Denise Connor, MD

Professor of Clinical Medicine

As a founding member of the San Francisco VA Medical Center’s Faculty Hospital Medicine Group, I attend on a range of inpatient services including our medicine ward service, a traditional teaching service, the Faculty Hospitalist Service, an attending-only service, the Co-Management Service, a consultative service for peri-operative patients, and our Swing Service, where I serve as Transfer Attending, Medicine Consult attending, and Procedure attending, while admitting patients and supporting the on-call team. A significant portion of our clinical care at the SFVA is focused on patients who are facing a myriad of social and structural barriers that impact their health--we work to bring a team-based, interprofessional approach to our partnership with these patients to address both their acute medical needs and upstream determinants of health.

My interest in medical education began in my year as a chief resident, and has become the cornerstone of my career. From 2013 through 2020, I served as the Associate Program Director for PRIME, a VA-based Area of Distinction for internal medicine residents offering training in understanding the medical literature, designing clinical research, and expanding clinical skills. In this role, I developed a longitudinal clinical reasoning series and a career series dedicated to building tools for successful academic careers.

As the first theme lead for Clinical Reasoning within the School of Medicine's Clinical Microsystem Clerkship (CMC), and Design Lead and inaugural Director for a capstone course for our pre-clerkship students, the Diagnostic Reasoning (DR) Block (launched in 2017 and served as course director through 2022), I had the opportunity to develop a novel, longitudinal curriculum focused on building foundational skills in clinical reasoning.

I pair my interest in clinical reasoning education with a focus on improving diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism/anti-oppression within medical education. In particular, I am interested in exploring how to bring an anti-oppressive lens to how we teach and practice team-based clinical reasoning, with the patient and their family at the heart of the team. I am currently Director of the School of Medicine’s Anti-Oppression Curriculum Initiative (AOCI). Through this role I am honored to collaborate with faculty, students, staff, and community members to elevate the School of Medicine’s emphasis on justice, equity, anti-racism and anti-oppression across the entire four-year curriculum.

I am interested in the intersection between communication, diversity, equity, inclusion, and clinical reasoning, as well as how we can bring an anti-oppression lens to medical education. Highlights of my current projects include:

• Considering how traditional, 'cognitive' aspects of reasoning link with relationship-centered communication with patients, and how we incorporate issues of diversity, equity and inclusion when we teach about and engage in clinical reasoning

• Developing approaches and tools to assist with review and adaptation of curricula to move towards anti-racism and anti-oppression in medical education (both in content and pedagogy)

ACH Faculty Member, 2024 - Faculty in Training Program (focus: facilitating/communicating/leading for change to promote equity), Academy of Communication in Healthcare (ACH)
2021 - Relationship-Centered Communication Facilitators Program, Academy of Communication in Healthcare
2017 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training, University of California
Teaching Scholars Program, 2016 - Academy of Medical Educators, University of California, San Francisco
Inpatient Chief Resident, 2011 - San Francisco VA Medical Center, University of California, San Francisco
2010 - Health Equities: Academics & Advocacy Training Program, University of California, San Francisco
2010 - Internal Medicine Residency, University of California, San Francisco
MD, 2007 - School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Honors and Awards
  • Gold-Headed Cane Endowed Teaching Chair in Internal Medicine, UCSF, Academy of Medical Educators and Department of Medicine, 2019-2024
  • Cooke Award for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, UCSF, Academy of Medical Educators, 2018
  • David E. Rogers Junior Faculty Education Award for workshop “Teaching Clinical Reasoning", Society of General Internal Medicine, 2016
  • Accepted into Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators, UCSF, Academy of Medical Educators, 2016
  • Calvin Chou Award for Education, UCSF, PRIME Program, 2014
  • Excellence in Teaching Award, UCSF, Academy of Medical Educators, 2012
  1. Kulkarni SA, Dhaliwal G, Teherani A, Connor DM. Clerkship Students' Use of Clinical Reasoning Concepts After a Pre-clinical Reasoning Course. Journal of general internal medicine 2025. PMID: 39747771

