
Department of Medicine faculty members published more than 3,000 peer-reviewed articles in 2022.

The Lancet. Infectious diseases


Authors: Peluso MJ, Swank ZN, Goldberg SA, Lu S, Dalhuisen T, Borberg E, Senussi Y, Luna MA, Chang Song C, Clark A, Zamora A, Lew M, Viswanathan B, Huang B, Anglin K, Hoh R, Hsue PY, Durstenfeld MS, Spinelli MA, Glidden DV, Henrich TJ, Kelly JD, Deeks SG, Walt DR, Martin JN

Journal of hospital medicine


Authors: Santhosh L

Birth (Berkeley, Calif.)


Authors: Thompson-Lastad A, Harrison JM, Taiwo TK, Williams C, Parimi M, Wilborn B, Chao MT



Authors: Archer H, McCoy SI, Sears D, Kwan A, Kuersten M, Lewnard JA, Bertozzi SM

American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation


Authors: Plantinga LC, Concepcion DB, Chapman SA, Morgan JC, Rickenbach F, Douglas-Ajayi C, Tuot DS, Jaar BG, Urbanski M

Heart rhythm


Authors: Tzeis S, Gerstenfeld EP, Kalman J, Saad E, Shamloo AS, Andrade JG, Barbhaiya CR, Baykaner T, Boveda S, Calkins H, Chan NY, Chen M, Chen SA, Dagres N, Damiano RJ, De Potter T, Deisenhofer I, Derval N, Di Biase L, Duytschaever M, Dyrda K, Hindricks G, Hocini M, Kim YH, la Meir M, Merino JL, Michaud GF, Natale A, Nault I, Nava S, Nitta T, O'Neill M, Pak HN, Piccini JP, Pürerfellner H, Reichlin T, Saenz LC, Sanders P, Schilling R, Schmidt B, Supple GE, Thomas KL, Tondo C, Verma A, Wan EY

Diabetes research and clinical practice


Authors: Barmanray RD, Kyi M, Rayman G, Rushakoff R, Newland-Jones P, Fourlanos S

Global Surgical Education - Journal of the Association for Surgical Education


Authors: Nina W. Zhao, Lindsey M. Haddock, Bridget C. O’Brien

BMC medical education


Authors: McGourty CA, Castillo F, Donzelli G, Keenan BP, Gilbreth M, Santhosh L