Catherine Dao, MD

MSP Physician

Dr. Catherine Dao is a non-invasive cardiologist. She cares for adult patients with a wide variety of cardiovascular conditions, including, but not limited to, angina, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, cardiomyopathy, chest pain, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, dyslipidemia, palpitations and valvular heart disease. She has a particular interest in echocardiography, preventive cardiology, and women’s heart health.

Dr. Dao is the medical director of the UCSF San Mateo Primary and Specialty Care clinic. Her clinics are located in San Mateo and at the UCSF Cardiovascular Care and Prevention Clinic at Mission Bay.

  1. Edwards KS, Chow EKH, Dao C, Hossepian D, Johnson AG, Desai M, Shah S, Lee A, Yeung AC, Fischbein M, Fearon WF. Impact of cognitive behavioral therapy on depression symptoms after transcatheter aortic valve replacement: A randomized controlled trial. International journal of cardiology 2020. PMID: 32800909

  2. Kim JB, Kobayashi Y, Kuznetsova T, Moneghetti KJ, Brenner DA, O'Malley R, Dao C, Wu JC, Fischbein M, Craig Miller D, Yeung AC, Liang D, Haddad F, Fearon WF. Cytokines profile of reverse cardiac remodeling following transcatheter aortic valve replacement. Volume 270. International journal of cardiology 2018. PMID: 30219541

  3. Parashurama N, Ahn BC, Ziv K, Ito K, Paulmurugan R, Willmann JK, Chung J, Ikeno F, Swanson JC, Merk DR, Lyons JK, Yerushalmi D, Teramoto T, Kosuge H, Dao CN, Ray P, Patel M, Chang YF, Mahmoudi M, Cohen JE, Goldstone AB, Habte F, Bhaumik S, Yaghoubi S, Robbins RC, Dash R, Yang PC, Brinton TJ, Yock PG, McConnell MV, Gambhir SS. Multimodality Molecular Imaging of Cardiac Cell Transplantation: Part II. In Vivo Imaging of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells in Swine with PET/CT and MR Imaging. Volume 280 of Issue 3. Radiology 2016. PMID: 27332865

  4. Parashurama N, Ahn BC, Ziv K, Ito K, Paulmurugan R, Willmann JK, Chung J, Ikeno F, Swanson JC, Merk DR, Lyons JK, Yerushalmi D, Teramoto T, Kosuge H, Dao CN, Ray P, Patel M, Chang YF, Mahmoudi M, Cohen JE, Goldstone AB, Habte F, Bhaumik S, Yaghoubi S, Robbins RC, Dash R, Yang PC, Brinton TJ, Yock PG, McConnell MV, Gambhir SS. Multimodality Molecular Imaging of Cardiac Cell Transplantation: Part I. Reporter Gene Design, Characterization, and Optical in Vivo Imaging of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells after Myocardial Infarction. Volume 280 of Issue 3. Radiology 2016. PMID: 27308957

  5. Fearon WF, Yong AS, Lenders G, Toth GG, Dao C, Daniels DV, Pijls NHJ, De Bruyne B. The impact of downstream coronary stenosis on fractional flow reserve assessment of intermediate left main coronary artery disease: human validation. Volume 8 of Issue 3. JACC. Cardiovascular interventions 2015. PMID: 25790763

  6. Dao CN, Tobis JM. PFO and paradoxical embolism producing events other than stroke. Volume 77 of Issue 6. Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions 2011. PMID: 21207422

  7. Akhondi A, Gevorgyan R, Tseng CH, Slavin L, Dao C, Liebeskind DS, Tobis JM. The association of patent foramen ovale morphology and stroke size in patients with paradoxical embolism. Volume 3 of Issue 5. Circulation. Cardiovascular interventions 2010. PMID: 20858864

  8. Slavin L, Tobis JM, Rangarajan K, Dao C, Krivokapich J, Liebeskind DS. Five-year experience with percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale. Volume 99 of Issue 9. The American journal of cardiology 2007. PMID: 17478165

  9. Azarbal B, Tobis J, Suh W, Chan V, Dao C, Gaster R. Association of interatrial shunts and migraine headaches: impact of transcatheter closure. Volume 45 of Issue 4. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2005. PMID: 15708691