullari A, Shahrooei M, Celmeli F, Frosk P, Goodnow CC, Gray PE, Belot A, Kuehn HS, Rosenzweig SD, Miyara M, Licciardi F, Servettaz A, Barlogis V, Le Guenno G, Herrmann VM, Kuijpers T, Ducoux G, Sarrot-Reynauld F, Schuetz C, Cunningham-Rundles C, Rieux-Laucat F, Tangye SG, Sobacchi C, Doffinger R, Warnatz K, Grimbacher B, Fieschi C, Berteloot L, Bryant VL, Trouillet Assant S, Su H, Neven B, Abel L, Zhang Q, Boisson B, Cobat A, Jouanguy E, Kampe O, Bastard P, Roifman CM, Landegren N, Notarangelo LD, Anderson MS, Casanova JL, Puel A. Autoantibodies against type I IFNs in humans with alternative NF-κB pathway deficiency. Nature 2023. PMID: 37938781
Wadford DA, Baumrind N, Baylis EF, Bell JM, Bouchard EL, Crumpler M, Foote EM, Gilliam S, Glaser CA, Hacker JK, Ledin K, Messenger SL, Morales C, Smith EA, Sevinsky JR, Corbett-Detig RB, DeRisi J, Jacobson K. Implementation of California COVIDNet - a multi-sector collaboration for statewide SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance. Frontiers in public health 2023. PMID: 37937074
Sunshine S, Puschnik AS, Replogle JM, Laurie MT, Liu J, Zha BS, Nuñez JK, Byrum JR, McMorrow AH, Frieman MB, Winkler J, Qiu X, Rosenberg OS, Leonetti MD, Ye CJ, Weissman JS, DeRisi JL, Hein MY. Systematic functional interrogation of SARS-CoV-2 host factors using Perturb-seq. Nature communications 2023. PMID: 37803001
Osborne CM, Langelier C, Kamm J, Williamson K, Ambroggio L, Reeder RW, Locandro C, Kirk Harris J, Wagner BD, Maddux AB, Caldera S, Lyden A, Soesanto V, Simões EAF, Leroue MK, Carpenter TC, Hall MW, Zuppa AF, Carcillo JA, Meert KL, Pollack MM, McQuillen PS, Notterman DA, DeRisi J, Mourani PM, National Institute for Child Health and Human Development Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Rese. Viral Detection by Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction in Upper Respiratory Tract and Metagenomic RNA Sequencing in Lower Respiratory Tract in Critically Ill Children With Suspected Lower Respiratory Tract Infection. Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies 2023. PMID: 37732845
Bartley CM, Ngo TT, Do LD, Zekeridou A, Dandekar R, Muñiz-Castrillo S, Alvarenga BD, Zorn KC, Tubati A, Pinto AL, Browne WD, Hullett PW, Terrelonge M, Schubert RD, Piquet AL, Binxia Y, Montalvo Perero MJ, Kung AF, Mann SA, Shah MP, Geschwind MD, Gelfand JM, DeRisi JL, Pittock SJ, Honnorat J, Pleasure SJ, Wilson MR. Detection of High-Risk Paraneoplastic Antibodies Against TRIM9 and TRIM67 proteins. Annals of neurology 2023. PMID: 37632288
Langelier C, Chu V, Tsitsiklis A, Mick E, Ambroggio L, Kalantar K, Glascock A, Osborne C, Wagner B, Matthay M, DeRisi J, Calfee C, Mourani P. The antibiotic resistance reservoir of the lung microbiome expands with age. Research square 2023. PMID: 37790384
Spottiswoode N, Hao S, Sanchez-Guerrero E, Detweiler AM, Mekonen H, Neff N, Macmillan H, Schwartz BS, Engel J, DeRisi JL, Miller SA, Langelier CR. In host evolution of beta lactam resistance during active treatment for Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 2023. PMID: 37712060
Lohse MB, Laurie MT, Levan S, Ziv N, Ennis CL, Nobile CJ, DeRisi J, Johnson AD. Broad susceptibility of Candida auris strains to 8-hydroxyquinolines and mechanisms of resistance. mBio 2023. PMID: 37493629
Popova G, Retallack H, Kim CN, Wang A, Shin D, DeRisi JL, Nowakowski T. Rubella virus tropism and single-cell responses in human primary tissue and microglia-containing organoids. eLife 2023. PMID: 37470786
Hawes IA, Alvarenga BD, Browne W, Wapniarski A, Dandekar R, Bartley CM, Sowa GM, DeRisi JL, Cinque P, Dravid AN, Pleasure SJ, Gisslen M, Price RW, Wilson MR. Viral co-infection, autoimmunity, and CSF HIV antibody profiles in HIV central nervous system escape. Journal of neuroimmunology 2023. PMID: 37418948
Chu VT, Nafees S, Waltari E, McNeil N, Caughell C, Sanchez-Guerrero E, Wang L, Stanley K, Cunningham G, Wong J, Phelps M, Tato CM, Miller S, DeRisi JL, Yokoe DS, Ramirez-Avila L, Langelier CR. Whole-genome sequencing rule-out of suspected hospital-onset Rhizopus outbreaks. Infection control and hospital epidemiology 2023. PMID: 37308466
Bodansky A, Wang CY, Saxena A, Mitchell A, Kung AF, Takahashi S, Anglin K, Huang B, Hoh R, Lu S, Goldberg SA, Romero J, Tran B, Kirtikar R, Grebe H, So M, Greenhouse B, Durstenfeld MS, Hsue PY, Hellmuth J, Kelly JD, Martin JN, Anderson MS, Deeks SG, Henrich TJ, DeRisi JL, Peluso MJ. Autoantigen profiling reveals a shared post-COVID signature in fully recovered and long COVID patients. JCI insight 2023. PMID: 37288661
Zamecnik CR, Sowa GM, Abdelhak A, Dandekar R, Bair RD, Wade KJ, Bartley CM, Tubati A, Gomez R, Fouassier C, Gerungan C, Alexander J, Wapniarski AE, Loudermilk RP, Eggers EL, Zorn KC, Ananth K, Jabassini N, Mann SA, Ragan NR, Santaniello A, Henry RG, Baranzini SE, Zamvil SS, Bove RM, Guo CY, Gelfand JM, Cuneo R, von Büdingen HC, Oksenberg JR, Cree BA, Hollenbach JA, Green AJ, Hauser SL, Wallin MT, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR. A Predictive Autoantibody Signature in Multiple Sclerosis. medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 2023. PMID: 37205595
Yoon YM, Velez TE, Upadhyay V, Vazquez SE, Lee CT, Selvan KC, Law CS, Blaine KM, Hollinger MK, Decker DC, Clark MR, Strek ME, Guzy RD, Adegunsoye A, Noth I, Wolters PJ, Anderson M, DeRisi JL, Shum AK, Sperling AI. Antigenic responses are hallmarks of fibrotic interstitial lung diseases independent of underlying etiologies. medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 2023. PMID: 37214861
Upadhyay V, Yoon YM, Vazquez SE, Velez TE, Jones KD, Lee CT, Law CS, Wolters PJ, Lee S, Yang MM, Farrand E, Noth I, Strek ME, Anderson M, DeRisi J, Sperling AI, Shum AK. PhIP-Seq uncovers novel autoantibodies and unique endotypes in interstitial lung disease. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2023. PMID: 37163026
Rackaityte E, Proekt I, Miller HS, Ramesh A, Brooks JF, Kung AF, Mandel-Brehm C, Yu D, Zamecnik C, Bair R, Vazquez SE, Sunshine S, Abram CL, Lowell CA, Rizzuto G, Wilson MR, Zikherman J, Anderson MS, DeRisi JL. Validation of a murine proteome-wide phage display library for the identification of autoantibody specificities. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2023. PMID: 37066405
Mick E, Tsitsiklis A, Kamm J, Kalantar KL, Caldera S, Lyden A, Tan M, Detweiler AM, Neff N, Osborne CM, Williamson KM, Soesanto V, Leroue M, Maddux AB, Sim?es EA, Carpenter TC, Wagner BD, DeRisi JL, Ambroggio L, Mourani PM, Langelier CR. Integrated host/microbe metagenomics enables accurate lower respiratory tract infection diagnosis in critically ill children. The Journal of clinical investigation 2023. PMID: 37009900
Schrom J, Marquez C, Wang CY, Saxena A, Mitchell AM, Ribeiro S, Pilarowski G, Nakamura R, Rojas S, Black D, Contreras Oseguera MG, Diaz EC, Payan J, Rojas S, Jones D, Tulier-Laiwa V, Zavaleta A, Martinez J, Chamie G, Glaser C, Jacobson K, Petersen M, DeRisi J, Havlir DV. Field assessment of BinaxNOW antigen tests as COVID-19 treatment entry point at a community testing site in San Francisco during evolving omicron surges. PloS one 2023. PMID: 36961855
Soldatos A, Nutman TB, Johnson T, Dowell SF, Sejvar JJ, Wilson MR, DeRisi JL, Inati SK, Groden C, Evans C, O'Connell EM, Toliva BO, Aceng JR, Aryek-Kwe J, Toro C, Stratakis CA, Buckler AG, Cantilena C, Palmore TN, Thurm A, Baker EH, Chang R, Fauni H, Adams D, Macnamara EF, Lau CC, Malicdan MCV, Pusey-Swerdzewski B, Downing R, Bunga S, Thomas JD, Gahl WA, Nath A. Genomic analysis, immunomodulation and deep phenotyping of patients with nodding syndrome. Brain : a journal of neurology 2022. PMID: 36181424
Lohse MB, Laurie MT, Levan S, Ziv N, Ennis CL, Nobile CJ, DeRisi J, Johnson AD. Broad sensitivity of Candida auris strains to quinolones and mechanisms of resistance. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2023. PMID: 36824717
Remesh SG, Merz GE, Brilot AF, Chio US, Rizo AN, Pospiech TH, Lui I, Laurie MT, Glasgow J, Le CQ, Zhang Y, Diwanji D, Hernandez E, Lopez J, Mehmood H, Pawar KI, Pourmal S, Smith AM, Zhou F, QCRG Structural Biology Consortium, DeRisi J, Kortemme T, Rosenberg OS, Glasgow A, Leung KK, Wells JA, Verba KA. Computational pipeline provides mechanistic understanding of Omicron variant of concern neutralizing engineered ACE2 receptor traps. Structure (London, England : 1993) 2023. PMID: 36805129
Raghavan M, Kalantar KL, Duarte E, Teyssier N, Takahashi S, Kung AF, Rajan JV, Rek J, Tetteh KKA, Drakeley C, Ssewanyana I, Rodriguez-Barraquer I, Greenhouse B, DeRisi JL. Proteome-wide antigenic profiling in Ugandan cohorts identifies associations between age, exposure intensity, and responses to repeat-containing antigens in Plasmodium falciparum. eLife 2023. PMID: 36790168
Bodansky A, Wang CY, Saxena A, Mitchell A, Takahashi S, Anglin K, Huang B, Hoh R, Lu S, Goldberg SA, Romero J, Tran B, Kirtikar R, Grebe H, So M, Greenhouse B, Durstenfeld MS, Hsue PY, Hellmuth J, Kelly JD, Martin JN, Anderson MS, Deeks SG, Henrich TJ, DeRisi JL, Peluso MJ. Autoantigen profiling reveals a shared post-COVID signature in fully recovered and Long COVID patients. medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 2023. PMID: 36798288
Bartley CM, Ngo TT, Cadwell CR, Harroud A, Schubert RD, Alvarenga BD, Hawes IA, Zorn KC, Hunyh T, Teliska LH, Kung AF, Shah S, Gelfand JM, Chow FC, Rasband MN, Dubey D, Pittock SJ, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR, Pleasure SJ. Dual ankyrinG and subpial autoantibodies in a man with well-controlled HIV infection with steroid-responsive meningoencephalitis: A case report. Frontiers in neurology 2023. PMID: 36756346
Peluso MJ, Mitchell A, Wang CY, Takahashi S, Hoh R, Tai V, Durstenfeld MS, Hsue PY, Kelly JD, Martin JN, Wilson MR, Greenhouse B, Deeks SG, DeRisi JL, Henrich TJ. Low Prevalence of Interferon-α Autoantibodies in People Experiencing Long COVID Symptoms. The Journal of infectious diseases 2022. PMID: 36089700
Mandel-Brehm C, Vazquez SE, Liverman C, Cheng M, Quandt Z, Kung AF, Parent A, Miao B, Disse E, Cugnet-Anceau C, Dalle S, Orlova E, Frolova E, Alba D, Michels A, Oftedal BE, Lionakis MS, Husebye ES, Agarwal AK, Li X, Zhu C, Li Q, Oral E, Brown R, Anderson MS, Garg A, DeRisi JL. Autoantibodies to Perilipin-1 Define a Subset of Acquired Generalized Lipodystrophy. Diabetes 2022. PMID: 35709010
Spottiswoode N, Pet D, Kim A, Gruenberg K, Shah M, Ramachandran A, Laurie MT, Zia M, Fouassier C, Boutros CL, Lu R, Zhang Y, Servellita V, Bollen A, Chiu CY, Wilson MR, Valdivia L, DeRisi JL. Successful Treatment of Balamuthia mandrillaris Granulomatous Amebic Encephalitis with Nitroxoline. Emerging infectious diseases 2023. PMID: 36573629
Ghale R, Spottiswoode N, Anderson MS, Mitchell A, Wang G, Calfee CS, DeRisi JL, Langelier CR. Prevalence of type-1 interferon autoantibodies in adults with non-COVID-19 acute respiratory failure. Respiratory research 2022. PMID: 36527083
Albright J, Mick E, Sanchez-Guerrero E, Kamm J, Mitchell A, Detweiler AM, Neff N, Tsitsiklis A, Hayakawa Serpa P, Ratnasiri K, Havlir D, Kistler A, DeRisi JL, Pisco AO, Langelier CR. A 2-Gene Host Signature for Improved Accuracy of COVID-19 Diagnosis Agnostic to Viral Variants. mSystems 2022. PMID: 36507688
Bodansky A, Vazquez SE, Chou J, Novak T, Al-Musa A, Young C, Newhams M, Kucukak S, Zambrano LD, Mitchell A, Wang CY, Moffitt K, Halasa NB, Loftis LL, Schwartz SP, Walker TC, Mack EH, Fitzgerald JC, Gertz SJ, Rowan CM, Irby K, Sanders RC, Kong M, Schuster JE, Staat MA, Zinter MS, Cvijanovich NZ, Tarquinio KM, Coates BM, Flori HR, Dahmer MK, Crandall H, Cullimore ML, Levy ER, Chatani B, Nofziger R, Overcoming COVID-19 Network Study Group Investigators, Geha RS, DeRisi J, Campbell AP, Anderson M, Randolph AG. NFKB2 haploinsufficiency identified via screening for IFNa2 autoantibodies in children and adolescents hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2-related complications. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 2022. PMID: 36509151
