Medicine Grand Rounds: Sarah Schaeffer, MD, Katherine Julian, MD, & Katherine Lupton, MD
Implementing Holistic Review in Residency Selection: A Mission-Driven Approach to Enhancing Diversity
Sarah Schaeffer, MD is an Assistant Professor of Medicine and a hospitalist at UCSF Medical Center. She is a graduate of New York University School of Medicine and completed her internal medicine residency and chief residency at UCSF. Dr. Schaeffer was then recruited to faculty in the Division of Hospital Medicine at UCSF Medical Center in 2015 where she was a recipient of the UCSF Dean’s Diversity Fund - John A. Watson Faculty Scholar award, focusing on enhancing diversity and equity practices in graduate medical education. Since joining the department, Dr. Schaeffer has served as the Director of the DOM's Residency Diversity Committee, the Director of Graduate Medical Education Diversity for the DOM, and in 2018 was selected as an Assistant Program Director for the Internal Medicine residency. In these roles, she has led a robust effort within the residency program to enhance the recruitment and retention of diverse trainees. Within the Department of Medicine, Dr. Schaeffer conducts seminars for residents, faculty mentors, and intern and fellowship selection committee members on topics of unconscious bias, microaggressions, stereotype threat, and mentoring across differences. In 2018, Dr. Schaeffer joined UCSF's HRSA grant-funded team in establishing a Latinx Center of Excellence at UCSF, where she co-leads medical student and resident development programs.
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Add to Calendar2020-12-10 20:00:002020-12-10 21:00:00Medicine Grand Rounds: Sarah Schaeffer, MD, Katherine Julian, MD, & Katherine Lupton, MD
Sarah Schaeffer, MD is an Assistant Professor of Medicine and a hospitalist at UCSF Medical Center. She is a graduate of New York University School of Medicine and completed her internal medicine residency and chief residency at UCSF. Dr. Schaeffer was then recruited to faculty in the Division of Hospital Medicine at UCSF Medical Center in 2015 where she was a recipient of the UCSF Dean’s Diversity Fund - John A. Watson Faculty Scholar award, focusing on enhancing diversity and equity practices in graduate medical education. Since joining the department, Dr. Schaeffer has served as the Director of the DOM's Residency Diversity Committee, the Director of Graduate Medical Education Diversity for the DOM, and in 2018 was selected as an Assistant Program Director for the Internal Medicine residency. In these roles, she has led a robust effort within the residency program to enhance the recruitment and retention of diverse trainees. Within the Department of Medicine, Dr. Schaeffer conducts seminars for residents, faculty mentors, and intern and fellowship selection committee members on topics of unconscious bias, microaggressions, stereotype threat, and mentoring across differences. In 2018, Dr. Schaeffer joined UCSF's HRSA grant-funded team in establishing a Latinx Center of Excellence at UCSF, where she co-leads medical student and resident development programs.
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