Rebecca Plevin, MD

Assistant Professor in Res

2019 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training, University of California
2017 - Surgical Critical Care, University of California
2016 - General Surgery Residency, University of Washington
MD, 2009 - , University of Southern California
BA, 2004 - Molecular & Cellular Biology, University of California
  1. Silver CM, Thomas AC, Reddy S, Kirkendoll S, Nathens AB, Issa N, Patel PP, Plevin RE, Kanzaria HK, Stey AM. Morbidity and Length of Stay After Injury Among People Experiencing Homelessness in North America. Volume 7 of Issue 2. JAMA network open 2024. PMID: 38416488

  2. Benjamin T, Stanford-Moore G, Targ S, Hills NK, Park AM, Knott PD, Plevin R, Seth R. Assessing the Prevalence of Craniomaxillofacial Injuries Among Helmeted and Unhelmeted Electric Scooter Users. Facial plastic surgery & aesthetic medicine 2024. PMID: 38237130

  3. Silver CM, Thomas AC, Reddy S, Sullivan GA, Plevin RE, Kanzaria HK, Stey AM. Injury Patterns and Hospital Admission After Trauma Among People Experiencing Homelessness. Volume 6 of Issue 6. JAMA network open 2023. PMID: 37382955

  4. Silver CM, Visenio MR, Thomas AC, Reddy S, Raven MC, Kanzaria HK, Plevin RE, Stey AM. Hospital variability in adoption of alcohol and drug screening in adult trauma patients. Volume 94 of Issue 5. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery 2023. PMID: 36801898

  5. Soltani S, Schwarcz L, Morris D, Plevin R, Dicker R, Juillard C, Nwabuo A, Wier M. What is counted counts: An innovative linkage of police, hospital, and spatial data for transportation injury prevention. Volume 83. Journal of safety research 2022. PMID: 36481027

  6. Boeck MA, Wei W, Robles AJ, Nwabuo AI, Plevin RE, Juillard CJ, Bibbins-Domingo K, Hubbard A, Dicker RA. Structural Violence Trap: Disparity in Homicide, Chronic Disease Death, and Social Factors across San Francisco Neighborhoods. 2021. PMID: 34662736

  7. Matthay ZA, Kornblith AE, Matthay EC, Sedaghati M, Peterson S, Boeck M, Bongiovanni T, Campbell A, Chalwell L, Colwell C, Farrell MS, Kim WC, Knudson MM, Mackersie R, Li L, Nunez-Garcia B, Langness S, Plevin RE, Sammann A, Tesoriero R, Stein DM, Kornblith LZ. The DISTANCE study: Determining the impact of social distancing on trauma epidemiology during the COVID-19 epidemic-An interrupted time-series analysis. Volume 90 of Issue 4. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery 2021. PMID: 33252457

  8. Presser M, Nwabuo A, Soltani S, Morris D, Wier M, Plevin RE. Roadway features associated with elderly drivers in motor vehicle crashes. Volume 90 of Issue 2. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery 2021. PMID: 33264265

  9. Patel D, Sarlati S, Martin-Tuite P, Feler J, Chehab L, Texada M, Marquez R, Orellana FJ, Henderson TL, Nwabuo A, Plevin R, Dicker RA, Juillard C, Sammann A. Designing an Information and Communications Technology Tool With and for Victims of Violence and Their Case Managers in San Francisco: Human-Centered Design Study. Volume 8 of Issue 8. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2020. PMID: 32831179

  10. Cohan CM, Beattie G, Bowman JA, Galante JM, Kwok AM, Dirks RC, Kornblith LZ, Plevin R, Browder TD, Victorino GP. Repeat computed tomography head scan is not indicated in trauma patients taking novel anticoagulation: A multicenter study. Volume 89 of Issue 2. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery 2020. PMID: 32332255

  11. Decker HC, Hubner G, Nwabuo A, Johnson L, Texada M, Marquez R, Orellana J, Henderson T, Dicker R, Plevin RE, Juillard C. "You don't want anyone who hasn't been through anything telling you what to do, because how do they know?": Qualitative analysis of case managers in a hospital-based violence intervention program. Volume 15 of Issue 6. PloS one 2020. PMID: 32579607

  12. Callcut RA, Robles AM, Kornblith LZ, Plevin RE, Mell MW. Effect of mass shootings on gun sales-A 20-year perspective. Volume 87 of Issue 3. The journal of trauma and acute care surgery 2019. PMID: 31162332

  13. Plevin R, Callcut R. Update in sepsis guidelines: what is really new? Volume 2 of Issue 1. Trauma surgery & acute care open 2017. PMID: 29766091

  14. Christman-Skieller C, McIntyre LK, Plevin R, Friedrich JB, Smith DG. A Posterolateral Approach to the Scapula for Evacuation of a Subscapular Abscess: A Case Report. Volume 7 of Issue 3. JBJS case connector 2017. PMID: 29252887

  15. Plevin RE, Kaufman R, Fraade-Blanar L, Bulger EM. Evaluating the Potential Benefits of Advanced Automatic Crash Notification. Volume 32 of Issue 2. Prehospital and disaster medicine 2017. PMID: 28137341

  16. Plevin RE, Knoll M, McKay M, Arbabi S, Cuschieri J. The Role of Lipopolysaccharide Structure in Monocyte Activation and Cytokine Secretion. Volume 45 of Issue 1. Shock (Augusta, Ga.) 2016. PMID: 26674452

  17. Plevin RE, Evans HL. Helicopter transport: help or hindrance? Volume 17 of Issue 6. Current opinion in critical care 2011. PMID: 21986460