Vazquez SE, Mann SA, Bodansky A, Kung AF, Quandt Z, Ferré EMN, Landegren N, Eriksson D, Bastard P, Zhang SY, Liu J, Mitchell A, Proekt I, Yu D, Mandel-Brehm C, Wang CY, Miao B, Sowa G, Zorn K, Chan AY, Tagi VM, Shimizu C, Tremoulet A, Lynch K, Wilson MR, Kämpe O, Dobbs K, Delmonte OM, Bacchetta R, Notarangelo LD, Burns JC, Casanova JL, Lionakis MS, Torgerson TR, Anderson MS, DeRisi JL. Autoantibody discovery across monogenic, acquired, and COVID-19-associated autoimmunity with scalable PhIP-seq. eLife 2022. PMID: 36300623
Kalantar KL, Neyton L, Abdelghany M, Mick E, Jauregui A, Caldera S, Serpa PH, Ghale R, Albright J, Sarma A, Tsitsiklis A, Leligdowicz A, Christenson SA, Liu K, Kangelaris KN, Hendrickson C, Sinha P, Gomez A, Neff N, Pisco A, Doernberg SB, Derisi JL, Matthay MA, Calfee CS, Langelier CR. Integrated host-microbe plasma metagenomics for sepsis diagnosis in a prospective cohort of critically ill adults. Nature microbiology 2022. PMID: 36266337
Marquez C, Kerkhoff AD, Schrom J, Rojas S, Black D, Mitchell A, Wang CY, Pilarowski G, Ribeiro S, Jones D, Payan J, Manganelli S, Rojas S, Lemus J, Jain V, Chamie G, Tulier-Laiwa V, Petersen M, DeRisi J, Havlir DV. COVID-19 Symptoms and Duration of Rapid Antigen Test Positivity at a Community Testing and Surveillance Site During Pre-Delta, Delta, and Omicron BA.1 Periods. JAMA network open 2022. PMID: 36215069
Madera S, Kistler A, Ranaivoson HC, Ahyong V, Andrianiaina A, Andry S, Raharinosy V, Randriambolamanantsoa TH, Ravelomanantsoa NAF, Tato CM, DeRisi JL, Aguilar HC, Lacoste V, Dussart P, Heraud JM, Brook CE. Discovery and Genomic Characterization of a Novel Henipavirus, Angavokely Virus, from Fruit Bats in Madagascar. Journal of virology 2022. PMID: 36040175
Liu J, Laurie MT, Rubio L, Vazquez SE, Sunshine S, Mitchell AM, Hapte-Selassie M, Mann SA, Pilarowski G, Black D, Marquez C, Rojas S, Lionakis MS, Petersen M, Whitman JD, Jain V, Anderson M, Havlir D, DeRisi J. SARS-CoV-2 transmission dynamics and immune responses in a household of vaccinated persons. 2022. PMID: 35037050
Remesh SG, Merz GE, Brilot AF, Chio US, Rizo AN, Pospiech TH, Lui I, Laurie MT, Glasgow J, Le CQ, Zhang Y, Diwanji D, Hernandez E, Lopez J, Pawar KI, Pourmal S, Smith AM, Zhou F, QCRG Structural Biology Consortium, DeRisi J, Kortemme T, Rosenberg OS, Glasgow A, Leung KK, Wells JA, Verba KA. Computational pipeline provides mechanistic understanding of Omicron variant of concern neutralizing engineered ACE2 receptor traps. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2022. PMID: 35982665
Yek C, Lay S, Bohl JA, Man S, Chea S, Lon C, Ahyong V, Tato CM, DeRisi JL, Sovannaroth S, Manning JE. Case Report: Cambodian National Malaria Surveillance Program Detection of Plasmodium knowlesi. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2022. PMID: 35895370
Serpa PH, Deng X, Abdelghany M, Crawford E, Malcolm K, Caldera S, Fung M, McGeever A, Kalantar KL, Lyden A, Ghale R, Deiss T, Neff N, Miller SA, Doernberg SB, Chiu CY, DeRisi JL, Calfee CS, Langelier CR. Metagenomic prediction of antimicrobial resistance in critically ill patients with lower respiratory tract infections. Genome medicine 2022. PMID: 35818068
Mick E, Tsitsiklis A, Spottiswoode N, Caldera S, Serpa PH, Detweiler AM, Neff N, Pisco AO, Li LM, Retallack H, Ratnasiri K, Williamson KM, Soesanto V, Simões EAF, Smith C, Abuogi L, Kistler A, Wagner BD, DeRisi JL, Ambroggio L, Mourani PM, Langelier CR. Upper airway gene expression shows a more robust adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 in children. Nature communications 2022. PMID: 35803954
Kodani A, Knopp KA, Di Lullo E, Retallack H, Kriegstein AR, DeRisi JL, Reiter JF. Zika virus alters centrosome organization to suppress the innate immune response. EMBO reports 2022. PMID: 35793002
Laurie MT, Liu J, Sunshine S, Peng J, Black D, Mitchell AM, Mann SA, Pilarowski G, Zorn KC, Rubio L, Bravo S, Marquez C, Sabatino JJ, Mittl K, Petersen M, Havlir D, DeRisi J. SARS-CoV-2 variant exposures elicit antibody responses with differential cross-neutralization of established and emerging strains including Delta and Omicron. 2022. PMID: 34979030
Mandel-Brehm C, Benson LA, Tran B, Kung AF, Mann SA, Vazquez SE, Retallack H, Sample HA, Zorn KC, Khan LM, Kerr LM, McAlpine PL, Zhang L, McCarthy F, Elias JE, Katwa U, Astley CM, Tomko S, Dalmau J, Seeley WW, Pleasure SJ, Wilson MR, Gorman MP, DeRisi JL. ZSCAN1 autoantibodies are associated with pediatric paraneoplastic ROHHAD. 2022. PMID: 35466441
Bartley CM, Ngo TT, Alvarenga BD, Kung AF, Teliska LH, Sy M, DeRisi JL, Rasband MN, Pittock SJ, Dubey D, Wilson MR, Pleasure SJ. ßIV-Spectrin Autoantibodies in 2 Individuals With Neuropathy of Possible Paraneoplastic Origin: A Case Series. 2022. PMID: 35581007
Liu J, Knopp KA, Rackaityte E, Wang CY, Laurie MT, Sunshine S, Puschnik AS, DeRisi JL. Genome-Wide Knockout Screen Identifies Human Sialomucin CD164 as an Essential Entry Factor for Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus. 2022. PMID: 35502904
Ramachandran PS, Ramesh A, Creswell FV, Wapniarski A, Narendra R, Quinn CM, Tran EB, Rutakingirwa MK, Bangdiwala AS, Kagimu E, Kandole KT, Zorn KC, Tugume L, Kasibante J, Ssebambulidde K, Okirwoth M, Bahr NC, Musubire A, Skipper CP, Fouassier C, Lyden A, Serpa P, Castaneda G, Caldera S, Ahyong V, DeRisi JL, Langelier C, Crawford ED, Boulware DR, Meya DB, Wilson MR. Integrating central nervous system metagenomics and host response for diagnosis of tuberculosis meningitis and its mimics. 2022. PMID: 35354815
Spottiswoode N, Bloomstein JD, Caldera S, Sessolo A, McCauley K, Byanyima P, Zawedde J, Kalantar K, Kaswabuli S, Rutishauser RL, Lieng MK, Davis JL, Moore J, Jan A, Iwai S, Shenoy M, Sanyu I, DeRisi JL, Lynch SV, Worodria W, Huang L, Langelier CR. Pneumonia surveillance with culture-independent metatranscriptomics in HIV-positive adults in Uganda: a cross-sectional study. 2022. PMID: 35544096
Vazquez SE, Mann SA, Bodansky A, Kung AF, Quandt Z, Ferré EMN, Landegren N, Eriksson D, Bastard P, Zhang SY, Liu J, Mitchell A, Mandel-Brehm C, Miao B, Sowa G, Zorn K, Chan AY, Shimizu C, Tremoulet A, Lynch K, Wilson MR, Kampe O, Dobbs K, Delmonte OM, Notarangelo LD, Burns JC, Casanova JL, Lionakis MS, Torgerson TR, Anderson MS, DeRisi JL. Autoantibody discovery across monogenic, acquired, and COVID19-associated autoimmunity with scalable PhIP-Seq. 2022. PMID: 35350199
Madera S, McNeil N, Serpa PH, Kamm J, Pak C, Caughell C, Nichols A, Dynerman D, Li LM, Sanchez-Guerrero E, Phelps MS, Detweiler AM, Neff N, Reyes H, Miller SA, Yokoe DS, DeRisi JL, Ramirez-Avila L, Langelier CR. Prolonged silent carriage, genomic virulence potential and transmission between staff and patients characterize a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) outbreak of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). 2022. PMID: 35311638
Tana MM, Klepper A, Lyden A, Pisco AO, Phelps M, McGee B, Green K, Feng S, DeRisi J, Crawford ED, Lammert CS. Transcriptomic profiling of blood from autoimmune hepatitis patients reveals potential mechanisms with implications for management. 2022. PMID: 35312680
Acharya CB, Schrom J, Mitchell AM, Coil DA, Marquez C, Rojas S, Wang CY, Liu J, Pilarowski G, Solis L, Georgian E, Belafsky S, Petersen M, DeRisi J, Michelmore R, Havlir D. Viral Load Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated, Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Persons Infected With the SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant. 2022. PMID: 35479304
Tsitsiklis A, Osborne CM, Kamm J, Williamson K, Kalantar K, Dudas G, Caldera S, Lyden A, Tan M, Neff N, Soesanto V, Harris JK, Ambroggio L, Maddux AB, Carpenter TC, Reeder RW, Locandro C, Simões EAF, Leroue MK, Hall MW, Zuppa AF, Carcillo J, Meert KL, Sapru A, Pollack MM, McQuillen PS, Notterman DA, Dean JM, Zinter MS, Wagner BD, DeRisi JL, Mourani PM, Langelier CR. Lower respiratory tract infections in children requiring mechanical ventilation: a multicentre prospective surveillance study incorporating airway metagenomics. 2022. PMID: 35544065
Zinter MS, Versluys AB, Lindemans CA, Mayday MY, Reyes G, Sunshine S, Chan M, Fiorino EK, Cancio M, Prevaes S, Sirota M, Matthay MA, Kharbanda S, Dvorak CC, Boelens JJ, DeRisi JL. Pulmonary microbiome and gene expression signatures differentiate lung function in pediatric hematopoietic cell transplant candidates. 2022. PMID: 35263147
Stoddard G, Black A, Ayscue P, Lu D, Kamm J, Bhatt K, Chan L, Kistler AL, Batson J, Detweiler A, Tan M, Neff N, DeRisi JL, Corrigan J. Using genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 to support contact tracing and public health surveillance in rural Humboldt County, California. 2022. PMID: 35255849
Bohl JA, Lay S, Chea S, Ahyong V, Parker DM, Gallagher S, Fintzi J, Man S, Ponce A, Sreng S, Kong D, Oliveira F, Kalantar K, Tan M, Fahsbender L, Sheu J, Neff N, Detweiler AM, Yek C, Ly S, Sath R, Huch C, Kry H, Leang R, Huy R, Lon C, Tato CM, DeRisi JL, Manning JE. Discovering disease-causing pathogens in resource-scarce Southeast Asia using a global metagenomic pathogen monitoring system. 2022. PMID: 35238677
Sabatino JJ, Mittl K, Rowles WM, McPolin K, Rajan JV, Laurie MT, Zamecnik CR, Dandekar R, Alvarenga BD, Loudermilk RP, Gerungan C, Spencer CM, Sagan SA, Augusto DG, Alexander JR, DeRisi JL, Hollenbach JA, Wilson MR, Zamvil SS, Bove R. Multiple sclerosis therapies differentially impact SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-induced antibody and T cell immunity and function. 2022. PMID: 35030101
Kettenburg G, Kistler A, Ranaivoson HC, Ahyong V, Andrianiaina A, Andry S, DeRisi JL, Gentles A, Raharinosy V, Randriambolamanantsoa TH, Ravelomanantsoa NAF, Tato CM, Dussart P, Heraud JM, Brook CE. Full Genome Nobecovirus Sequences From Malagasy Fruit Bats Define a Unique Evolutionary History for This Coronavirus Clade. 2022. PMID: 35223729
Lanz TV, Brewer RC, Ho PP, Moon JS, Jude KM, Fernandez D, Fernandes RA, Gomez AM, Nadj GS, Bartley CM, Schubert RD, Hawes IA, Vazquez SE, Iyer M, Zuchero JB, Teegen B, Dunn JE, Lock CB, Kipp LB, Cotham VC, Ueberheide BM, Aftab BT, Anderson MS, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR, Bashford-Rogers RJM, Platten M, Garcia KC, Steinman L, Robinson WH. Clonally Expanded B Cells in Multiple Sclerosis Bind EBV EBNA1 and GlialCAM. 2022. PMID: 35073561
Peng J, Liu J, Mann SA, Mitchell AM, Laurie MT, Sunshine S, Pilarowski G, Ayscue P, Kistler A, Vanaerschot M, Li LM, McGeever A, Chow ED, Marquez C, Nakamura R, Rubio L, Chamie G, Jones D, Jacobo J, Rojas S, Rojas S, Tulier-Laiwa V, Black D, Martinez J, Naso J, Schwab J, Petersen M, Havlir D, DeRisi J, IDseq Team. Estimation of secondary household attack rates for emergent spike L452R SARS-CoV-2 variants detected by genomic surveillance at a community-based testing site in San Francisco. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2021. PMID: 33788923
Garcia VE, Dial R, DeRisi JL. Functional characterization of 5' UTR cis-acting sequence elements that modulate translational efficiency in Plasmodium falciparum and humans. 2022. PMID: 34991611
Laurie MT, Liu J, Sunshine S, Peng J, Black D, Mitchell AM, Mann SA, Pilarowski G, Zorn KC, Rubio L, Bravo S, Marquez C, Sabatino JJ, Mittl K, Petersen M, Havlir D, DeRisi J. SARS-CoV-2 variant exposures elicit antibody responses with differential cross-neutralization of established and emerging strains including Delta and Omicron. 2021. PMID: 34981075
Naso J, Rojas S, Peng J, Marquez C, Contreras M, Castellanos E, Rojas S, Rubio L, Jones D, Jacobo J, Black D, Tulier-Laiwa V, Martinez J, Chamie G, Pilarowski G, DeRisi J, Havlir D, Petersen M. High Parental Vaccine Motivation at a Neighborhood-Based Vaccine and Testing Site Serving a Predominantly Latinx Community. 2021. PMID: 35018317
Bartley CM, Johns C, Ngo TT, Dandekar R, Loudermilk RL, Alvarenga BD, Hawes IA, Zamecnik CR, Zorn KC, Alexander JR, Wapniarski AE, DeRisi JL, Francisco C, Nash KB, Wietstock SO, Pleasure SJ, Wilson MR. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 and Autoantibody Profiles in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of 3 Teenaged Patients With COVID-19 and Subacute Neuropsychiatric Symptoms. 2021. PMID: 34694339
Ishikawa H, Mandel-Brehm C, Shindo A, Cady MA, Mann SA, Niwa A, Miyashita K, Ii Y, Zorn KC, Taniguchi A, Maeda M, Wilson MR, DeRisi JL, Tomimoto H. Long-term MRI changes in a patient with Kelch-like protein 11-associated paraneoplastic neurological syndrome. European journal of neurology 2021. PMID: 34561925