  2. Connor DM, Fernandez A, Alba-Nguyen S, Collins S, Teherani A. Academic Leadership Academy Summer Program: Clerkship Transition Preparation for Underrepresented in Medicine Medical Students. Teaching and learning in medicine 2023. PMID: 37886897

  3. Connor DM, Dhaliwal G. Moving upstream to address diagnostic disparities. BMJ quality & safety 2023. PMID: 37414556

  4. Singh H, Connor DM, Dhaliwal G. Five strategies for clinicians to advance diagnostic excellence. 2022. PMID: 35172968

  5. Connor DM, Narayana S, Dhaliwal G. A clinical reasoning curriculum for medical students: an interim analysis. 2022. PMID: 34904425

  6. Chou CL, Connor DM, Santhosh L. Emphasizing Empathy in Communicating About Uncertainty by Using a Dialogic Approach. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2021. PMID: 34183477

  7. Connor DM, Durning SJ, Rencic JJ. Clinical Reasoning as a Core Competency. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2019. PMID: 31577583

  8. Zejnullahu K, Santhosh L, Mourad M, Connor DM. Off Trail, On Track: an Exercise in Clinical Reasoning. Journal of general internal medicine 2019. PMID: 31270781

  9. Santhosh L, Chou CL, Connor DM. Diagnostic uncertainty: from education to communication. Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany) 2019. PMID: 30851157

  10. Subramanian A, Connor DM, Berger G, Lessing JN, Mehta N, Manesh R, Kohlwes J. A Curriculum for Diagnostic Reasoning: JGIM's Exercises in Clinical Reasoning. Journal of general internal medicine 2018. PMID: 30334181

  11. Wang EY, Patrick L, Connor DM. Blind Obedience and an Unnecessary Workup for Hypoglycemia: A Teachable Moment. JAMA internal medicine 2018. PMID: 29181533

  12. Wheeler DJ, Cascino T, Sharpe BA, Connor DM. When the Script Doesn't Fit: An Exercise in Clinical Reasoning. Journal of general internal medicine 2017. PMID: 28337688

  13. Connor DM, Conlon PJ, O'Brien BC, Chou CL. Improving clerkship preparedness: a hospital medicine elective for pre-clerkship students. Medical education online 2017. PMID: 28395598

  14. Kohlwes J, O'Brien B, Stanley M, Grant R, Shunk R, Connor D, Cornett P, Hollander H. Does Research Training During Residency Promote Scholarship and Influence Career Choice? A Cross-Sectional Analysis of a 10-Year Cohort of the UCSF-PRIME Internal Medicine Residency Program. Volume 28 of Issue 3. Teaching and learning in medicine 2016. PMID: 27143394

  15. Connor DM, Elkin GD, Lee K, Thompson V, Whelan H. The Unbefriended Patient: An Exercise in Ethical Clinical Reasoning. Journal of general internal medicine 2015. PMID: 26438516

  16. Connor DM, Dhaliwal G. When less is more for the struggling clinical reasoner. Diagnosis (Berlin, Germany) 2015. PMID: 29540031

  17. Connor DM, Binkley S, Fishman NO, Gasink LB, Linkin D, Lautenbach E. Impact of automatic orders to discontinue vancomycin therapy on vancomycin use in an antimicrobial stewardship program. Infection control and hospital epidemiology 2007. PMID: 17994524

  18. Drake CT, De Oliveira AX, Harris JA, Connor DM, Winkler CW, Aicher SA. Kappa opioid receptors in the rostral ventromedial medulla of male and female rats. The Journal of comparative neurology 2007. PMID: 17120286

  19. Williams H, Connor DM, Hill JW. Testosterone decreases the potential for song plasticity in adult male zebra finches. Hormones and behavior 2003. PMID: 14644634