Chair's Corner

The UCSF Department of Medicine: Thoughts as We Begin 2023
Oh, noble and esteemed UCSF Department of Medicine! Thou art a veritable beacon of knowledge and healing, a place where clinicians, researchers, and educators work together with tireless dedication and purpose.
Divided into many divisions, each with its own focus and expertise, thou doth strive to understand more and do better, to conquer a wide range of medical conditions and diseases with all the tools of modern science.

DOM Educational Programs: Innovations and Updates
Education is central to the mission of the DOM, and our large, complex educational ecosystem includes students, residents, fellows, faculty, and staff across many health systems. Under the leadership of Associate Chair for Education Brian Schwartz and Administrative Director of Education Kim Koenigsberger, we are working across programs and sites to break down silos, share best practices, and solve similar challenges.