Tsitsiklis A, Zha BS, Byrne A, Devoe C, Levan S, Rackaityte E, Sunshine S, Mick E, Ghale R, Jauregui A, Sarma A, Neff N, Serpa PH, Deiss TJ, Kistler A, Carrillo S, Ansel KM, Leligdowicz A, Christenson S, Jones N, Wu B, Darmanis S, Matthay MA, Lynch SV, DeRisi JL, COMET Consortium+ , Hendrickson CM, Kangelaris KN, Krummel MF, Woodruff PG, Erle DJ, Rosenberg O, Calfee CS, Langelier CR. Impaired antibacterial immune signaling and changes in the lung microbiome precede secondary bacterial pneumonia in COVID-19. medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 2021. PMID: 33791731
Deere JD, Carroll TD, Dutra J, Fritts L, Sammak RL, Yee JL, Olstad KJ, Reader JR, Kistler A, Kamm J, Di Germanio C, Shaan Lakshmanappa Y, Elizaldi SR, Roh JW, Simmons G, Watanabe J, Pollard RE, Usachenko J, Immareddy R, Schmidt BA, O'Connor SL, DeRisi J, Busch MP, Iyer SS, Van Rompay KKA, Hartigan-O'Connor DJ, Miller CJ. SARS-CoV-2 Infection of Rhesus Macaques Treated Early with Human COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma. 2021. PMID: 34817208
Pilarowski G, Marquez C, Rubio L, Peng J, Martinez J, Black D, Chamie G, Jones D, Jacobo J, Tulier-Laiwa V, Rojas S, Rojas S, Cox C, Petersen M, DeRisi J, Havlir DV. Field performance and public health response using the BinaxNOW TM Rapid SARS-CoV-2 antigen detection assay during community-based testing. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2020. PMID: 33367619
Gu W, Rauschecker AM, Hsu E, Zorn KC, Sucu Y, Federman S, Gopez A, Arevalo S, Sample HA, Talevich E, Nguyen ED, Gottschall M, Nourbakhsh B, Gold CA, Cree BAC, Douglas VC, Richie MB, Shah MP, Josephson SA, Gelfand JM, Miller S, Wang L, Tihan T, DeRisi JL, Chiu CY, Wilson MR. Detection of Neoplasms by Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing of Cerebrospinal Fluid. JAMA neurology 2021. PMID: 34515766
Rubach MP, Mukemba JP, Florence SM, Lopansri BK, Hyland K, Simmons RA, Langelier C, Nakielny S, DeRisi JL, Yeo TW, Anstey NM, Weinberg JB, Mwaikambo ED, Granger DL. Cerebrospinal fluid pterins, pterin-dependent neurotransmitters, and mortality in pediatric cerebral malaria. The Journal of infectious diseases 2021. PMID: 33617646
Schubert RD, Hawes IA, Ramachandran PS, Ramesh A, Crawford ED, Pak JE, Wu W, Cheung CK, O'Donovan BD, Tato CM, Lyden A, Tan M, Sit R, Sowa GM, Sample HA, Zorn KC, Banerji D, Khan LM, Bove R, Hauser SL, Gelfand AA, Johnson-Kerner BL, Nash K, Krishnamoorthy KS, Chitnis T, Ding JZ, McMillan HJ, Chiu CY, Briggs B, Glaser CA, Yen C, Chu V, Wadford DA, Dominguez SR, Ng TFF, Marine RL, Lopez AS, Nix WA, Soldatos A, Gorman MP, Benson L, Messacar K, Konopka-Anstadt JL, Oberste MS, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR. Author Correction: Pan-viral serology implicates enteroviruses in acute flaccid myelitis. Nature medicine 2021. PMID: 34548659
Marquez C, Kerkhoff AD, Naso J, Contreras MG, Castellanos Diaz E, Rojas S, Peng J, Rubio L, Jones D, Jacobo J, Rojas S, Gonzalez R, Fuchs JD, Black D, Ribeiro S, Nossokoff J, Tulier-Laiwa V, Martinez J, Chamie G, Pilarowski G, DeRisi J, Petersen M, Havlir DV. A multi-component, community-based strategy to facilitate COVID-19 vaccine uptake among Latinx populations: From theory to practice. PloS one 2021. PMID: 34543291
Mandel-Brehm C, Fichtner ML, Jiang R, Winton VJ, Vazquez SE, Pham MC, Hoehn KB, Kelleher NL, Nowak RJ, Kleinstein SH, Wilson MR, DeRisi JL, O'Connor KC. Elevated N-Linked Glycosylation of IgG V Regions in Myasthenia Gravis Disease Subtypes. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 2021. PMID: 34544801
Sarma A, Christenson SA, Byrne A, Mick E, Pisco AO, DeVoe C, Deiss T, Ghale R, Zha BS, Tsitsiklis A, Jauregui A, Moazed F, Detweiler AM, Spottiswoode N, Sinha P, Neff N, Tan M, Serpa PH, Willmore A, Ansel KM, Wilson JG, Leligdowicz A, Siegel ER, Sirota M, DeRisi JL, Matthay MA, COMET Consortium , Hendrickson CM, Kangelaris KN, Krummel MF, Woodruff PG, Erle DJ, Calfee CS, Langelier CR. Tracheal aspirate RNA sequencing identifies distinct immunological features of COVID-19 ARDS. Nature communications 2021. PMID: 34446707
Mick E, Tsitsiklis A, Spottiswoode N, Caldera S, Serpa P, Detweiler A, Neff N, Pisco AO, Li L, Retallack H, Ratnasiri K, Williamson K, Soesanto V, Simões E, Kistler A, Wagner B, DeRisi J, Ambroggio L, Mourani P, Langelier C. Upper airway gene expression reveals a more robust innate and adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 in children compared with older adults. Research square 2021. PMID: 34462739
van der Wijst MGP, Vazquez SE, Hartoularos GC, Bastard P, Grant T, Bueno R, Lee DS, Greenland JR, Sun Y, Perez R, Ogorodnikov A, Ward A, Mann SA, Lynch KL, Yun C, Havlir DV, Chamie G, Marquez C, Greenhouse B, Lionakis MS, Norris PJ, Dumont LJ, Kelly K, Zhang P, Zhang Q, Gervais A, Le Voyer T, Whatley A, Si Y, Byrne A, Combes AJ, Rao AA, Song YS, Fragiadakis GK, Kangelaris K, Calfee CS, Erle DJ, Hendrickson C, Krummel MF, Woodruff PG, Langelier CR, Casanova JL, Derisi JL, Anderson MS, Ye CJ, UCSF COMET consortium. Type I interferon autoantibodies are associated with systemic immune alterations in patients with COVID-19. Science translational medicine 2021. PMID: 34429372
Ramesh A, Bailey ES, Ahyong V, Langelier C, Phelps M, Neff N, Sit R, Tato C, DeRisi JL, Greer AG, Gray GC. Metagenomic characterization of swine slurry in a North American swine farm operation. Scientific Reports 2021. PMID: 34417469
Lebel P, Dial R, Vemuri VNP, Garcia V, DeRisi J, Gómez-Sjöberg R. Label-free imaging and classification of live P. falciparum enables high performance parasitemia quantification without fixation or staining. PLoS computational biology 2021. PMID: 34370724
Retallack H, Popova KD, Laurie MT, Sunshine S, DeRisi JL. Persistence of Ambigrammatic Narnaviruses Requires Translation of the Reverse Open Reading Frame. Journal of virology 2021. PMID: 33762418
Gu W, Talevich E, Hsu E, Qi Z, Urisman A, Federman S, Gopez A, Arevalo S, Gottschall M, Liao L, Tung J, Chen L, Lim H, Ho C, Kasowski M, Oak J, Holmes BJ, Yeh I, Yu J, Wang L, Miller S, DeRisi JL, Prakash S, Simko J, Chiu CY. Detection of cryptogenic malignancies from metagenomic whole genome sequencing of body fluids. Genome medicine 2021. PMID: 34074327
Rajan JV, McCracken M, Mandel-Brehm C, Gromowski G, Pollett S, Jarman R, DeRisi JL. Phage display demonstrates durable differences in serological profile by route of inoculation in primary infections of non-human primates with Dengue Virus 1. Scientific Reports 2021. PMID: 34031504
Vazquez SE, Bastard P, Kelly K, Gervais A, Norris PJ, Dumont LJ, Casanova JL, Anderson MS, DeRisi JL. Neutralizing Autoantibodies to Type I Interferons in COVID-19 Convalescent Donor Plasma. Journal of clinical immunology 2021. PMID: 34009544
Song E, Bartley CM, Chow RD, Ngo TT, Jiang R, Zamecnik CR, Dandekar R, Loudermilk RP, Dai Y, Liu F, Sunshine S, Liu J, Wu W, Hawes IA, Alvarenga BD, Huynh T, McAlpine L, Rahman NT, Geng B, Chiarella J, Goldman-Israelow B, Vogels CBF, Grubaugh ND, Casanovas-Massana A, Phinney BS, Salemi M, Alexander JR, Gallego JA, Lencz T, Walsh H, Wapniarski AE, Mohanty S, Lucas C, Klein J, Mao T, Oh J, Ring A, Spudich S, Ko AI, Kleinstein SH, Pak J, DeRisi JL, Iwasaki A, Pleasure SJ, Wilson MR, Farhadian SF. Divergent and self-reactive immune responses in the CNS of COVID-19 patients with neurological symptoms. Cell reports. Medicine 2021. PMID: 33969321
Fried WA, Soltero-Rivera M, Ramesh A, Lommer MJ, Arzi B, DeRisi JL, Horst JA. Use of unbiased metagenomic and transcriptomic analyses to investigate the association between feline calicivirus and feline chronic gingivostomatitis in domestic cats. American journal of veterinary research 2021. PMID: 33904799
Tsitsiklis A, Zha B, Byrne A, DeVoe C, Levan S, Rackaityte E, Sunshine S, Mick E, Ghale R, Jauregui A, Neff N, Sarma A, Serpa P, Deiss T, Kistler A, Carrillo S, Ansel KM, Leligdowicz A, Christenson S, Jones N, Wu B, Darmanis S, Matthay M, Lynch S, DeRisi J, Consortium C, Hendrickson C, Kangelaris K, Krummel M, Woodruff P, Erle D, Rosenberg O, Calfee C, Langelier C. Impaired immune signaling and changes in the lung microbiome precede secondary bacterial pneumonia in COVID-19. Research square 2021. PMID: 34013247
Pilarowski G, Lebel P, Sunshine S, Liu J, Crawford E, Marquez C, Rubio L, Chamie G, Martinez J, Peng J, Black D, Wu W, Pak J, Laurie MT, Jones D, Miller S, Jacobo J, Rojas S, Rojas S, Nakamura R, Tulier-Laiwa V, Petersen M, Havlir DV, DeRisi J. Performance Characteristics of a Rapid Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Antigen Detection Assay at a Public Plaza Testing Site in San Francisco. The Journal of infectious diseases 2021. PMID: 33394052
Zinter MS, Lindemans CA, Versluys BA, Mayday MY, Sunshine S, Reyes G, Sirota M, Sapru A, Matthay MA, Kharbanda S, Dvorak CC, Boelens JJ, DeRisi JL. The pulmonary metatranscriptome prior to pediatric HCT identifies post-HCT lung injury. Blood 2021. PMID: 33512420
Mourani PM, Sontag MK, Williamson KM, Harris JK, Reeder R, Locandro C, Carpenter TC, Maddux AB, Ziegler K, Simões EAF, Osborne CM, Ambroggio L, Leroue MK, Robertson CE, Langelier C, DeRisi JL, Kamm J, Hall MW, Zuppa AF, Carcillo J, Meert K, Sapru A, Pollack MM, McQuillen P, Notterman DA, Dean JM, Wagner BD. Temporal airway microbiome changes related to ventilator associated pneumonia in children. The European respiratory journal 2020. PMID: 33008935
van der Wijst MGP, Vazquez SE, Hartoularos GC, Bastard P, Grant T, Bueno R, Lee DS, Greenland JR, Sun Y, Perez R, Ogorodnikov A, Ward A, Mann SA, Lynch KL, Yun C, Havlir DV, Chamie G, Marquez C, Greenhouse B, Lionakis MS, Norris PJ, Dumont LJ, Kelly K, Zhang P, Zhang Q, Gervais A, Voyer TL, Whatley A, Si Y, Byrne A, Combes AJ, Rao AA, Song YS, UCSF COMET consortium , Fragiadakis GK, Kangelaris K, Calfee CS, Erle DJ, Hendrickson C, Krummel MF, Woodruff PG, Langelier CR, Casanova JL, Derisi JL, Anderson MS, Ye CJ. Longitudinal single-cell epitope and RNA-sequencing reveals the immunological impact of type 1 interferon autoantibodies in critical COVID-19. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2021. PMID: 33758859
Peng J, Mann SA, Mitchell AM, Liu J, Laurie MT, Sunshine S, Pilarowski G, Ayscue P, Kistler A, Vanaerschot M, Li LM, McGeever A, Chow ED, Team I, Marquez C, Nakamura R, Rubio L, Chamie G, Jones D, Jacobo J, Rojas S, Rojas S, Tulier-Laiwa V, Black D, Martinez J, Naso J, Schwab J, Petersen M, Havlir D, DeRisi J. Estimation of secondary household attack rates for emergent SARS-CoV-2 variants detected by genomic surveillance at a community-based testing site in San Francisco. medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 2021. PMID: 33688689
Randremanana RV, Andriamandimby SF, Rakotondramanga JM, Razanajatovo NH, Mangahasimbola RT, Randriambolamanantsoa TH, Ranaivoson HC, Rabemananjara HA, Razanajatovo I, Razafindratsimandresy R, Rabarison JH, Brook CE, Rakotomanana F, Rabetombosoa RM, Razafimanjato H, Ahyong V, Raharinosy V, Raharimanga V, Raharinantoanina SJ, Randrianarisoa MM, Bernardson B, Randrianasolo L, Randriamampionona LBN, Tato CM, DeRisi JL, Dussart P, Vololoniaina MC, Randriatsarafara FM, Randriamanantany ZA, Heraud JM. The COVID-19 epidemic in Madagascar: clinical description and laboratory results of the first wave, march-september 2020. Influenza and other respiratory viruses 2021. PMID: 33586912
Madera S, Crawford E, Langelier C, Tran NK, Thornborrow E, Miller S, DeRisi JL. Nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral loads in young children do not differ significantly from those in older children and adults. Scientific Reports 2021. PMID: 33542262
Sarma A, Christenson S, Mick E, Deiss T, DeVoe C, Pisco A, Ghale R, Jauregui A, Byrne A, Moazed F, Spottiswoode N, Sinha P, Zha B, Neff N, Tan M, Serpa PH, Ansel KM, Wilson J, Leligdowicz A, Seigel E, Sirota M, DeRisi J, Matthay M, Consortium C, Hendrickson C, Kangelaris K, Krummel M, Woodruff P, Erle D, Calfee C, Langelier C. COVID-19 ARDS is characterized by a dysregulated host response that differs from cytokine storm and is modified by dexamethasone. Research square 2021. PMID: 33469573
Caro F, DeRisi JL. Genome-Wide Ribosome Profiling of the Plasmodium falciparum Intraerythrocytic Developmental Cycle. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2021. PMID: 33765271
Vanaerschot M, Mann SA, Webber JT, Kamm J, Bell SM, Bell J, Hong SN, Nguyen MP, Chan LY, Bhatt KD, Tan M, Detweiler AM, Espinosa A, Wu W, Batson J, Dynerman D, Wadford DA, Puschnik AS, Neff N, Ahyong V, Miller S, Ayscue P, Tato CM, Paul S, Kistler AL, DeRisi JL, Crawford ED. Identification of a Polymorphism in the N Gene of SARS-CoV-2 That Adversely Impacts Detection by Reverse Transcription-PCR. Journal of clinical microbiology 2020. PMID: 33067272
Song E, Bartley CM, Chow RD, Ngo TT, Jiang R, Zamecnik CR, Dandekar R, Loudermilk RP, Dai Y, Liu F, Hawes IA, Alvarenga BD, Huynh T, McAlpine L, Rahman NT, Geng B, Chiarella J, Goldman-Israelow B, Vogels CBF, Grubaugh ND, Casanovas-Massana A, Phinney BS, Salemi M, Alexander J, Gallego JA, Lencz T, Walsh H, Lucas C, Klein J, Mao T, Oh J, Ring A, Spudich S, Ko AI, Kleinstein SH, DeRisi JL, Iwasaki A, Pleasure SJ, Wilson MR, Farhadian SF. Exploratory neuroimmune profiling identifies CNS-specific alterations in COVID-19 patients with neurological involvement. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2020. PMID: 32935102
Fozouni P, Son S, Díaz de León Derby M, Knott GJ, Gray CN, D'Ambrosio MV, Zhao C, Switz NA, Kumar GR, Stephens SI, Boehm D, Tsou CL, Shu J, Bhuiya A, Armstrong M, Harris AR, Chen PY, Osterloh JM, Meyer-Franke A, Joehnk B, Walcott K, Sil A, Langelier C, Pollard KS, Crawford ED, Puschnik AS, Phelps M, Kistler A, DeRisi JL, Doudna JA, Fletcher DA, Ott M. Amplification-free detection of SARS-CoV-2 with CRISPR-Cas13a and mobile phone microscopy. Cell 2020. PMID: 33306959
Mick E, Kamm J, Pisco AO, Ratnasiri K, Babik JM, Castañeda G, DeRisi JL, Detweiler AM, Hao SL, Kangelaris KN, Kumar GR, Li LM, Mann SA, Neff N, Prasad PA, Serpa PH, Shah SJ, Spottiswoode N, Tan M, Calfee CS, Christenson SA, Kistler A, Langelier C. Upper airway gene expression reveals suppressed immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 compared with other respiratory viruses. Nature communications 2020. PMID: 33203890
Pilarowski G, Lebel P, Sunshine S, Liu J, Crawford E, Marquez C, Rubio L, Chamie G, Martinez J, Peng J, Black D, Wu W, Pak J, Laurie MT, Jones D, Miller S, Jacobo J, Rojas S, Rojas S, Nakamura R, Tulier-Laiwa V, Petersen M, Havlir DV, DeRisi J. Performance characteristics of a rapid SARS-CoV-2 antigen detection assay at a public plaza testing site in San Francisco. medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 2020. PMID: 33173911
Gu W, Deng X, Lee M, Sucu YD, Arevalo S, Stryke D, Federman S, Gopez A, Reyes K, Zorn K, Sample H, Yu G, Ishpuniani G, Briggs B, Chow ED, Berger A, Wilson MR, Wang C, Hsu E, Miller S, DeRisi JL, Chiu CY. Rapid pathogen detection by metagenomic next-generation sequencing of infected body fluids. Nature medicine 2020. PMID: 33169017
Dubey D, Wilson MR, Clarkson B, Giannini C, Gandhi M, Cheville J, Lennon VA, Eggers S, Devine MF, Mandel-Brehm C, Kryzer T, Hinson SR, Khazaie K, Hales C, Kattah J, Pavelko KD, Andrews P, Eaton JE, Jitprapaikulsan J, Mills JR, Flanagan EP, Zekeridou A, Leibovich B, Fryer J, Torre M, Kaufman C, Thoreson JB, Sagen J, Linnoila JJ, DeRisi JL, Howe CL, McKeon A, Pittock SJ. Expanded Clinical Phenotype, Oncological Associations, and Immunopathologic Insights of Paraneoplastic Kelch-like Protein-11 Encephalitis. JAMA neurology 2020. PMID: 32744608
Crawford ED, Acosta I, Ahyong V, Anderson EC, Arevalo S, Asarnow D, Axelrod S, Ayscue P, Azimi CS, Azumaya CM, Bachl S, Bachmutsky I, Bhaduri A, Brown JB, Batson J, Behnert A, Boileau RM, Bollam SR, Bonny AR, Booth D, Borja MJB, Brown D, Buie B, Burnett CE, Byrnes LE, Cabral KA, Cabrera JP, Caldera S, Canales G, Castañeda GR, Chan AP, Chang CR, Charles-Orszag A, Cheung C, Chio U, Chow ED, Citron YR, Cohen A, Cohn LB, Chiu C, Cole MA, Conrad DN, Constantino A, Cote A, Crayton-Hall T, Darmanis S, Detweiler AM, Dial RL, Dong S, Duarte EM, Dynerman D, Egger R, Fanton A, Frumm SM, Fu BXH, Garcia VE, Garcia J, Gladkova C, Goldman M, Gomez-Sjoberg R, Gordon MG, Grove JCR, Gupta S, Haddjeri-Hopkins A, Hadley P, Haliburton J, Hao SL, Hartoularos G, Herrera N, Hilberg M, Ho KYE, Hoppe N, Hosseinzadeh S, Howard CJ, Hussmann JA, Hwang E, Ingebrigtsen D, Jackson JR, Jowhar ZM, Kain D, Kim JYS, Kistler A, Kreutzfeld O, Kulsuptrakul J, Kung AF, Langelier C, Laurie MT, Lee L, Leng K, Leon KE, Leonetti MD, Levan SR, Li S, Li AW, Liu J, Lubin HS, Lyden A, Mann J, Mann S, Margulis G, Marquez DM, Marsh BP, Martyn C, McCarthy EE, McGeever A, Merriman AF, Meyer LK, Miller S, Moore MK, Mowery CT, Mukhtar T, Mwakibete LL, Narez N, Neff NF, Osso LA, Oviedo D, Peng S, Phelps M, Phong K, Picard P, Pieper LM, Pincha N, Pisco AO, Pogson A, Pourmal S, Puccinelli RR, Puschnik AS, Rackaityte E, Raghavan P, Raghavan M, Reese J, Replogle JM, Retallack H, Reyes H, Rose D, Rosenberg MF, Sanchez-Guerrero E, Sattler SM, Savy L, See SK, Sellers KK, Serpa PH, Sheehy M, Sheu J, Silas S, Streithorst JA, Strickland J, Stryke D, Sunshine S, Suslow P, Sutanto R, Tamura S, Tan M, Tan J, Tang A, Tato CM, Taylor JC, Tenvooren I, Thompson EM, Thornborrow EC, Tse E, Tung T, Turner ML, Turner VS, Turnham RE, Turocy MJ, Vaidyanathan TV, Vainchtein ID, Vanaerschot M, Vazquez SE, Wandler AM, Wapniarski A, Webber JT, Weinberg ZY, Westbrook A, Wong AW, Wong E, Worthington G, Xie F, Xu A, Yamamoto T, Yang Y, Yarza F, Zaltsman Y, Zheng T, DeRisi JL. Rapid deployment of SARS-CoV-2 testing: The CLIAHUB. PLoS pathogens 2020. PMID: 33112933
Kalantar KL, Carvalho T, de Bourcy CFA, Dimitrov B, Dingle G, Egger R, Han J, Holmes OB, Juan YF, King R, Kislyuk A, Lin MF, Mariano M, Morse T, Reynoso LV, Cruz DR, Sheu J, Tang J, Wang J, Zhang MA, Zhong E, Ahyong V, Lay S, Chea S, Bohl JA, Manning JE, Tato CM, DeRisi JL. IDseq-An open source cloud-based pipeline and analysis service for metagenomic pathogen detection and monitoring. GigaScience 2020. PMID: 33057676
Zhou J, Li S, Leung KK, O'Donovan B, Zou JY, DeRisi JL, Wells JA. Deep profiling of protease substrate specificity enabled by dual random and scanned human proteome substrate phage libraries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2020. PMID: 32973096
Zamecnik CR, Rajan JV, Yamauchi KA, Mann SA, Loudermilk RP, Sowa GM, Zorn KC, Alvarenga BD, Gaebler C, Caskey M, Stone M, Norris PJ, Gu W, Chiu CY, Ng D, Byrnes JR, Zhou XX, Wells JA, Robbiani DF, Nussenzweig MC, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR. ReScan, a Multiplex Diagnostic Pipeline, Pans Human Sera for SARS-CoV-2 Antigens. Cell reports. Medicine 2020. PMID: 32995758
Hao S, Abdelghany M, Lyden A, Sit R, Tan M, Tato CM, DeRisi JL, Miller S, Doernberg SB, Langelier C. Genomic Profiling of Evolving Daptomycin Resistance in a Patient with Recurrent Staphylococcus argenteus Sepsis. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 2020. PMID: 32601156
Ramesh A, Schubert RD, Greenfield AL, Dandekar R, Loudermilk R, Sabatino JJ, Koelzer MT, Tran EB, Koshal K, Kim K, Pröbstel AK, Banerji D. A pathogenic and clonally expanded B cell transcriptome in active multiple sclerosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2020. PMID: 32859762
Shah SJ, Barish PN, Prasad PA, Kistler A, Neff N, Kamm J, Li LM, Chiu CY, Babik JM, Fang MC, Kangelaris KN, Langelier C, Abe-Jones Y, Alipanah N, Alvarez FN, Botvinnik OB, Castaneda G. Clinical features, diagnostics, and outcomes of patients presenting with acute respiratory illness: A retrospective cohort study of patients with and without COVID-19. EClinicalMedicine 2020. PMID: 32864588
Crawford E, Kamm J, Miller S, Li LM, Caldera S, Lyden A, Yokoe D, Nichols A, Tran NK, Barnard SE, Conner PM, Nambiar A, Zinter MS, Moayeri M, Serpa PH, Prince BC, Quan J, Sit R, Tan M, Phelps M, DeRisi JL, Tato CM, Langelier C. Investigating Transfusion-Related Sepsis using Culture-Independent Metagenomic Sequencing. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2019. PMID: 31563940
O'Donovan B, Mandel-Brehm C, Vazquez SE, Liu J, Parent AV, Anderson MS, Kassimatis T, Zekeridou A, Hauser SL, Pittock SJ, Chow E, Wilson MR, DeRisi JL. High-resolution epitope mapping of anti-Hu and anti-Yo autoimmunity by programmable phage display. Brain communications 2020. PMID: 32954318
DeRisi JL. Erratum. Pediatric dentistry 2020. PMID: 32847662
Saha S, Malaker R, Sajib MSI, Hasanuzzaman M, Rahman H, Ahmed ZB, Islam MS, Islam M, Hooda Y, Ahyong V, Vanaerschot M, Batson J, Hao S, Kamm J, Kistler A, Tato CM, DeRisi JL, Saha SK. Complete Genome Sequence of a Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Isolate from Bangladesh. Microbiology resource announcements 2020. PMID: 32527780
Mick E, Kamm J, Pisco AO, Ratnasiri K, Babik JM, Calfee CS, Castaneda G, DeRisi JL, Detweiler AM, Hao S, Kangelaris KN, Kumar GR, Li LM, Mann SA, Neff N, Prasad PA, Serpa PH, Shah SJ, Spottiswoode N, Tan M, Christenson SA, Kistler A, Langelier C. Upper airway gene expression differentiates COVID-19 from other acute respiratory illnesses and reveals suppression of innate immune responses by SARS-CoV-2. medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 2020. PMID: 32511476
Seto J, Horst JA, Parkinson DY, Frachella JC, DeRisi JL. Enhanced Tooth Structure Via Silver Microwires Following Treatment with 38 Percent Silver Diamine Fluoride. Pediatric dentistry 2020. PMID: 32522328
Vazquez SE, Ferré EM, Scheel DW, Sunshine S, Miao B, Mandel-Brehm C, Quandt Z, Chan AY, Cheng M, German M, Lionakis M, DeRisi JL, Anderson MS. Identification of novel, clinically correlated autoantigens in the monogenic autoimmune syndrome APS1 by proteome-wide PhIP-Seq. eLife 2020. PMID: 32410729
Shah SJ, Barish PN, Prasad PA, Kistler AL, Neff N, Kamm J, Li LM, Chiu CY, Babick JM, Fang MC, Abe-Jones Y, Alipanah N, Alvarez FN, Botvinnik OB, Davis JM, Castenada GD, Consortium C, Dadasovich RM, Deng X, DeRisi JL, Detweiler AM, Federman S, Haliburton JR, Hao SL, Kerkhoff AD, Kumar R, Malcolm K, Mann SA, Martinez SP, Marya R, Mick E, Mwakibete LL, Najafi N, Peluso MJ, Phelps MS, Pisco AO, Ratnasiri K, Rubio LA, Sellas AB, Sherwood KD, Sheu J, Spottiswoode N, Tan M, Yu G, Kangelaris KN, Langelier C. Clinical features, diagnostics, and outcomes of patients presenting with acute respiratory illness: a comparison of patients with and without COVID-19. medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences 2020. PMID: 32511488
Postels DG, Osei-Tutu L, Seydel KB, Xu Q, Li C, Taylor TE, John CC, Mallewa M, Solomon T, Agbenyega T, Ansong D, Opoka RO, Khan LM, Leon KE, DeRisi JL, Langelier C, Wilson MR. Central Nervous System Virus Infection in African Children with Cerebral Malaria. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2020. PMID: 32342847
Ehrenkaufer G, Li P, Stebbins EE, Kangussu-Marcolino MM, Debnath A, White CV, Moser MS, DeRisi J, Gisselberg J, Yeh E, Wang SC, Company AH, Monti L, Caffrey CR, Huston CD, Wang B, Singh U. Identification of anisomycin, prodigiosin and obatoclax as compounds with broad-spectrum anti-parasitic activity. PLoS neglected tropical diseases 2020. PMID: 32196500
Leon KE, Schubert RD, Casas-Alba D, Hawes IA, Ramachandran PS, Ramesh A, Pak JE, Wu W, Cheung CK, Crawford ED, Khan LM, Launes C, Sample HA, Zorn KC, Cabrerizo M, Valero-Rello A, Langelier C, Muñoz-Almagro C, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR. Genomic and serologic characterization of enterovirus A71 brainstem encephalitis. Neurology(R) neuroimmunology & neuroinflammation 2020. PMID: 32139440
Manning JE, Bohl JA, Lay S, Chea S, Sovann L, Sengdoeurn Y, Heng S, Vuthy C, Kalantar K, Ahyong V, Tan M, Sheu J, Tato CM, DeRisi JL, Baril L, Duong V, Dussart P, Karlsson EA. Rapid metagenomic characterization of a case of imported COVID-19 in Cambodia. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2020. PMID: 32511296
Langelier C, Fung M, Caldera S, Deiss T, Lyden A, Prince BC, Hayakawa Serpa P, Moazed F, Chin-Hong P, DeRisi JL, Calfee CS. Detection of Pneumonia Pathogens from Plasma Cell-Free DNA. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2019. PMID: 31647702
Berger A, Matloubian M, Shah NP, Wachter RM, DeRisi JL, Anderson M. The Molecular Medicine Investigation Unit: Linking Patient Care and Scientific Inquiry in Physician-Scientist Training. Journal of graduate medical education 2020. PMID: 32089799
Sindhe KMV, Wu W, Legac J, Zhang YK, Easom EE, Cooper RA, Plattner JJ, Freund YR, DeRisi JL, Rosenthal PJ. Plasmodium falciparum Resistance to a Lead Benzoxaborole Due to Blocked Compound Activation and Altered Ubiquitination or Sumoylation. mBio 2020. PMID: 31992618
Fulton BD, Proudman DG, Sample HA, Gelfand JM, Chiu CY, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR. Exploratory analysis of the potential for advanced diagnostic testing to reduce healthcare expenditures of patients hospitalized with meningitis or encephalitis. PloS one 2020. PMID: 31940319
Saha S, Ramesh A, Kalantar K, Malaker R, Hasanuzzaman M, Khan LM, Mayday MY, Sajib MSI, Li LM, Langelier C, Rahman H, Crawford ED, Tato CM, Islam M, Juan YF, de Bourcy C, Dimitrov B, Wang J, Tang J, Sheu J, Egger R, De Carvalho TR, Wilson MR, Saha SK, DeRisi JL. Unbiased Metagenomic Sequencing for Pediatric Meningitis in Bangladesh Reveals Neuroinvasive Chikungunya Virus Outbreak and Other Unrealized Pathogens. mBio 2019. PMID: 31848287
DeRisi JL, Huber G, Kistler A, Retallack H, Wilkinson M, Yllanes D. An exploration of ambigrammatic sequences in narnaviruses. Scientific Reports 2019. PMID: 31784609
Sloan EA, Sampognaro PJ, Junn JC, Chin C, Jacques L, Ramachandran PS, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR, Kriegstein AR, Bollen AW, Solomon DA, Margeta M, Engstrom JW. Neuroglial stem cell-derived inflammatory pseudotumor (n-SCIPT): clinicopathologic characterization of a novel lesion of the lumbosacral spinal cord and nerve roots following intrathecal allogeneic stem cell intervention. Acta neuropathologica 2019. PMID: 31659431
Schubert RD, Hawes IA, Ramachandran PS, Ramesh A, Crawford ED, Pak JE, Wu W, Cheung CK, O'Donovan BD, Tato CM, Lyden A, Tan M, Sit R, Sowa GA, Sample HA, Zorn KC, Banerji D, Khan LM, Bove R, Hauser SL, Gelfand AA, Johnson-Kerner BL, Nash K, Krishnamoorthy KS, Chitnis T, Ding JZ, McMillan HJ, Chiu CY, Briggs B, Glaser CA, Yen C, Chu V, Wadford DA, Dominguez SR, Ng TFF, Marine RL, Lopez AS, Nix WA, Soldatos A, Gorman MP, Benson L, Messacar K, Konopka-Anstadt JL, Oberste MS, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR. Pan-viral serology implicates enteroviruses in acute flaccid myelitis. Nature medicine 2019. PMID: 31636453
Quan J, Langelier C, Kuchta A, Batson J, Teyssier N, Lyden A, Caldera S, McGeever A, Dimitrov B, King R, Wilheim J, Murphy M, Ares LP, Travisano KA, Sit R, Amato R, Mumbengegwi DR, Smith JL, Bennett A, Gosling R, Mourani PM, Calfee CS, Neff NF, Chow ED, Kim PS, Greenhouse B, DeRisi JL, Crawford ED. FLASH: a next-generation CRISPR diagnostic for multiplexed detection of antimicrobial resistance sequences. Nucleic acids research 2019. PMID: 31114866
Mandel-Brehm C, Dubey D, Kryzer TJ, O'Donovan BD, Tran B, Vazquez SE, Sample HA, Zorn KC, Khan LM, Bledsoe IO, McKeon A, Pleasure SJ, Lennon VA, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR, Pittock SJ. Kelch-like Protein 11 Antibodies in Seminoma-Associated Paraneoplastic Encephalitis. The New England journal of medicine 2019. PMID: 31269365
Mandel-Brehm C, Retallack H, Knudsen GM, Yamana A, Hajj-Ali RA, Calabrese LH, Tihan T, Sample HA, Zorn KC, Gorman MP, Madan Cohen J, Sreih AG, Marcus JF, Josephson SA, Douglas VC, Gelfand JM, Wilson MR, DeRisi JL. Exploratory proteomic analysis implicates the alternative complement cascade in primary CNS vasculitis. Neurology 2019. PMID: 31270218
Langelier C, Graves M, Kalantar K, Caldera S, Durrant R, Fisher M, Backman R, Tanner W, DeRisi JL, Leung DT. Microbiome and Antimicrobial Resistance Gene Dynamics in International Travelers. Emerging infectious diseases 2019. PMID: 31211676
Ramesh A, Nakielny S, Hsu J, Kyohere M, Byaruhanga O, de Bourcy C, Egger R, Dimitrov B, Juan YF, Sheu J, Wang J, Kalantar K, Langelier C, Ruel T, Mpimbaza A, Wilson MR, Rosenthal PJ, DeRisi JL. Metagenomic next-generation sequencing of samples from pediatric febrile illness in Tororo, Uganda. PloS one 2019. PMID: 31220115
Wilson MR, Sample HA, Zorn KC, Arevalo S, Yu G, Neuhaus J, Federman S, Stryke D, Briggs B, Langelier C, Berger A, Douglas V, Josephson SA, Chow FC, Fulton BD, DeRisi JL, Gelfand JM, Naccache SN, Bender J, Dien Bard J, Murkey J, Carlson M, Vespa PM, Vijayan T, Allyn PR, Campeau S, Humphries RM, Klausner JD, Ganzon CD, Memar F, Ocampo NA, Zimmermann LL, Cohen SH, Polage CR, DeBiasi RL, Haller B, Dallas R, Maron G, Hayden R, Messacar K, Dominguez SR, Miller S, Chiu CY. Clinical Metagenomic Sequencing for Diagnosis of Meningitis and Encephalitis. The New England journal of medicine 2019. PMID: 31189036
Woodworth MH, Dynerman D, Crawford ED, Doernberg SB, Ramirez-Avila L, Serpa PH, Nichols A, Li LM, Lyden A, Tato CM, Miller S, Derisi JL, Langelier C. Sentinel Case of Candida auris in the Western United States Following Prolonged Occult Colonization in a Returned Traveler from India. Microbial drug resistance (Larchmont, N.Y.) 2019. PMID: 31163013
Ramachandran PS, Cresswell FV, Meya DB, Crawford ED, DeRisi JL, Boulware DR, Wilson MR. Detection of Cryptococcus DNA by metagenomic next-generation sequencing in symptomatic cryptococcal antigenemia. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2018. PMID: 30535266
Zinter MS, Dvorak CC, Mayday MY, Iwanaga K, Ly NP, McGarry ME, Church GD, Faricy LE, Rowan CM, Hume JR, Steiner ME, Crawford ED, Langelier C, Kalantar K, Chow ED, Miller S, Shimano K, Melton A, Yanik GA, Sapru A, DeRisi JL. Pulmonary Metagenomic Sequencing Suggests Missed Infections in Immunocompromised Children. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2018. PMID: 30239621
Retallack H, Clubb S, DeRisi JL. Genome Sequence of a Divergent Avian Metapneumovirus from a Monk Parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus). Microbiology resource announcements 2019. PMID: 31000555
Zinter MS, Mayday MY, Ryckman KK, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, DeRisi JL. Towards precision quantification of contamination in metagenomic sequencing experiments. Microbiome 2019. PMID: 30992055
Mulliken JS, Langelier C, Budak JZ, Miller S, Dynerman D, Hao S, Li LM, Crawford E, Lyden A, Woodworth MH, DeRisi JL, Desmond E, Browne C, Luu A, Grandis DJ, Grossman W, Deuse T, Melcher GP. Bergeyella cardium: Clinical Characteristics and Draft Genome of an Emerging Pathogen in Native and Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis. Open forum infectious diseases 2019. PMID: 31024974
Maes P, Adkins S, Alkhovsky SV, Avšic-Županc T, Ballinger MJ, Bente DA, Beer M, Bergeron É, Blair CD, Briese T, Buchmeier MJ, Burt FJ, Calisher CH, Charrel RN, Choi IR, Clegg JCS, de la Torre JC, de Lamballerie X, DeRisi JL, Digiaro M, Drebot M, Ebihara H, Elbeaino T, Ergünay K, Fulhorst CF, Garrison AR, Gao GF, Gonzalez JJ, Groschup MH, Günther S, Haenni AL, Hall RA, Hewson R, Hughes HR, Jain RK, Jonson MG, Junglen S, Klempa B, Klingström J, Kormelink R, Lambert AJ, Langevin SA, Lukashevich IS, Marklewitz M, Martelli GP, Mielke-Ehret N, Mirazimi A, Mühlbach HP, Naidu R, Nunes MRT, Palacios G, Papa A, Paweska JT, Peters CJ, Plyusnin A, Radoshitzky SR, Resende RO, Romanowski V, Sall AA, Salvato MS, Sasaya T, Schmaljohn C, Shí X, Shirako Y, Simmonds P, Sironi M, Song JW, Spengler JR, Stenglein MD, Tesh RB, Turina M, Wèi T, Whitfield AE, Yeh SD, Zerbini FM, Zhang YZ, Zhou X, Kuhn JH. Taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales: second update 2018. Archives of virology 2019. PMID: 30663021
Kalantar KL, Moazed F, Christenson SC, Wilson J, Deiss T, Belzer A, Vessel K, Caldera S, Jauregui A, Bolourchi S, DeRisi JL, Calfee CS, Langelier C. Metagenomic comparison of tracheal aspirate and mini-bronchial alveolar lavage for assessment of respiratory microbiota. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology 2019. PMID: 30652494
Mayday MY, Khan LM, Chow ED, Zinter MS, DeRisi JL. Miniaturization and optimization of 384-well compatible RNA sequencing library preparation. PloS one 2019. PMID: 30629604
Beck ES, Ramachandran PS, Khan LM, Sample HA, Zorn KC, O'Connell EM, Nash T, Reich DS, Venkatesan A, DeRisi JL, Nath A, Wilson MR. Clinicopathology conference: 41-year-old woman with chronic relapsing meningitis. Annals of neurology 2019. PMID: 30565288
Wilson MR, O'Donovan BD, DeRisi JL. Misinterpretation of Study Data-Reply. JAMA neurology 2019. PMID: 30477022
Sheridan CM, Garcia VE, Ahyong V, DeRisi JL. The Plasmodium falciparum cytoplasmic translation apparatus: a promising therapeutic target not yet exploited by clinically approved anti-malarials. Malaria journal 2018. PMID: 30541569
Fedewa G, Radoshitzky SR, Chi X, Dong L, Zeng X, Spear M, Strauli N, Ng M, Chandran K, Stenglein MD, Hernandez RD, Jahrling PB, Kuhn JH, DeRisi JL. Ebola virus, but not Marburg virus, replicates efficiently and without required adaptation in snake cells. Virus evolution 2018. PMID: 30524754
Langelier C, Kalantar KL, Moazed F, Wilson MR, Crawford ED, Deiss T, Belzer A, Bolourchi S, Caldera S, Fung M, Jauregui A, Malcolm K, Lyden A, Khan L, Vessel K, Quan J, Zinter M, Chiu CY, Chow ED, Wilson J, Miller S, Matthay MA, Pollard KS, Christenson S, Calfee CS, DeRisi JL. Integrating host response and unbiased microbe detection for lower respiratory tract infection diagnosis in critically ill adults. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2018. PMID: 30482864
Laurie MT, White CV, Retallack H, Wu W, Moser MS, Sakanari JA, Ang K, Wilson C, Arkin MR, DeRisi JL. Functional Assessment of 2,177 U.S. and International Drugs Identifies the Quinoline Nitroxoline as a Potent Amoebicidal Agent against the Pathogen Balamuthia mandrillaris. mBio 2018. PMID: 30377287
Miller LJ, Fetterer DP, Garza NL, Lackemeyer MG, Donnelly GC, Steffens JT, Van Tongeren SA, Fiallos JO, Moore JL, Marko ST, Lugo-Roman LA, Fedewa G, DeRisi JL, Kuhn JH, Stahl SJ. A fixed moderate-dose combination of tiletamine+zolazepam outperforms midazolam in induction of short-term immobilization of ball pythons (Python regius). PloS one 2018. PMID: 30339670
Wilson MR, O'Donovan BD, Gelfand JM, Sample HA, Chow FC, Betjemann JP, Shah MP, Richie MB, Gorman MP, Hajj-Ali RA, Calabrese LH, Zorn KC, Chow ED, Greenlee JE, Blum JH, Green G, Khan LM, Banerji D, Langelier C, Bryson-Cahn C, Harrington W, Lingappa JR, Shanbhag NM, Green AJ, Brew BJ, Soldatos A, Strnad L, Doernberg SB, Jay CA, Douglas V, Josephson SA, DeRisi JL. Chronic Meningitis Investigated via Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing. JAMA neurology 2018. PMID: 29710329
Mavor D, Barlow KA, Asarnow D, Birman Y, Britain D, Chen W, Green EM, Kenner LR, Mensa B, Morinishi LS, Nelson CA, Poss EM, Suresh P, Tian R, Arhar T, Ary BE, Bauer DP, Bergman ID, Brunetti RM, Chio CM, Dai SA, Dickinson MS, Elledge SK, Helsell CVM, Hendel NL, Kang E, Kern N, Khoroshkin MS, Kirkemo LL, Lewis GR, Lou K, Marin WM, Maxwell AM, McTigue PF, Myers-Turnbull D, Nagy TL, Natale AM, Oltion K, Pourmal S, Reder GK, Rettko NJ, Rohweder PJ, Schwarz DMC, Tan SK, Thomas PV, Tibble RW, Town JP, Tsai MK, Ugur FS, Wassarman DR, Wolff AM, Wu TS, Bogdanoff D, Li J, Thorn KS, O'Conchúir S, Swaney DL, Chow ED, Madhani HD, Redding S, Bolon DN, Kortemme T, DeRisi JL, Kampmann M, Fraser JS. Extending chemical perturbations of the ubiquitin fitness landscape in a classroom setting reveals new constraints on sequence tolerance. Biology open 2018. PMID: 30037883
Kalantar K, LaHue SC, DeRisi JL, Sample HA, Contag CA, Josephson SA, Wilson MR, Douglas VC. Whole-Genome mRNA Gene Expression Differs Between Patients With and Without Delirium. Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology 2018. PMID: 29991314
Zylberberg M, Van Hemert C, Handel CM, DeRisi JL. Avian keratin disorder of Alaska black-capped chickadees is associated with Poecivirus infection. Virology journal 2018. PMID: 29903045
Solomon IH, Spera KM, Ryan SL, Helgager J, Andrici J, Zaki SR, Vaitkevicius H, Leon KE, Wilson MR, DeRisi JL, Koo S, Smirnakis SM, De Girolami U. Fatal Powassan Encephalitis (Deer Tick Virus, Lineage II) in a Patient With Fever and Orchitis Receiving Rituximab. JAMA neurology 2018. PMID: 29554185
Maes P, Alkhovsky SV, Bào Y, Beer M, Birkhead M, Briese T, Buchmeier MJ, Calisher CH, Charrel RN, Choi IR, Clegg CS, de la Torre JC, Delwart E, DeRisi JL, Di Bello PL, Di Serio F, Digiaro M, Dolja VV, Drosten C, Druciarek TZ, Du J, Ebihara H, Elbeaino T, Gergerich RC, Gillis AN, Gonzalez JJ, Haenni AL, Hepojoki J, Hetzel U, H? T, Hóng N, Jain RK, Jansen van Vuren P, Jin Q, Jonson MG, Junglen S, Keller KE, Kemp A, Kipar A, Kondov NO, Koonin EV, Kormelink R, Korzyukov Y, Krupovic M, Lambert AJ, Laney AG, LeBreton M, Lukashevich IS, Marklewitz M, Markotter W, Martelli GP, Martin RR, Mielke-Ehret N, Mühlbach HP, Navarro B, Ng TFF, Nunes MRT, Palacios G, Paweska JT, Peters CJ, Plyusnin A, Radoshitzky SR, Romanowski V, Salmenperä P, Salvato MS, Sanfaçon H, Sasaya T, Schmaljohn C, Schneider BS, Shirako Y, Siddell S, Sironen TA, Stenglein MD, Storm N, Sudini H, Tesh RB, Tzanetakis IE, Uppala M, Vapalahti O, Vasilakis N, Walker PJ, Wáng G, Wáng L, Wáng Y, Wèi T, Wiley MR, Wolf YI, Wolfe ND, Wú Z, Xú W, Yang L, Yang Z, Yeh SD, Zhang YZ, Zhèng Y, Zhou X, Zhu C, Zirkel F, Kuhn JH. Taxonomy of the family Arenaviridae and the order Bunyavirales: update 2018. Archives of virology 2018. PMID: 29680923
Langelier C, Zinter MS, Kalantar K, Yanik GA, Christenson S, O'Donovan B, White C, Wilson M, Sapru A, Dvorak CC, Miller S, Chiu CY, DeRisi JL. Metagenomic Sequencing Detects Respiratory Pathogens in Hematopoietic Cellular Transplant Patients. Volume 197 of Issue 4. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2018. PMID: 28686513
Bhakta NR, Christenson SA, Nerella S, Solberg OD, Nguyen CP, Choy DF, Jung KL, Garudadri S, Bonser LR, Pollack JL, Zlock LT, Erle DJ, Langelier C, Derisi JL, Arron JR, Fahy JV, Woodruff PG. IFN-stimulated Gene Expression, Type 2 Inflammation, and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Asthma. Volume 197 of Issue 3. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2018. PMID: 29064281
Langelier C, White CV, Sontag MK, Mourani PM, DeRisi JL. Complete Genome Sequence of a Divergent Human Rhinovirus C Isolate from an Infant with Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Colorado, USA. Genome announcements 2017. PMID: 29192071
Gonzales J, Doan T, Shantha JG, Bloomer M, Wilson MR, DeRisi JL, Acharya N. Metagenomic deep sequencing of aqueous fluid detects intraocular lymphomas. The British journal of ophthalmology 2017. PMID: 29122821
Hanna ZR, Henderson JB, Wall JD, Emerling CA, Fuchs J, Runckel C, Mindell DP, Bowie RCK, DeRisi JL, Dumbacher JP. Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) Genome: Divergence with the Barred Owl (Strix varia) and Characterization of Light-Associated Genes. Genome biology and evolution 2017. PMID: 28992302
Faden DL, Thomas S, Cantalupo PG, Agrawal N, Myers J, DeRisi J. Multi-modality analysis supports APOBEC as a major source of mutations in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Oral oncology 2017. PMID: 29103756
Milgrom P, Horst JA, Ludwig S, Rothen M, Chaffee BW, Lyalina S, Pollard KS, DeRisi JL, Mancl L. Topical silver diamine fluoride for dental caries arrest in preschool children: A randomized controlled trial and microbiological analysis of caries associated microbes and resistance gene expression. Journal of dentistry 2017. PMID: 28866468
Stenglein MD, Sanchez-Migallon Guzman D, Garcia VE, Layton ML, Hoon-Hanks LL, Boback SM, Keel MK, Drazenovich T, Hawkins MG, DeRisi JL. Differential Disease Susceptibilities in Experimentally Reptarenavirus-Infected Boa Constrictors and Ball Pythons. Journal of virology 2017. PMID: 28515291
Wilson MR, Suan D, Duggins A, Schubert RD, Khan LM, Sample HA, Zorn KC, Rodrigues Hoffman A, Blick A, Shingde M, DeRisi JL. A novel cause of chronic viral meningoencephalitis: Cache Valley virus. Annals of neurology 2017. PMID: 28628941
Zinter MS, Barrows BD, Ursell PC, Kowalek K, Kalantar K, Cambronero N, DeRisi JL, Oishi P, Dvorak CC. Extracorporeal life support survival in a pediatric hematopoietic cellular transplant recipient with presumed GvHD-related fulminant myocarditis. Bone marrow transplantation 2017. PMID: 28581474
Crawford ED, Quan J, Horst JA, Ebert D, Wu W, DeRisi JL. Plasmid-free CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in Plasmodium falciparum confirms mutations conferring resistance to the dihydroisoquinolone clinical candidate SJ733. PloS one 2017. PMID: 28542423
Doan T, Acharya NR, Pinsky BA, Sahoo MK, Chow ED, Banaei N, Budvytiene I, Cevallos V, Zhong L, Zhou Z, Lietman TM, DeRisi JL. Metagenomic DNA Sequencing for the Diagnosis of Intraocular Infections. Ophthalmology 2017. PMID: 28526549
Postler TS, Clawson AN, Amarasinghe GK, Basler CF, Bavari S, Benko M, Blasdell KR, Briese T, Buchmeier MJ, Bukreyev A, Calisher CH, Chandran K, Charrel R, Clegg CS, Collins PL, Juan Carlos T, Derisi JL, Dietzgen RG, Dolnik O, Dürrwald R, Dye JM, Easton AJ, Emonet S, Formenty P, Fouchier RAM, Ghedin E, Gonzalez JP, Harrach B, Hewson R, Horie M, Jiang D, Kobinger G, Kondo H, Kropinski AM, Krupovic M, Kurath G, Lamb RA, Leroy EM, Lukashevich IS, Maisner A, Mushegian AR, Netesov SV, Nowotny N, Patterson JL, Payne SL, PaWeska JT, Peters CJ, Radoshitzky SR, Rima BK, Romanowski V, Rubbenstroth D, Sabanadzovic S, Sanfaçon H, Salvato MS, Schwemmle M, Smither SJ, Stenglein MD, Stone DM, Takada A, Tesh RB, Tomonaga K, Tordo N, Towner JS, Vasilakis N, Volchkov VE, Wahl-Jensen V, Walker PJ, Wang LF, Varsani A, Whitfield AE, Zerbini FM, Kuhn JH. Possibility and Challenges of Conversion of Current Virus Species Names to Linnaean Binomials. Systematic biology 2017. PMID: 27798405
Ludington WB, Seher TD, Applegate O, Li X, Kliegman JI, Langelier C, Atwill ER, Harter T, DeRisi JL. Assessing biosynthetic potential of agricultural groundwater through metagenomic sequencing: A diverse anammox community dominates nitrate-rich groundwater. PloS one 2017. PMID: 28384184
Sonoiki E, Ng CL, Lee MC, Guo D, Zhang YK, Zhou Y, Alley MR, Ahyong V, Sanz LM, Lafuente-Monasterio MJ, Dong C, Schupp PG, Gut J, Legac J, Cooper RA, Gamo FJ, DeRisi J, Freund YR, Fidock DA, Rosenthal PJ. A potent antimalarial benzoxaborole targets a Plasmodium falciparum cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor homologue. Volume 8. Nature communications 2017. PMID: 28262680
Horst JA, Wu W, DeRisi JL. MinorityReport, software for generalized analysis of causal genetic variants. Malaria journal 2017. PMID: 28231785
Medina GN, Knudsen GM, Greninger AL, Kloc A, Díaz-San Segundo F, Rieder E, Grubman MJ, DeRisi JL, de Los Santos T. Interaction between FMDV Lpro and transcription factor ADNP is required for optimal viral replication. Virology 2017. PMID: 28219017
Faden DL, Asthana S, Tihan T, DeRisi J, Kliot M. Correction: Whole Exome Sequencing of Growing and Non-Growing Cutaneous Neurofibromas from a Single Patient with Neurofibromatosis Type 1. PloS one 2017. PMID: 28207875
Slabodnick MM, Ruby JG, Reiff SB, Swart EC, Gosai S, Prabakaran S, Witkowska E, Larue GE, Fisher S, Freeman RM, Gunawardena J, Chu W, Stover NA, Gregory BD, Nowacki M, Derisi J, Roy SW, Marshall WF, Sood P. The Macronuclear Genome of Stentor coeruleus Reveals Tiny Introns in a Giant Cell. Current biology : CB 2017. PMID: 28190732
Faden DL, Asthana S, Tihan T, DeRisi J, Kliot M. Whole Exome Sequencing of Growing and Non-Growing Cutaneous Neurofibromas from a Single Patient with Neurofibromatosis Type 1. PloS one 2017. PMID: 28099461
Sonoiki E, Nsanzabana C, Legac J, Sindhe KM, DeRisi J, Rosenthal PJ. Altered Plasmodium falciparum Sensitivity to the Antiretroviral Protease Inhibitor Lopinavir Associated with Polymorphisms in pfmdr1. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 2016. PMID: 27821443
Retallack H, Di Lullo E, Arias C, Knopp KA, Laurie MT, Sandoval-Espinosa C, Mancia Leon WR, Krencik R, Ullian EM, Spatazza J, Pollen AA, Mandel-Brehm C, Nowakowski TJ, Kriegstein AR, DeRisi JL. Zika virus cell tropism in the developing human brain and inhibition by azithromycin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2016. PMID: 27911847
Greene TT, Tokuyama M, Knudsen GM, Kunz M, Lin J, Greninger AL, DeFilippis VR, DeRisi JL, Raulet DH, Coscoy L. A Herpesviral induction of RAE-1 NKG2D ligand expression occurs through release of HDAC mediated repression. eLife 2016. PMID: 27874833
Doan T, Wilson MR, Crawford ED, Chow ED, Khan LM, Knopp KA, O'Donovan BD, Xia D, Hacker JK, Stewart JM, Gonzales JA, Acharya NR, DeRisi JL. Erratum to: Illuminating uveitis: metagenomic deep sequencing identifies common and rare pathogens. Genome medicine 2016. PMID: 27876088
Chang L, Fu D, Stenglein MD, Hernandez JA, DeRisi JL, Jacobson ER. Detection and prevalence of boid inclusion body disease in collections of boas and pythons using immunological assays. Veterinary journal (London, England : 1997) 2016. PMID: 27938703
Wilson MR, Zimmermann LL, Crawford ED, Sample HA, Soni PR, Baker AN, Khan LM, DeRisi JL. Acute West Nile Virus Meningoencephalitis Diagnosed Via Metagenomic Deep Sequencing of Cerebrospinal Fluid in a Renal Transplant Patient. American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons 2016. PMID: 27647685
Nguyen HQ, Baxter BC, Brower K, Diaz-Botia CA, DeRisi JL, Fordyce PM, Thorn KS. Programmable Microfluidic Synthesis of Over One Thousand Uniquely Identifiable Spectral Codes. Advanced optical materials 2016. PMID: 28936383
Nguyen JT, Green A, Wilson MR, DeRisi JL, Gundling K. Neurologic Complications of Common Variable Immunodeficiency. Journal of clinical immunology 2016. PMID: 27704236
Faden DL, Arron ST, Heaton CM, DeRisi J, South AP, Wang SJ. Targeted next-generation sequencing of TP53 in oral tongue carcinoma from non-smokers. Journal of otolaryngology - head & neck surgery = Le Journal d'oto-rhino-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico-faciale 2016. PMID: 27640185
Doan T, Wilson MR, Crawford ED, Chow ED, Khan LM, Knopp KA, O'Donovan BD, Xia D, Hacker JK, Stewart JM, Gonzales JA, Acharya NR, DeRisi JL. Illuminating uveitis: metagenomic deep sequencing identifies common and rare pathogens. Genome medicine 2016. PMID: 27562436
Van Voorhis WC, Adams JH, Adelfio R, Ahyong V, Akabas MH, Alano P, Alday A, Alemán Resto Y, Alsibaee A, Alzualde A, Andrews KT, Avery SV, Avery VM, Ayong L, Baker M, Baker S, Ben Mamoun C, Bhatia S, Bickle Q, Bounaadja L, Bowling T, Bosch J, Boucher LE, Boyom FF, Brea J, Brennan M, Burton A, Caffrey CR, Camarda G, Carrasquilla M, Carter D, Belen Cassera M, Chih-Chien Cheng K, Chindaudomsate W, Chubb A, Colon BL, Colón-López DD, Corbett Y, Crowther GJ, Cowan N, D'Alessandro S, Le Dang N, Delves M, DeRisi JL, Du AY, Duffy S, Abd El-Salam El-Sayed S, Ferdig MT, Fernández Robledo JA, Fidock DA, Florent I, Fokou PV, Galstian A, Gamo FJ, Gokool S, Gold B, Golub T, Goldgof GM, Guha R, Guiguemde WA, Gural N, Guy RK, Hansen MA, Hanson KK, Hemphill A, Hooft van Huijsduijnen R, Horii T, Horrocks P, Hughes TB, Huston C, Igarashi I, Ingram-Sieber K, Itoe MA, Jadhav A, Naranuntarat Jensen A, Jensen LT, Jiang RH, Kaiser A, Keiser J, Ketas T, Kicka S, Kim S, Kirk K, Kumar VP, Kyle DE, Lafuente MJ, Landfear S, Lee N, Lee S, Lehane AM, Li F, Little D, Liu L, Llinás M, Loza MI, Lubar A, Lucantoni L, Lucet I, Maes L, Mancama D, Mansour NR, March S, McGowan S, Medina Vera I, Meister S, Mercer L, Mestres J, Mfopa AN, Misra RN, Moon S, Moore JP, Morais Rodrigues da Costa F, Müller J, Muriana A, Nakazawa Hewitt S, Nare B, Nathan C, Narraidoo N, Nawaratna S, Ojo KK, Ortiz D, Panic G, Papadatos G, Parapini S, Patra K, Pham N, Prats S, Plouffe DM, Poulsen SA, Pradhan A, Quevedo C, Quinn RJ, Rice CA, Abdo Rizk M, Ruecker A, St Onge R, Salgado Ferreira R, Samra J, Robinett NG, Schlecht U, Schmitt M, Silva Villela F, Silvestrini F, Sinden R, Smith DA, Soldati T, Spitzmüller A, Stamm SM, Sullivan DJ, Sullivan W, Suresh S, Suzuki BM, Suzuki Y, Swamidass SJ, Taramelli D, Tchokouaha LR, Theron A, Thomas D, Tonissen KF, Townson S, Tripathi AK, Trofimov V, Udenze KO, Ullah I, Vallieres C, Vigil E, Vinetz JM, Voong Vinh P, Vu H, Watanabe NA, Weatherby K, White PM, Wilks AF, Winzeler EA, Wojcik E, Wree M, Wu W, Yokoyama N, Zollo PH, Abla N, Blasco B, Burrows J, Laleu B, Leroy D, Spangenberg T, Wells T, Willis PA. Open Source Drug Discovery with the Malaria Box Compound Collection for Neglected Diseases and Beyond. PLoS pathogens 2016. PMID: 27467575
Zylberberg M, Van Hemert C, Dumbacher JP, Handel CM, Tihan T, DeRisi JL. Novel Picornavirus Associated with Avian Keratin Disorder in Alaskan Birds. mBio 2016. PMID: 27460795
Sonoiki E, Palencia A, Guo D, Ahyong V, Dong C, Li X, Hernandez VS, Zhang YK, Choi W, Gut J, Legac J, Cooper R, Alley MR, Freund YR, DeRisi J, Cusack S, Rosenthal PJ. Antimalarial Benzoxaboroles Target Plasmodium falciparum Leucyl-tRNA Synthetase. Volume 60 of Issue 8. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 2016. PMID: 27270277
Wilson MR, Fedewa G, Stenglein MD, Olejnik J, Rennick LJ, Nambulli S, Feldmann F, Duprex WP, Connor JH, Mühlberger E, DeRisi JL. Multiplexed Metagenomic Deep Sequencing To Analyze the Composition of High-Priority Pathogen Reagents. mSystems 2016. PMID: 27822544
Mavor D, Barlow K, Thompson S, Barad BA, Bonny AR, Cario CL, Gaskins G, Liu Z, Deming L, Axen SD, Caceres E, Chen W, Cuesta A, Gate RE, Green EM, Hulce KR, Ji W, Kenner LR, Mensa B, Morinishi LS, Moss SM, Mravic M, Muir RK, Niekamp S, Nnadi CI, Palovcak E, Poss EM, Ross TD, Salcedo EC, See SK, Subramaniam M, Wong AW, Li J, Thorn KS, Conchúir SÓ, Roscoe BP, Chow ED, DeRisi JL, Kortemme T, Bolon DN, Fraser JS. Determination of ubiquitin fitness landscapes under different chemical stresses in a classroom setting. eLife 2016. PMID: 27111525
Ahyong V, Sheridan CM, Leon KE, Witchley JN, Diep J, DeRisi JL. Identification of Plasmodium falciparum specific translation inhibitors from the MMV Malaria Box using a high throughput in vitro translation screen. Malaria journal 2016. PMID: 26987601
Gu W, Crawford ED, O'Donovan BD, Wilson MR, Chow ED, Retallack H, DeRisi JL. Depletion of Abundant Sequences by Hybridization (DASH): using Cas9 to remove unwanted high-abundance species in sequencing libraries and molecular counting applications. Genome biology 2016. PMID: 26944702
Soupene E, Kao J, Cheng DH, Wang D, Greninger AL, Knudsen GM, DeRisi JL, Kuypers FA. Association of NMT2 with the acyl-CoA carrier ACBD6 protects the N-myristoyltransferase reaction from palmitoyl-CoA. Journal of lipid research 2015. PMID: 26621918
Hanna ZR, Runckel C, Fuchs J, DeRisi JL, Mindell DP, Van Hemert C, Handel CM, Dumbacher JP. Isolation of a Complete Circular Virus Genome Sequence from an Alaskan Black-Capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) Gastrointestinal Tract Sample. Genome announcements 2015. PMID: 26404604
Wilson MR, Shanbhag NM, Reid MJ, Singhal NS, Gelfand JM, Sample HA, Benkli B, O'Donovan BD, Ali IK, Keating MK, Dunnebacke TH, Wood MD, Bollen A, DeRisi JL. Diagnosing Balamuthia mandrillaris Encephalitis With Metagenomic Deep Sequencing. Annals of neurology 2015. PMID: 26290222
Greninger AL, DeRisi JL. Draft Genome Sequence of Laverivirus UC1, a Dicistrovirus-Like RNA Virus Featuring an Unusual Genome Organization. Genome announcements 2015. PMID: 26139710
Greninger AL, DeRisi JL. Draft Genome Sequence of Picalivirus D Recovered from San Francisco Wastewater. Genome announcements 2015. PMID: 26139708
Greninger AL, DeRisi JL. Draft Genome Sequence of Tombunodavirus UC1. Genome announcements 2015. PMID: 26139709
Radoshitzky SR, Bào Y, Buchmeier MJ, Charrel RN, Clawson AN, Clegg CS, DeRisi JL, Emonet S, Gonzalez JP, Kuhn JH, Lukashevich IS, Peters CJ, Romanowski V, Salvato MS, Stenglein MD, de la Torre JC. Past, present, and future of arenavirus taxonomy. Archives of virology 2015. PMID: 25935216
Greninger AL, DeRisi JL. Draft Genome Sequences of Ciliovirus and Brinovirus from San Francisco Wastewater. Genome announcements 2015. PMID: 26112784
Greninger AL, DeRisi JL. Draft Genome Sequences of Leviviridae RNA Phages EC and MB Recovered from San Francisco Wastewater. Genome announcements 2015. PMID: 26112785
Greninger AL, DeRisi JL. Draft Genome Sequences of Marine RNA Viruses SF-1, SF-2, and SF-3 Recovered from San Francisco Wastewater. Genome announcements 2015. PMID: 26089423
Stenglein MD, Jacobson ER, Chang LW, Sanders C, Hawkins MG, Guzman DS, Drazenovich T, Dunker F, Kamaka EK, Fisher D, Reavill DR, Meola LF, Levens G, DeRisi JL. Widespread recombination, reassortment, and transmission of unbalanced compound viral genotypes in natural arenavirus infections. PLoS pathogens 2015. PMID: 25993603
O'Donoghue AJ, Knudsen GM, Beekman C, Perry JA, Johnson AD, DeRisi JL, Craik CS, Bennett RJ. Destructin-1 is a collagen-degrading endopeptidase secreted by Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the causative agent of white-nose syndrome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2015. PMID: 25944934
Gerver RE, Gómez-Sjöberg R, Baxter BC, Thorn KS, Fordyce PM, Diaz-Botia CA, Helms BA, DeRisi JL. Correction: Programmable microfluidic synthesis of spectrally encoded microspheres. Lab on a chip 2015. PMID: 25619960
Schulze CJ, Navarro G, Ebert D, DeRisi J, Linington RG. Salinipostins A-K, long-chain bicyclic phosphotriesters as a potent and selective antimalarial chemotype. The Journal of organic chemistry 2015. PMID: 25584395
Caro F, Ahyong V, Betegon M, DeRisi JL. Genome-wide regulatory dynamics of translation in the Plasmodium falciparum asexual blood stages. eLife 2014. PMID: 25493618
Kuhn JH, Dürrwald R, Bào Y, Briese T, Carbone K, Clawson AN, deRisi JL, Garten W, Jahrling PB, Kolodziejek J, Rubbenstroth D, Schwemmle M, Stenglein M, Tomonaga K, Weissenböck H, Nowotny N. Taxonomic reorganization of the family Bornaviridae. Archives of virology 2014. PMID: 25449305
Jiménez-Díaz MB, Ebert D, Salinas Y, Pradhan A, Lehane AM, Myrand-Lapierre ME, O'Loughlin KG, Shackleford DM, Justino de Almeida M, Carrillo AK, Clark JA, Dennis AS, Diep J, Deng X, Duffy S, Endsley AN, Fedewa G, Guiguemde WA, Gómez MG, Holbrook G, Horst J, Kim CC, Liu J, Lee MC, Matheny A, Martínez MS, Miller G, Rodríguez-Alejandre A, Sanz L, Sigal M, Spillman NJ, Stein PD, Wang Z, Zhu F, Waterson D, Knapp S, Shelat A, Avery VM, Fidock DA, Gamo FJ, Charman SA, Mirsalis JC, Ma H, Ferrer S, Kirk K, Angulo-Barturen I, Kyle DE, DeRisi JL, Floyd DM, Guy RK. (+)-SJ733, a clinical candidate for malaria that acts through ATP4 to induce rapid host-mediated clearance of Plasmodium. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2014. PMID: 25453091
Wu W, Herrera Z, Ebert D, Baska K, Cho SH, DeRisi JL, Yeh E. A chemical rescue screen identifies a Plasmodium falciparum apicoplast inhibitor targeting MEP isoprenoid precursor biosynthesis. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 2014. PMID: 25367906
Stenglein MD, Leavitt EB, Abramovitch MA, McGuire JA, DeRisi JL. Genome Sequence of a Bornavirus Recovered from an African Garter Snake (Elapsoidea loveridgei). Genome announcements 2014. PMID: 25301640
Stenglein MD, Jacobson ER, Wozniak EJ, Wellehan JF, Kincaid A, Gordon M, Porter BF, Baumgartner W, Stahl S, Kelley K, Towner JS, DeRisi JL. Ball python nidovirus: a candidate etiologic agent for severe respiratory disease in Python regius. mBio 2014. PMID: 25205093
Li R, Faden DL, Fakhry C, Langelier C, Jiao Y, Wang Y, Wilkerson MD, Pedamallu CS, Old M, Lang J, Loyo M, Ahn SM, Tan M, Gooi Z, Chan J, Richmon J, Wood LD, Hruban RH, Bishop J, Westra WH, Chung CH, Califano J, Gourin CG, Bettegowda C, Meyerson M, Papadopoulos N, Kinzler KW, Vogelstein B, DeRisi JL, Koch WM, Agrawal N. Clinical, genomic, and metagenomic characterization of oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma in patients who do not smoke. Head & neck 2014. PMID: 24954188
Skewes-Cox P, Sharpton TJ, Pollard KS, DeRisi JL. Profile hidden Markov models for the detection of viruses within metagenomic sequence data. PloS one 2014. PMID: 25140992
Naccache SN, Federman S, Veeraraghavan N, Zaharia M, Lee D, Samayoa E, Bouquet J, Greninger AL, Luk KC, Enge B, Wadford DA, Messenger SL, Genrich GL, Pellegrino K, Grard G, Leroy E, Schneider BS, Fair JN, Martínez MA, Isa P, Crump JA, DeRisi JL, Sittler T, Hackett J, Miller S, Chiu CY. A cloud-compatible bioinformatics pipeline for ultrarapid pathogen identification from next-generation sequencing of clinical samples. Volume 24 of Issue 7. Genome research 2014. PMID: 24899342
Wilson MR, Naccache SN, Samayoa E, Biagtan M, Bashir H, Yu G, Salamat SM, Somasekar S, Federman S, Miller S, Sokolic R, Garabedian E, Candotti F, Buckley RH, Reed KD, Meyer TL, Seroogy CM, Galloway R, Henderson SL, Gern JE, DeRisi JL, Chiu CY. Actionable diagnosis of neuroleptospirosis by next-generation sequencing. Volume 370 of Issue 25. The New England journal of medicine 2014. PMID: 24896819
Pérez JC, Fordyce PM, Lohse MB, Hanson-Smith V, DeRisi JL, Johnson AD. How duplicated transcription regulators can diversify to govern the expression of nonoverlapping sets of genes. Genes & development 2014. PMID: 24874988
Slabodnick MM, Ruby JG, Dunn JG, Feldman JL, DeRisi JL, Marshall WF. The kinase regulator mob1 acts as a patterning protein for stentor morphogenesis. PLoS biology 2014. PMID: 24823688
Parrish JZ, Kim CC, Tang L, Bergquist S, Wang T, Derisi JL, Jan LY, Jan YN, Davis GW. Krüppel mediates the selective rebalancing of ion channel expression. Neuron 2014. PMID: 24811378
Runckel C, DeRisi J, Flenniken ML. A draft genome of the honey bee trypanosomatid parasite Crithidia mellificae. PloS one 2014. PMID: 24743507
Rubio CA, Weisburd B, Holderfield M, Arias C, Fang E, DeRisi JL, Fanidi A. Transcriptome-wide characterization of the eIF4A signature highlights plasticity in translation regulation. Genome biology 2014. PMID: 25273840
Szentiks CA, Tsangaras K, Abendroth B, Scheuch M, Stenglein MD, Wohlsein P, Heeger F, Höveler R, Chen W, Sun W, Damiani A, Nikolin V, Gruber AD, Grobbel M, Kalthoff D, Höper D, Czirják GÁ, Derisi J, Mazzoni CJ, Schüle A, Aue A, East ML, Hofer H, Beer M, Osterrieder N, Greenwood AD. Polar bear encephalitis: establishment of a comprehensive next-generation pathogen analysis pipeline for captive and free-living wildlife. Journal of comparative pathology 2013. PMID: 24534459
Koellhoffer JF, Dai Z, Malashkevich VN, Stenglein MD, Liu Y, Toro R, S Harrison J, Chandran K, DeRisi JL, Almo SC, Lai JR. Structural characterization of the glycoprotein GP2 core domain from the CAS virus, a novel arenavirus-like species. Journal of molecular biology 2013. PMID: 24333483
Hernday AD, Lohse MB, Fordyce PM, Nobile CJ, DeRisi JL, Johnson AD. Structure of the transcriptional network controlling white-opaque switching in Candida albicans. Molecular microbiology 2013. PMID: 23855748
Guler JL, Freeman DL, Ahyong V, Patrapuvich R, White J, Gujjar R, Phillips MA, DeRisi J, Rathod PK. Asexual populations of the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, use a two-step genomic strategy to acquire accurate, beneficial DNA amplifications. PLoS pathogens 2013. PMID: 23717205
Ruby JG, Bellare P, Derisi JL. PRICE: software for the targeted assembly of components of (Meta) genomic sequence data. G3 (Bethesda, Md.) 2013. PMID: 23550143
Nelson CS, Fuller CK, Fordyce PM, Greninger AL, Li H, DeRisi JL. Microfluidic affinity and ChIP-seq analyses converge on a conserved FOXP2-binding motif in chimp and human, which enables the detection of evolutionarily novel targets. Nucleic acids research 2013. PMID: 23625967
Lohse MB, Hernday AD, Fordyce PM, Noiman L, Sorrells TR, Hanson-Smith V, Nobile CJ, DeRisi JL, Johnson AD. Identification and characterization of a previously undescribed family of sequence-specific DNA-binding domains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2013. PMID: 23610392
Greninger AL, Knudsen GM, Betegon M, Burlingame AL, DeRisi JL. ACBD3 interaction with TBC1 domain 22 protein is differentially affected by enteroviral and kobuviral 3A protein binding. mBio 2013. PMID: 23572552
Abromaitis S, Nelson CS, Previte D, Yoon KS, Clark JM, DeRisi JL, Koehler JE. Bartonella quintana deploys host and vector temperature-specific transcriptomes. PloS one 2013. PMID: 23554923
Runckel C, Westesson O, Andino R, DeRisi JL. Identification and manipulation of the molecular determinants influencing poliovirus recombination. PLoS pathogens 2013. PMID: 23408891
Melters DP, Bradnam KR, Young HA, Telis N, May MR, Ruby JG, Sebra R, Peluso P, Eid J, Rank D, Garcia JF, DeRisi JL, Smith T, Tobias C, Ross-Ibarra J, Korf I, Chan SW. Comparative analysis of tandem repeats from hundreds of species reveals unique insights into centromere evolution. Genome biology 2013. PMID: 23363705
Vale RD, DeRisi J, Phillips R, Mullins RD, Waterman C, Mitchison TJ. Graduate education. Interdisciplinary graduate training in teaching labs. Science (New York, N.Y.) 2012. PMID: 23258877
Gerver RE, Gómez-Sjöberg R, Baxter BC, Thorn KS, Fordyce PM, Diaz-Botia CA, Helms BA, DeRisi JL. Programmable microfluidic synthesis of spectrally encoded microspheres. Lab on a chip 2012. PMID: 23042484
Yu G, Greninger AL, Isa P, Phan TG, Martínez MA, de la Luz Sanchez M, Contreras JF, Santos-Preciado JI, Parsonnet J, Miller S, DeRisi JL, Delwart E, Arias CF, Chiu CY. Discovery of a novel polyomavirus in acute diarrheal samples from children. Volume 7 of Issue 11. PloS one 2012. PMID: 23166671
Fordyce PM, Diaz-Botia CA, DeRisi JL, Gomez-Sjoberg R. Systematic characterization of feature dimensions and closing pressures for microfluidic valves produced via photoresist reflow. Lab on a chip 2012. PMID: 22930180
Kim CC, Nelson CS, Wilson EB, Hou B, DeFranco AL, DeRisi JL. Splenic red pulp macrophages produce type I interferons as early sentinels of malaria infection but are dispensable for control. PloS one 2012. PMID: 23144737
Fordyce PM, Pincus D, Kimmig P, Nelson CS, El-Samad H, Walter P, DeRisi JL. Basic leucine zipper transcription factor Hac1 binds DNA in two distinct modes as revealed by microfluidic analyses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2012. PMID: 23054834
Holmes TC, May AE, Zaleta-Rivera K, Ruby JG, Skewes-Cox P, Fischbach MA, DeRisi JL, Iwatsuki M, Omura S, Khosla C. Molecular insights into the biosynthesis of guadinomine: a type III secretion system inhibitor. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012. PMID: 23030602
O'Donoghue AJ, Eroy-Reveles AA, Knudsen GM, Ingram J, Zhou M, Statnekov JB, Greninger AL, Hostetter DR, Qu G, Maltby DA, Anderson MO, Derisi JL, McKerrow JH, Burlingame AL, Craik CS. Global identification of peptidase specificity by multiplex substrate profiling. Nature methods 2012. PMID: 23023596
Stenglein MD, Velazquez E, Greenacre C, Wilkes RP, Ruby JG, Lankton JS, Ganem D, Kennedy MA, DeRisi JL. Complete genome sequence of an astrovirus identified in a domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) with gastroenteritis. Virology journal 2012. PMID: 22998755
Lee D, Das Gupta J, Gaughan C, Steffen I, Tang N, Luk KC, Qiu X, Urisman A, Fischer N, Molinaro R, Broz M, Schochetman G, Klein EA, Ganem D, Derisi JL, Simmons G, Hackett J, Silverman RH, Chiu CY. In-depth investigation of archival and prospectively collected samples reveals no evidence for XMRV infection in prostate cancer. Volume 7 of Issue 9. PloS one 2012. PMID: 23028701
Stenglein MD, Sanders C, Kistler AL, Ruby JG, Franco JY, Reavill DR, Dunker F, Derisi JL. Identification, characterization, and in vitro culture of highly divergent arenaviruses from boa constrictors and annulated tree boas: candidate etiological agents for snake inclusion body disease. mBio 2012. PMID: 22893382
Lowes D, Pradhan A, Iyer LV, Parman T, Gow J, Zhu F, Furimsky A, Lemoff A, Guiguemde WA, Sigal M, Clark JA, Wilson E, Tang L, Connelly MC, Derisi JL, Kyle DE, Mirsalis J, Guy RK. Lead optimization of antimalarial propafenone analogues. Journal of medicinal chemistry 2012. PMID: 22708838
Yozwiak NL, Skewes-Cox P, Stenglein MD, Balmaseda A, Harris E, DeRisi JL. Virus identification in unknown tropical febrile illness cases using deep sequencing. PLoS neglected tropical diseases 2012. PMID: 22347512
Caro F, Miller MG, DeRisi JL. Plate-based transfection and culturing technique for genetic manipulation of Plasmodium falciparum. Malaria journal 2012. PMID: 22257490
Greninger AL, Knudsen GM, Betegon M, Burlingame AL, Derisi JL. The 3A protein from multiple picornaviruses utilizes the golgi adaptor protein ACBD3 to recruit PI4KIIIß. Journal of virology 2012. PMID: 22258260
Core A, Runckel C, Ivers J, Quock C, Siapno T, Denault S, Brown B, Derisi J, Smith CD, Hafernik J. A new threat to honey bees, the parasitic phorid fly Apocephalus borealis. PloS one 2012. PMID: 22235317
Anderson CM, Chen SY, Dimon MT, Oke A, DeRisi JL, Fung JC. ReCombine: a suite of programs for detection and analysis of meiotic recombination in whole-genome datasets. PloS one 2011. PMID: 22046241
Lowes DJ, Guiguemde WA, Connelly MC, Zhu F, Sigal MS, Clark JA, Lemoff AS, Derisi JL, Wilson EB, Guy RK. Optimization of propafenone analogues as antimalarial leads. Journal of medicinal chemistry 2011. PMID: 21955244
Hwang JY, Kawasuji T, Lowes DJ, Clark JA, Connelly MC, Zhu F, Guiguemde WA, Sigal MS, Wilson EB, Derisi JL, Guy RK. Synthesis and evaluation of 7-substituted 4-aminoquinoline analogues for antimalarial activity. Journal of medicinal chemistry 2011. PMID: 21910466
Earl D, Bradnam K, St John J, Darling A, Lin D, Fass J, Yu HO, Buffalo V, Zerbino DR, Diekhans M, Nguyen N, Ariyaratne PN, Sung WK, Ning Z, Haimel M, Simpson JT, Fonseca NA, Birol I, Docking TR, Ho IY, Rokhsar DS, Chikhi R, Lavenier D, Chapuis G, Naquin D, Maillet N, Schatz MC, Kelley DR, Phillippy AM, Koren S, Yang SP, Wu W, Chou WC, Srivastava A, Shaw TI, Ruby JG, Skewes-Cox P, Betegon M, Dimon MT, Solovyev V, Seledtsov I, Kosarev P, Vorobyev D, Ramirez-Gonzalez R, Leggett R, MacLean D, Xia F, Luo R, Li Z, Xie Y, Liu B, Gnerre S, MacCallum I, Przybylski D, Ribeiro FJ, Yin S, Sharpe T, Hall G, Kersey PJ, Durbin R, Jackman SD, Chapman JA, Huang X, DeRisi JL, Caccamo M, Li Y, Jaffe DB, Green RE, Haussler D, Korf I, Paten B. Assemblathon 1: a competitive assessment of de novo short read assembly methods. Genome research 2011. PMID: 21926179
Yeh E, DeRisi JL. Chemical rescue of malaria parasites lacking an apicoplast defines organelle function in blood-stage Plasmodium falciparum. PLoS biology 2011. PMID: 21912516
Runckel C, Flenniken ML, Engel JC, Ruby JG, Ganem D, Andino R, DeRisi JL. Temporal analysis of the honey bee microbiome reveals four novel viruses and seasonal prevalence of known viruses, Nosema, and Crithidia. PloS one 2011. PMID: 21687739
Arron ST, Skewes-Cox P, Do PH, Dybbro E, Da Costa M, Palefsky JM, Derisi JL. Validation of a diagnostic microarray for human papillomavirus: coverage of 102 genotypes. Journal of nucleic acids 2011. PMID: 21785699
Chen EC, Miller SA, DeRisi JL, Chiu CY. Using a pan-viral microarray assay (Virochip) to screen clinical samples for viral pathogens. of Issue 50. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE 2011. PMID: 21559002
Arron ST, Ruby JG, Dybbro E, Ganem D, Derisi JL. Transcriptome sequencing demonstrates that human papillomavirus is not active in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. The Journal of investigative dermatology 2011. PMID: 21490616
Wootton SC, Kim DS, Kondoh Y, Chen E, Lee JS, Song JW, Huh JW, Taniguchi H, Chiu C, Boushey H, Lancaster LH, Wolters PJ, DeRisi J, Ganem D, Collard HR. Viral infection in acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Volume 183 of Issue 12. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2011. PMID: 21471095
Sun JC, Lopez-Verges S, Kim CC, DeRisi JL, Lanier LL. NK cells and immune "memory". Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 2011. PMID: 21289313
Sorber K, Dimon MT, DeRisi JL. RNA-Seq analysis of splicing in Plasmodium falciparum uncovers new splice junctions, alternative splicing and splicing of antisense transcripts. Nucleic acids research 2011. PMID: 21245033
Zhang Y, Anderson M, Weisman JL, Lu M, Choy CJ, Boyd VA, Price J, Sigal M, Clark J, Connelly M, Zhu F, Guiguemde WA, Jeffries C, Yang L, Lemoff A, Liou AP, Webb TR, Derisi JL, Guy RK. Evaluation of Diarylureas for Activity Against Plasmodium falciparum. ACS medicinal chemistry letters 2010. PMID: 21243104
Dimon MT, Sorber K, DeRisi JL. HMMSplicer: a tool for efficient and sensitive discovery of known and novel splice junctions in RNA-Seq data. PloS one 2010. PMID: 21079731
Fordyce PM, Gerber D, Tran D, Zheng J, Li H, DeRisi JL, Quake SR. De novo identification and biophysical characterization of transcription-factor binding sites with microfluidic affinity analysis. Nature biotechnology 2010. PMID: 20802496
Greninger AL, Holtz L, Kang G, Ganem D, Wang D, DeRisi JL. Serological evidence of human klassevirus infection. Clinical and vaccine immunology : CVI 2010. PMID: 20739504
Raghav R, Taylor M, Delay J, Ojkic D, Pearl DL, Kistler AL, Derisi JL, Ganem D, Smith DA. Avian bornavirus is present in many tissues of psittacine birds with histopathologic evidence of proventricular dilatation disease. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation : official publication of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Inc 2010. PMID: 20622218
Yozwiak NL, Skewes-Cox P, Gordon A, Saborio S, Kuan G, Balmaseda A, Ganem D, Harris E, DeRisi JL. Human enterovirus 109: a novel interspecies recombinant enterovirus isolated from a case of acute pediatric respiratory illness in Nicaragua. Journal of virology 2010. PMID: 20592079
Ganem D, Kistler A, DeRisi J. Achalasia and viral infection: new insights from veterinary medicine. Science translational medicine 2010. PMID: 20505212
Guiguemde WA, Shelat AA, Bouck D, Duffy S, Crowther GJ, Davis PH, Smithson DC, Connelly M, Clark J, Zhu F, Jiménez-Díaz MB, Martinez MS, Wilson EB, Tripathi AK, Gut J, Sharlow ER, Bathurst I, El Mazouni F, Fowble JW, Forquer I, McGinley PL, Castro S, Angulo-Barturen I, Ferrer S, Rosenthal PJ, Derisi JL, Sullivan DJ, Lazo JS, Roos DS, Riscoe MK, Phillips MA, Rathod PK, Van Voorhis WC, Avery VM, Guy RK. Chemical genetics of Plasmodium falciparum. Nature 2010. PMID: 20485428
Ray S, Madrid PB, Catz P, LeValley SE, Furniss MJ, Rausch LL, Guy RK, DeRisi JL, Iyer LV, Green CE, Mirsalis JC. Development of a new generation of 4-aminoquinoline antimalarial compounds using predictive pharmacokinetic and toxicology models. Journal of medicinal chemistry 2010. PMID: 20361799
Mattiazzi M, Jambhekar A, Kaferle P, Derisi JL, Krizaj I, Petrovic U. Genetic interactions between a phospholipase A2 and the Rim101 pathway components in S. cerevisiae reveal a role for this pathway in response to changes in membrane composition and shape. Molecular genetics and genomics : MGG 2010. PMID: 20379744
Chiu CY, Greninger AL, Chen EC, Haggerty TD, Parsonnet J, Delwart E, Derisi JL, Ganem D. Cultivation and serological characterization of a human Theiler's-like cardiovirus associated with diarrheal disease. Volume 84 of Issue 9. Journal of virology 2010. PMID: 20164225
Kim CC, Wilson EB, DeRisi JL. Improved methods for magnetic purification of malaria parasites and haemozoin. Malaria journal 2010. PMID: 20074366
Kim CC, Derisi JL. VersaCount: customizable manual tally software for cell counting. Source code for biology and medicine 2010. PMID: 20180957
Kistler AL, Smith JM, Greninger AL, Derisi JL, Ganem D. Analysis of naturally occurring avian bornavirus infection and transmission during an outbreak of proventricular dilatation disease among captive psittacine birds. Journal of virology 2009. PMID: 19955301
Webster DR, Hekele AG, Lauring AS, Fischer KF, Li H, Andino R, DeRisi JL. An enhanced single base extension technique for the analysis of complex viral populations. PloS one 2009. PMID: 19834618
Niles JC, Derisi JL, Marletta MA. Inhibiting Plasmodium falciparum growth and heme detoxification pathway using heme-binding DNA aptamers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2009. PMID: 19633187
Arico-Muendel C, Centrella PA, Contonio BD, Morgan BA, O'Donovan G, Paradise CL, Skinner SR, Sluboski B, Svendsen JL, White KF, Debnath A, Gut J, Wilson N, McKerrow JH, DeRisi JL, Rosenthal PJ, Chiang PK. Antiparasitic activities of novel, orally available fumagillin analogs. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 2009. PMID: 19648008
Gancz AY, Kistler AL, Greninger AL, Farnoushi Y, Mechani S, Perl S, Berkowitz A, Perez N, Clubb S, DeRisi JL, Ganem D, Lublin A. Experimental induction of proventricular dilatation disease in cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) inoculated with brain homogenates containing avian bornavirus 4. Virology journal 2009. PMID: 19589169